Shum Harak is a great product but expensive to my taste.
Don't spray it on the buds, it can cause mold and the smell could last if it catches inside.
As your growing outdoor don't go out and about because of a few tiny insects.
The best way I know to get rid of pests is to give the plant at least 15% compost in the medium, mulch the pot with at least 1" of something (I use coco) and make sure its healthy.
Healthy plants don't attract many pests and can usually take care of the few that still bugs them.
Indoor I use ladybugs to eat those pests. I still got quite a few but they don't do any noticable damage so I don't bother with killing them. Yet.
Anyhow, when you spray your plants always make sure theres ample air flow. If not, get a fan to blow directly on the plants for an hour.