HELP.... are my girls OK?


Hi all,

lately I have seen many of the plant leaves turn into yellow.
I have attached some pictures and a link where many other pics are availble.
this is my first grow and I am a bit in panic!!! please advise... any comment will be appreciated

I am now in day 40/26th day of flowering



Well-Known Member
Thats issue is pretty obvious. If you cannot research and figure that one out you may as well find a new hobby.....


Thats issue is pretty obvious. If you cannot research and figure that one out you may as well find a new hobby.....
As I stated, this is my first grow... so forgive me for looking for a fast response from you more experienced members. I was looking for an advise and possible solution, not a preaching.

I have looked around, but the term yellow leaves ends up with numerous reasons and how would I know which one is the cause? overfeeding/heat/N defiencey/ Natural process during flowering... and many more.

so I ask again... please advise


Well-Known Member
Because the plants are in the flower stage they are pulling the energy from your fan leafs. This happens but usually a bit later into flower. I would buy some decent nutes and mix a little grow with half strength bloom. I would also advise flushing before doing this. Can't really tell but it looks like your new growth is ok, so nothing major


I have no brown spots.... so a deficiency sounds a bit strange....

Because the plants are in the flower stage they are pulling the energy from your fan leafs. This happens but usually a bit later into flower. I would buy some decent nutes and mix a little grow with half strength bloom. I would also advise flushing before doing this. Can't really tell but it looks like your new growth is ok, so nothing major
top of the plant is indeed more green... I will try to upload better pictures later on of all my 3 plants (be aware that some of the leaves are deformed due to what I think is TMV).
so if this is just because the plant is sucking all the nutes from the leaves, I am OK with that... its just that I am only 1/2 way through the flowering period and usually yellowing starts a bit later (at least from what I have read).


Well-Known Member
I would advise only changing one variable at a time so you know what worked to solve the problem. My plants are 6 weeks into flower and I have yellowing leafs, but I don't worry or try to fix it anymore. Learned that if you fuss too much you do more damage than good. Try flushing your plants and introduce a little bit of grow(to keep N up)and also your bloom. I would also advise in investing in some sort of boost.


Well-Known Member
Please stop with the Mis-leading Thread Titles, I came here Thinking Charlie Sheen has women problems.. ugh ppl these days.


Active Member
Looks like N deficiency, which makes some sense if your only using bloom nutes. I'd get some veg nutes with nitrogen and add a LIGHT DOSE to your feeding next time. Don't use full strength, I always start at 1/4 then 1/2.


Well-Known Member
I use biobizz Bloom and would advise using the Biobizz Fish mix with it, provides all of you micro nutrients but also provides enough Nitrogen for you plants which that is what you lacking.


Since during flowering, the plant focuses on the flower and not on the growth, what can be the impact of loosing all the fan leaves?
after all I have also heard of some ppl that actually remove all fan leaves during flowering. Just wondering how big of an issue this is? can this kill my plant?


Well-Known Member
top of the plant is indeed more green... I will try to upload better pictures later on of all my 3 plants (be aware that some of the leaves are deformed due to what I think is TMV).
so if this is just because the plant is sucking all the nutes from the leaves, I am OK with that... its just that I am only 1/2 way through the flowering period and usually yellowing starts a bit later (at least from what I have read).
I have the same exact problem. I am worried, what will happen if the whole plant dies before it's done flowering? The top is very healthy. I've been giving nutes, maybe I overdid it? I don't think it's deficient though, if anything it may need Mg I was thinking? I don't know lol, sorry had a smoke and i am trying to diagnose this problem. I looked all over the net but I haven't found an exact answer. I definitely think it's that it's pulling nutrients from the lower leaves but it's too soon for that so what do we do? I was thinking about stopping everything as billy said.


Well-Known Member
Yours is different from mine because they are yellowing from the outside of the leaf to the inside. Mine are just turning yellow gradually, the whole leaf changes.

Green Growbot

Active Member
Hi all,

lately I have seen many of the plant leaves turn into yellow.
I have attached some pictures and a link where many other pics are availble.
this is my first grow and I am a bit in panic!!! please advise... any comment will be appreciated

I am now in day 40/26th day of flowering

Ok im no help to your problem because I have a set of my own (posted in plant problems AND newbie) but I wanna know how you kept them so short and they are still blooming? Mine is taller than that and its a LONG ways from flowering.( Maybe a month if I can keep her alive) And the other question is what size pot (bucket) do you have that in and where did you get it?


Ok im no help to your problem because I have a set of my own (posted in plant problems AND newbie) but I wanna know how you kept them so short and they are still blooming? Mine is taller than that and its a LONG ways from flowering.( Maybe a month if I can keep her alive) And the other question is what size pot (bucket) do you have that in and where did you get it?
this is a bit off topic, this thread is more about problems... ;), just ask in the thread where I report my progress with the girl (

Btw, I have started adding today some bio-grow... it has some more N in it, so I hope that will solve the issue (i'll keep you all updated)