Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

Kinda flashed mine a worked glass dial on it and a worked glass piece that covers the heating element!!!! And the new wand....oh shit!!
Hey fellas, Just thought I'd drop in and show you guys the new piece I picked up today. A laydown inline tube with 4 tree perc. Hits real smooth I'm loving this thing. :weed:


It came with a bowl too, but it was pretty unspectacular/ basic/ plain/ cheap so it goes in the non use pile...


What no base or stand?! That's wierd! I'm thinking of ordering one like this but with an ice catcher rather then a tree perc. I like the tree perc better but I don't think I'd trade up without a base. How much?
What no base or stand?! That's wierd! I'm thinking of ordering one like this but with an ice catcher rather then a tree perc. I like the tree perc better but I don't think I'd trade up without a base. How much?

Yeah no base stand. It's a laydown tube. It has a little hook on the back for a saxaphone strap so people don't drop it. It's a little weird at first I'll admit, but I like having this tube way better than one with a stand... I never worry about spilling it it's already laying over. Yeah an Ice pinch would be pretty dope in this piece.. although mine doesn't really need it it's got a splash guard above that tree perc that acts as an ice catch too. I just don't like putting ice in it cause it melts too quick fills it up with more water. It was 250 from the local headshop I think it's 7mm glass. Super thick. Hit's are real chuggin too and I just got the water level somewhere workable, I hate the learning curve sometimes....

Yeah no base stand. It's a laydown tube. It has a little hook on the back for a saxaphone strap so people don't drop it. It's a little weird at first I'll admit, but I like having this tube way better than one with a stand... I never worry about spilling it it's already laying over. Yeah an Ice pinch would be pretty dope in this piece.. although mine doesn't really need it it's got a splash guard above that tree perc that acts as an ice catch too. I just don't like putting ice in it cause it melts too quick fills it up with more water. It was 250 from the local headshop I think it's 7mm glass. Super thick. Hit's are real chuggin too and I just got the water level somewhere workable, I hate the learning curve sometimes....


Sweet it's a badass tube! I was saying how I like the tree perc better. Even more now that I know that it works as both.
Have you guys seen the glasstafarian's work on etsy? I really like his custom inline ash catchers. He does some pretty beast looking tubes if anyone is interested also. Just thought I would share.. I was out looking at more glass again (I might have a problem :fire: ) hahaha
Yeah...his shit looks sic......I have a problem too....about 4hrs a day on the computer looking at weed related shit.
No more for you, or no more glass on etsy? Still glass there as of today...

As of the 15th no more glass. All blowers got emails today,I dont know how to link but its in the community section
at etsy. Log on and protest.
Pilgram.....your link isn't working for me.......just chatted with the owner/blower of ElevatedAlchemy on Etsy and he said he had not heard this nor did he receive any email from Etsy stating such thing.....he also stated that if it is true ,that it would fck up his life pretty good if he couldn't sell on Etsy....some bullshit right there can you fk up a mans livelyhood like this?....people feed their families blowing glass and selling online!!!!
Pilgram.....your link isn't working for me.......just chatted with the owner/blower of ElevatedAlchemy on Etsy and he said he had not heard this nor did he receive any email from Etsy stating such thing.....he also stated that if it is true ,that it would fck up his life pretty good if he couldn't sell on Etsy....some bullshit right there can you fk up a mans livelyhood like this?....people feed their families blowing glass and selling online!!!!
its true, go to etsy, go to community, go to forums, then look for the new policy protest... bummer...