What Would Happen If Aliens Were Proven To Exist?

What if you let ur mind "expand" to the possibility of COMBINING RELIGION and SCIENCE, this is all new to me, but I'm opening up.....

I prefer not to accept someones wild speculation as fact. Supporters of this junk begin with the ancient astronaut assumption and then force all data to fit the idea. Sure you can always speculate about this stuff, but this is just ridiculous. I approached it with an open mind, but when I started to do a little research into it I realized that it's nothing but junk.
I prefer not to accept someones wild speculation as fact. Supporters of this junk begin with the ancient astronaut assumption and then force all data to fit the idea. Sure you can always speculate about this stuff, but this is just ridiculous. I approached it with an open mind, but when I started to do a little research into it I realized that it's nothing but junk.

but theirs so much unknown in this massive universe.. and as for the giant pictures of animals in the desert it has been said that those could very well have been some sort of penance walking along those lines but the fact is there so massive that the only way to see them is to be in the air and what about a map found from early times when Antarctica still had no ice on it and it correctly shows islands that were not even found at that time and the exactness of the map historians have super imposed that map onto a current one and it matches up almost perfectly the map has even been carbon dated back to don't quote me on this but 200bc
I'm eagerly awaiting the day when all this fucking incontrovertible science smashes head first into the realms of the spiritual. and it's coming, trust me. They're at the point of creating the first human generated singularity. this event is what eventually leads to "time travel." What we are perceiving as alien beings are, in fact, time travelling humans, interfering in our development with evil intent. Our government is in collusion with these entities. IGNORE ALIEN ORDERS!!! refuse the mark. Live forever. :)

and for the record, I do NOT give a FUCK who believes me; I know what I know with absolute certainty. this is not a matter of speculation for me in the least. so you can keep your smartass ignorant comments to yourself.
They're at the point of creating the first human generated singularity. this event is what eventually leads to "time travel." What we are perceiving as alien beings are, in fact, time travelling humans, interfering in our development with evil intent. Our government is in collusion with these entities. IGNORE ALIEN ORDERS!!! refuse the mark. Live forever. :)

and for the record, I do NOT give a FUCK who believes me; I know what I know with absolute certainty. this is not a matter of speculation for me in the least. so you can keep your smartass ignorant comments to yourself.

roflmao :clap:
Prob. all our resources would be taken is my first guess..

but if not then i think they would have a laugh and maybe some fun. like it seems they've been doing for a while now... sighting's and whatnot.. lol

There has been hundred's of UFO cases that the World's Government's have acknowledged but have no answer for... definately life out there.

To think otherwise when we have this idea of just how large of a scale the universe is is just preposterous and egotistically selfish. lol imho
we have this idea of just how large of a scale the universe is is just preposterous and egotistically selfish. lol imho

It's narcissism to the fullest... Science wants physical evidence, religion wants belief , both have shit THEY can't explain, so take the good with the bad wether u believe in science or religion, good with the bad is the key
It wouldnt really matter either way. for those who always believed and those who thot it wasnt possible, the reality will be the same for both sides. we arent alone in the universe, we are not the most advanced lifeform in the universe..and on and on..it would be more of a humbling, fearful event then anything epiphany-creating...

It would depend HOW we were introduced to this fact that would be the real determining factor as to reaction by the general populous.
theres been some crazy shit on the history channel about aliens and ancient cultures and shit it fucking blew my mind like what if were really a race brought here from some astronaut from thousands and thousands of years ago from some other race way before us and basically seeded the earth or help teach early man things and different cultures like the myans and shit...

I'm eagerly awaiting the day when all this fucking incontrovertible science smashes head first into the realms of the spiritual. and it's coming, trust me. They're at the point of creating the first human generated singularity. this event is what eventually leads to "time travel." What we are perceiving as alien beings are, in fact, time travelling humans, interfering in our development with evil intent. Our government is in collusion with these entities. IGNORE ALIEN ORDERS!!! refuse the mark. Live forever. :)

and for the record, I do NOT give a FUCK who believes me; I know what I know with absolute certainty. this is not a matter of speculation for me in the least. so you can keep your smartass ignorant comments to yourself.

