I'm good with that, I found Rush's shilling for government motors especially annoying. However I suspect your offer is empty. I believe you would scream bloody murder if the government was sponsoring an obviously right wing program with your tax dollars without a counter balanced program.
I do have an out on that.. Rush makes multi millions a year and if he was working for Public Broadcasting I'd say he would make under $200,000 a year.
I assume any publicly funded media would not feature just Rush so he would also have to accept that he gets maybe 1 hour a day.
So actually if Rush is willing to be bound by what rules Public Broadcasting is then I'd be interested in hearing him on NPR.
And once I pay my taxes the money becomes ours not mine.
So yeah if Rush would I'd support it. It would send an excellent message that the wealthy are willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the world, to me anyway.
I don't think we will see it.
I remember a quote and I thought it was Mark Twain but it turns out to be Karl Marx.
Who said 'The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs'?
So yeah if rush was willing to get down to the level of the worker I'd be okay with a show on NPR