4 WEEKS Flowering BLUE CHEESE - brown/dry spots, tips curling up and drying


Active Member
I'm 4 weeks into flowering - soil grow - nutes CANNA Flower - leaves are drying up and dying, new and old. Pict included - any ideas...???1.jpg2.jpg4.jpg3.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well theres a number of ideas of what it could be staring with the most probable. Yellowing browing and spotting are typical in late harvest. Your plant simply doesnt need some of its bigger fan leaves during fruiting. It also happens from foliar feeding your plants whne the lights have been on for awhile. Those could just be wet spots burnt into your plant. Also your leaves have dark green centers and fringed outer esdges which is a classic sign of over fertilizing if your not too far into bloom. The first pic actually looked pretty good


Active Member
Thanks for quick response - I am not spraying the plants at all. It could be a salt built up as I never flushed - but on the other hand the plants only get 1/3 strength nutes...


Well-Known Member
And there is your problem.... ignore the previous response, the writer has little to no personal knowledge of yellowing leaves in flower, or they would know that it doesn't look like that and it starts on the bottom and works it's way up. You could have a PH issue, but with only `1/3 of recommended nutes being used, I'm sure it's a deficiency that can be easily take care of with Cal-Mag from Botanicare. You have to act fast or you'll finish the grow with wrecked sun leaves up top, as they won't show any signs of recovery once they get like that, but you can prevent the problem from worsening. I would also start to slowly step up my doses of nutes.

Thanks for quick response - I am not spraying the plants at all. It could be a salt built up as I never flushed - but on the other hand the plants only get 1/3 strength nutes...


Well-Known Member
ignore the previous response, the writer has little to no personal knowledge of yellowing leaves in flower, or they would know that it doesn't look like that and it starts on the bottom and works it's way up. .
Wow thats not condescending at all..
Anyways. the reason I said that was because in your last picture the base of the leaf is dark green with yellowing spots going to the outer edges where it fringes. I didnt know your were using 1/3 nutes at the time, So he is right even though hes got a condescending problem. But this one special because your leaf tips are curling in the second pic which looks like overfertilizing, but its not apparently


Active Member
Yeah, the dryness is all happening at the top of plant and the buds are not really filling up as the should:( . Do you know any good soil ph testers? I kept good eye on ph of water coming in always 6.5 to 6.7... I flushed the worst plant yesterday but she does not looking any better. Can you flush twice or will it drown her? I gave her Epsom salt x 2 week ago for Mg but it made no difference