There's considerable evidence toward both conclusions..
ha,,loving this thread,,,

well aliens or not the whole world would unify,either with or with out absolute chaos.....

I see it like South Park dose,,there are ailens but we will be tested as a race by the aliens to see if we a 'worthy' of joining a galatic fedartion,,not to sound all geeky.

When you really think about it,,all the stars,,all the galaxies,,which is alot(there are more stars in the universe than atoms in the solar system,,,) there has to be another place where 'life' could of or still does or will in the future. When I say life I dont mean self aware life I mean like animals on another planet.

The problem with search for life is time. Meaning that there is only so long in the universe that life can exist for,,the stella age,,the age of the stars,,beacuse one day they will be gone,,everything will be,,but also remeber that inter-stella space is so vast that getting to one place may take so long that there may of been life but its now gone...also remeber that we have only travelled 1/10th of the distance around the milky way(thats since the dawn of homosapiens)

so that the problem I see in the search for life,,,we just dont have enough time......
The sooner you find out about us........... the sooner I'll be able to take off this 'Eager Suit' (MiB).............lol
I have no doubt in my mind that aliens exist (if by aliens you mean life on other planets). But in terms of actually encountering any, that's a different question, and the likely hood of it happening I think is quite low. Even if somewhere else has already developed the technology to travel through space, they could be light years away...they could be life in completely different forms which extend beyond our logic capacity meaning we can't even see them 0.0
theres been some crazy shit on the history channel about aliens and ancient cultures and shit it fucking blew my mind like what if were really a race brought here from some astronaut from thousands and thousands of years ago from some other race way before us and basically seeded the earth or help teach early man things and different cultures like the myans and shit...
I'm eagerly awaiting the day when all this fucking incontrovertible science smashes head first into the realms of the spiritual. and it's coming, trust me. They're at the point of creating the first human generated singularity. this event is what eventually leads to "time travel." What we are perceiving as alien beings are, in fact, time travelling humans, interfering in our development with evil intent. Our government is in collusion with these entities. IGNORE ALIEN ORDERS!!! refuse the mark. Live forever.

and for the record, I do NOT give a FUCK who believes me; I know what I know with absolute certainty. this is not a matter of speculation for me in the least. so you can keep your smartass ignorant comments to yourself.
There's considerable evidence toward both conclusions..

You actually believe this statement? It sounds like nothing more than a delusional belief to me. Unless this guy was just joking around which is what I thought he was doing..

There is also much more solid evidence to the contrary of the first quote.
You actually believe this statement? It sounds like nothing more than a delusional belief to me. Unless this guy was just joking around which is what I thought he was doing..

There is also much more solid evidence to the contrary of the first quote.

If he actually believes what he's saying, then yes it sounds like the ramblings of a lunatic. The "evil intent" and conspiracy theory aspects of the post are pretty wacko, but that doesn't change the fact that there have been several recorded events that are attributed to gods or extraterrestrials that, upon further analysis, point to the time traveler theory fairly convincingly.
It wouldnt really matter either way. for those who always believed and those who thot it wasnt possible, the reality will be the same for both sides. we arent alone in the universe, we are not the most advanced lifeform in the universe..and on and on..it would be more of a humbling, fearful event then anything epiphany-creating...

It would depend HOW we were introduced to this fact that would be the real determining factor as to reaction by the general populous.

lol. Actuallly, that's what i keep on hearing from people.. when this topic is brought up that is.

That alllllllll the alien movies in the past fuckin' like 60/70 years or so have just been a plan to get us ready for the Governments of the world to introduce us to the first race of known "aliens".... lol which i found to be an intrersting theory but mehh who-the-shit knows.....
If he actually believes what he's saying, then yes it sounds like the ramblings of a lunatic. The "evil intent" and conspiracy theory aspects of the post are pretty wacko, but that doesn't change the fact that there have been several recorded events that are attributed to gods or extraterrestrials that, upon further analysis, point to the time traveler theory fairly convincingly.
Just because you can make the facts fit your beliefs does not mean that the evidence leads to those conclusions. This is another example of leading with the conclusion and finding things to support it. Typical creationist and pseudoscience ploys.