Sheen's - Korner - WiNNiNG.!!.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I got two weeks. As if I was the ring leader or something!!! I stayed out of the whole thing because I can see a trainwreck coming as much as the next guy!! Told people to ease up too. That's ALL I did that day. I only had like 5 posts... But they weren't having it.... I got mine in the end. ;) Oh yes did I ever. :D


Well-Known Member
:D RingLeader RingLeader Nananananana.!. Aww But I Thought We Were A TEAM. >:O well, anyway. I was Pwned. Never again shall I Disagree with a Female RIU member. they are protected under the RIU Equallity Act


Well-Known Member
lol im glad I didn't come one when all that shit happened.I know I would of got banned.
Surprisingly enough I only have 1 infraction,should have 2 but 1 got reversed.


Well-Known Member
:D RingLeader RingLeader Nananananana.!. Aww But I Thought We Were A TEAM. >:O well, anyway. I was Pwned. Never again shall I Disagree with a Female RIU member. they are protected under the RIU Equallity Act
yup say one bad thing about a female on here and your cast out and considered gay lol.


Well-Known Member
Yea, that Quote.. .killed it. :D I was given a Warning.. . 5 seconds Later, infraction.. . 13 Seconds Later 2nd infraction.. . 12 seconds later.. a Goodbye Msg from a special someone.


New Member
Yup, noted our team was missing a clutch member, and bam he's there to get banned with the rest of us. Way to take one for the team.

yup say one bad thing about a female on here and your cast out and considered gay lol.

That was a female?


Well-Known Member
I made a smartass remark to some girl, little did I know her Typing Ability, things really have changed since the 1500's .. well long story short, she felt the need to pm a certain man of power.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
My whole Control Panel will be full of infractions by then end of this year, maybe on or two will be justly deserved, and I will accept them duly, but most with be spiteful and incredibly biased and I will contest them every step of the way...


New Member
Just keep in mind it's the internet. Four to ninety times more offensive than saying something to someone in person.


Well-Known Member
Yup, noted our team was missing a clutch member, and bam he's there to get banned with the rest of us. Way to take one for the team.

That was a female?
im pretty sure lol.I think it has tits but I been fooled before.


Well-Known Member
Haha,. I got in more trouble after contesting it. If it wasnt biased, 90% of ALL threads would be closed due to Someones Foul Language or Insult. I like to see myself as Special. :) All EYES on ME


Well-Known Member
somewhat true, but I dont blame myself for being Harsh to another person here who TOOK it UPON themselves to share their opinion on how Lame My Thread is. WiNNiNG. they can go elsewhere with their Family of Trolls.