This is PBS


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing what people are saying about PBS is Less is More.. Ignorance is better than knowledge.


Well-Known Member
1950's.... TV was still in it's infancy, there were like a handful of channels... part of PBS being created was to fill that 'white noise' every channel contained....

i don't think we should 'de-fund' them.... even though they are pretty much sustainable at the moment....


Well-Known Member
PBS isn't and shouldn't be considered a primary source of education....

whether you watch or listen to public broadcasting shouldn't decide whether you are ignorant or not either.....


Well-Known Member
PBS isn't and shouldn't be considered a primary source of education....

whether you watch or listen to public broadcasting shouldn't decide whether you are ignorant or not either.....
That is if you have a choice where you live.

In a world where commercial interests compete with the welfare of the Nation it is important to offer everyone free choice in the source of their information.

I am in favor of public funds for public broadcasting because I am Pro-choice.


Well-Known Member
how can you guarantee that the public broadcasting system is looking out for the well being of people, and not spewing the same hogwash as FNC or MSNBC???

public broadcasts have been known to spread lies and propaganda before......

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
That is if you have a choice where you live.

In a world where commercial interests compete with the welfare of the Nation it is important to offer everyone free choice in the source of their information.

I am in favor of public funds for public broadcasting because I am Pro-choice.
If you favor choice why don't you want people to have the choice to participate or not in the funding of PBS if they don't use it?
It sounds like you favor the "choice" of others funding something you like and they don't? I see how you are asking government to satisfy YOUR needs, but I don't see how those losing their choice are having their needs satisfied...Where is their choice ?


Well-Known Member
It's not MY needs.. It's our societies needs.

If you are advocating not supporting democratic speech what then do you support.

What is your vision for America?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It's not MY needs.. It's our societies needs.

If you are advocating not supporting democratic speech what then do you support.

What is your vision for America?
Society is not a one size fits all, you don't speak for "society" only for yourself, same as me and everyone else.

I advocate free speech. You are free to say what you want and pay for it. I am free to say what I want and pay for it. If you like what I say you are free to support it. If you don't like what I say, you should be free to support something else or nothing.

Apparently you are unaware of tyranny of the majority?


Well-Known Member
It's not MY needs.. It's our societies needs.
there sure do seem to be a lot of folks out there who claim to know what "our society needs". i personally need a short legged red head who has a thing for aging hippies with a slight paunch, but i don't see anyone advocating for that besides me.


Global Moderator
Staff member
there sure do seem to be a lot of folks out there who claim to know what "our society needs". i personally need a short legged red head who has a thing for aging hippies with a slight paunch, but i don't see anyone advocating for that besides me.
Wait, . . . what? :shock:
Is it too late to put in my order?


Global Moderator
Staff member
I don't know if anyone notice while giving their PBS eulogy, but out of their very mouths they said Govt funding wasn't necessary for PBS to thrive.
Big bird will still be around even without us throwing bread crumbs to him. :-P
I suppose I'll give up trying to get a response to this - I've posted it on two of your threads now with nary a bite.
In the age of big government I suppose in some minds we can afford to toss money at entities that don't need/want it, but that's not how my brain works.
Not necessary + Not wanted = Not funded.


Well-Known Member
there sure do seem to be a lot of folks out there who claim to know what "our society needs". i personally need a short legged red head who has a thing for aging hippies with a slight paunch, but i don't see anyone advocating for that besides me.
Well private ownership is seriously compromised in this economy. I have taken to rentals my self or share of cost agreements .. Cost effective :)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Wait, . . . what? :shock:
Is it too late to put in my order?
Nope, not too late...I'll see if I can get a government grant to requisition some of what our "society" needs.

Dear Government,

Please send c/o Rollitup

1) 1 short legged redhead
2) One free "pick whatever turns him on" token for GreatwhiteNorth
3) A grass hut filled with nubile young maidens for Rob Roy

Thank you,

Your Loyal Subject Rob Roy


Well-Known Member
that "loyal subject" bit at the end may have been a bit over the top, but i'm sure it will at least get their attention. do you suppose they'll send her to me ups or will they send her cod? i'll bet they use the usps and she'll arrive all crushed and mangled or simply not arrive at all.


Global Moderator
Staff member
that "loyal subject" bit at the end may have been a bit over the top, but i'm sure it will at least get their attention. do you suppose they'll send her to me ups or will they send her cod? i'll bet they use the usps and she'll arrive all crushed and mangled or simply not arrive at all.
I just received a flat rate box that is leaking.
Hope they took out the insurance.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Have you all seen this?

Order what you want.

Oh and I learned about this company from a show on PBS
Thanks for the exciting link...wise guy.

Gotta love the free market. I ordered 3 of the different hot women ones for me, a specially built redhead for UTI, a gift certificate for GWN.... I asked if I could drop ship something to you, but somebody in their customer service said they had already sent 2 of their male models out last week and wanted to know if that was a mistake or not...then they reminded me to tell you the last ones you sent back had "I love Ernie" tattooed over their butts and don't expect a refund this time if you keep doing that... To each their own...Gotta love freedom. Gotta love technology. :bigjoint: