WaT WoRkS GoOd?


Well-Known Member
wow-really? why? I guess that's why I get weird twitching in my legs when I do blotter paper acid. never happened to me when i did geltabs or liquid cid. why the fuck would someone use a poison as a preservative? seems stupid and cruel.


Well-Known Member
wow-really? why? I guess that's why I get weird twitching in my legs when I do blotter paper acid. never happened to me when i did geltabs or liquid cid. why the fuck would someone use a poison as a preservative? seems stupid and cruel.
Most perservatives are poisons. I don't know if they still use it, might use something a little more safe now?

I read somewhere that strycnine was used as an anestetic a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Ok So anyways, reds i think suck too, the ones i had. They were alright...So anyways yea i think ive read that theres a nuumber of plants you can "trip" off of that contain strycnine.


Well-Known Member
Ok So anyways, reds i think suck too, the ones i had. They were alright...So anyways yea i think ive read that theres a nuumber of plants you can "trip" off of that contain strycnine.

It's called missinformation, kind of like different color X pills contain different chemicals or fuck you up different. Lies, lies I tell you!


color of your pills means jack shit as far as what is in it, and if you get pure mdma, it isnt gonna be in a pill, as it is too soft to press by itself. we used to be able to buy pure, it was kinda pricey, but we put that shit up it capsules....needless to say, about half the city was lovin us