Spider Mite and Gnat Problems Need Help

sean Cox

I am using neem oil with dish soap and also i have tried to use a product called aza-max. nothing seems to keep the mites and gnats in check. wondering if there is something I'm missing? i am using ebb and flow tables with 27 gallon res. tried using spray and using in res nothing will work for more than a day or two. any suggestions are appreciated...
i am using neem oil with dish soap and aslo i have tried to use a product called aza-max. nothing seems to keep the mites and gnats in check. wondering if there is something im missing? i am using ebb and flow tables with 27 gallon res. tried using spray and using in res nothing will work for more than a day or two. any suggestions are appreciated...

There is a product called Gognats that is used for fungus gnats. It contains cedar oil and is non toxic, it takes a couple of weeks but works very well. Gognats drives the adults away so they stop laying their eggs in your hydroton.

For mites the only thing that I have found that works consistently is Safers Insecticidal Soap. Safers is not a poison so they do not develop immunity to it, what it does is clog up their breathing which suffocates them. You spray it on the bottom side of your leaves every few days, then once a week for a couple of weeks. You also have to get the room hospital clean and spray the floor and walls and wipe everything down with bleach water which kills dormant mites and eggs. Do NOT get bleach water on your plants. When I get a mite infestation I go so far as to paint the growroom. If you have house plants you must also treat your house plants otherwise you will just keep reinfecting your growroom.
Beneficial Nematodes, also called Predatory Nematodes....

I've used Azamax before and Neem Oil, but they worked for me. At what rates are you using Azamax and how are you applying it? Systemic? Foliar?

I've also used Ed Rosenthal's Zero Tolerance with success.
if you're not flowering, just pesticide them with strong chemical, if you're flowering, well you could try something organic, or wait till harvest and nuke the damn room once and for all. it is very important to kill all the mites and not just control them as they develop immunity to any pesticide quickly. eradication is necessary with mites. gnats are easy, gnatrol in res or h2o2 if you're hydro, and clean all decaying leaves and wet surfaces
i use this great organic stuff i call deathjuice i found it on the net..1 habenero 1or2 bulbs garlic 2tbl spoons olive oil put in blender for a bit then ad water.blend somemore strain with cheesecloth then into sprayer and apply..reapply in 1 wek 4 eggs
azamax and azatrol have diferent levels of streanth on the feeding direction. use both spray and water mixes
it take time sometimes weeks. ive never seen these not distroy mites/thrips/gnats
WTF is it with people and wanting to use pesticides on plants when there is no need for it.

A simple quick and easy solution to spider mites costs as little as a cup of coffee.

Get hold of a bunch of chilli's and soak them in distilled water over night (cut the ends off them to allow water to seep inside).
Get a spray bottle and pour the soaked chilli water in a spray bottle and put a little bit of dish washing detergent in the water and add plenty of crushed garlic.
Give the spray bottle a nice little shake and you have yourself a cheap natural alternative that spidermites DISLIKE with a passion :D

Garlic and Chilli's are natural best deterents. If your growing outdoors then try grow some Garlic around them. this will help keep pests away. Alternatively keep some freshly cut hanging around the tree. The odour is something most pests can't stand.

When was the last time you ever saw worm holes or spider mites eating a Chilli or a Garlic ;)

There are some natural products available with these components already pre-made of which also work great. The benefit of this mixture is that it can be sprayed on stems, buds, leaves(both sides) and won't harm the plant in any way shape or form.

Give it a shot
Hey Hooch...good idea on the home made approach. But how is what you're making not considered a pesticide? Because its organic?


In all, if you're looking to save a buck...making your own pesticide is a good option. If you compare home made pesticide to a store bought organic one, like one containing Pyrethrum, then you are more likely to have to apply the home made pesticide more often.

In my opinion...while the cup of coffee is cheap.... Pyrethrum isn't all that expensive and there are an abundance of suppliers who provide it in multiple forms (foggers, sprays, etc).

I'd say if you have an infestation, go with what is proven to work and look towards industry standards for solutions rather than home made ones...if you have time to experiment and soak your favorite peppers in water, then great go do that because I'm sure its a valid approach.

Peace love and ganja

-interesting link related to this thread