Best way to know exactly when to collect pollen is to closely watch a pollen sac as it matures.
It will swell and turn yellowish just before it opens and drops the pollen, if you watch one go all the way and open you will know what it looks like just before it opens ... that is when you collect the balls.
Drop them in a small jar and close the jar with a bit of toiley paper held over the opening with a spasic band - this allows the pollen sacs to dry out and not go mouldy.
After a few days you should have plenty of pollen to apply to your girlz.
If you have the male far far away from the girlz, then if you keep it in a place with zero breezes or disturbances, you can wait for the pollen sacs to open and then collect the opened sacs, some pollen may have dropped but you should still get plenty that hasn't.