Headband and Chemdog! 600 watt Hps


Well-Known Member
You know what as crazy as this sounds.. I still haven't water'd them since i've transplanted them into these bags.. I have a moister meter that I use everyday to check the soil, plus the finger test and I might finally have to water them tomorrow or friday for sure.. Not sure If i may have over watered when I did my transplant.. I really don't think i did.. I feel like I barley watered them when i did.. And i was having what I thought to be nute burn earlier and did start to flush with just straight ph'd water.. and haven't given them any nutes since. When I transplanted I used the fox farm Ocean Forest mix which i've heard is really high in nutes so I figured i didn't need to feed them at all.. But I still havent watered since they were put into those bags.. Does that seem odd at all? I was actually getting worried about this, but none of my plants are showing any signs that the need water.. No drooping leaves nothing.
The reason I am asking is because I wanted to know how those grow bags hold up while flushing a plant. I never grew in a Grow Bag before and I am trying to get an idea of how good they are. Are they anything like a Smart Pot or just like a container? Do you have to cut holes out the bottom or are they already there? Just trying to learn and expand my knowledge. Your plants are fine, they will let you know when they want to be fed. Keep up the good work.




grow bags are cheaper and allow a little more air to enter the root ball. usually the side of the bag will separate from the root ball and allow air to drop down the sides.


Well-Known Member
The reason I am asking is because I wanted to know how those grow bags hold up while flushing a plant. I never grew in a Grow Bag before and I am trying to get an idea of how good they are. Are they anything like a Smart Pot or just like a container? Do you have to cut holes out the bottom or are they already there? Just trying to learn and expand my knowledge. Your plants are fine, they will let you know when they want to be fed. Keep up the good work.


Yea I really like these bags over plastic containers, but the next time i'll be using the smart pots.. When i was doing some reading about these grow bags.. i for some reason thought that they were like the smart pots.. The smart pots are more meshy and allow way more airflow to the root mass. Supposed to make the roots go everywhere in the pot.. And yes they are pre cut all i did was put some soil in and boom done lol.. They drain real nice too. I would say that these grow bags are better then containers, but not as good as smart pots..


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants. I've got some Headband in flower and it stretched a little more than the average plant. Tons of flower sites though so it ain't all bad. Just thought I'd throw that out there in case you cared. Again, nice plants.


Well-Known Member
aaahhh they're fine!! lookin good too!
Thanks TJP!

Thanks for the input....I am using one smart pot and they are sweet!!!


Anytime BKB glad that I can share some info with everyone on here! and i've only heard great things about those smart pots! So if i stick with soil next go around i'll forsure be using them!

Nice looking plants. I've got some Headband in flower and it stretched a little more than the average plant. Tons of flower sites though so it ain't all bad. Just thought I'd throw that out there in case you cared. Again, nice plants.
Hey whats up fotwanky! Thanks for stopping by! And i've 100% noticed how many sites these plants produce its getting insane lol! I'm not to to worried about height restrictions, because when i build my flower box i plan on making it about 7 feet tall.. But i'm glad you told me cause now i should really get on building my box!

So today was fun! Got to go see Kevin Smith and watch his new movie Red State and i must say it was actually really fucking good! Completely not what i was expecting! And that guy is fucking hilarious!! Anyway i'm off to bed right now, gonna water and feed the ladies tomorrow so i'll throw up some new pics then! Until then peace!

~Buddy J~


Well-Known Member
So quick lil update! Finally feed and watered the ladies last night.. I must say for my first "real" grow i feel like these ladies are healthy as fuck! I'm actually kinda proud of myself! My last few attempts were kinda shitty cause i was never able to watch them properly. Ohh yea i changed the light cycle from 24 hours to 18/6.. I plan to switch them to flower in about 2 weeks. I'm starting to build my flower box and it should be up by this weekend coming up. Once its up i just have to get it wired up and then put up some poly and i'll be ready to go! Here's some pics from today



Well-Known Member
So quick lil update! Finally feed and watered the ladies last night.. I must say for my first "real" grow i feel like these ladies are healthy as fuck! I'm actually kinda proud of myself! My last few attempts were kinda shitty cause i was never able to watch them properly. Ohh yea i changed the light cycle from 24 hours to 18/6.. I plan to switch them to flower in about 2 weeks. I'm starting to build my flower box and it should be up by this weekend coming up. Once its up i just have to get it wired up and then put up some poly and i'll be ready to go! Here's some pics from today

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Looking very nicely, I see some Sup Crop'n thats great for some nice canopy control!!! Keep up the good work.




Well-Known Member
Looking very nicely, I see some Sup Crop'n thats great for some nice canopy control!!! Keep up the good work.



Whats up BKB! Yea i figured i'd give it a go and try some super crop'n never done it before, but i think i did it right =)


Well-Known Member
Holy shit I went to check on the ladies today and the power is out where they are... I have no access to a generator nor do i have the funds to buy one right now. The energy company says that the power should be back on by tomorrow afternoon.. so my question is... being that I was planning on making the switch to 12/12 next weekend can I just switch my lights to 12/12 when the power comes back or can I put them back to beg for the rest of the week and am I just freakin out.. any input on this would greatly calm my nerves down!


Well-Known Member
how long were they in dark? should be ok tp flower lots of people put em in 48 hours of dark before flowering