Fox farm nutes?


Active Member
so my ladies are on the 6th day of flower and i was thinking about using big bloom, tiger bloom and maybe peace of mind bloom. im using FFOF. would this be a sufficient amount of nutes?

001.jpg006.jpg soma seeds nycd


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
so my ladies are on the 6th day of flower and i was thinking about using big bloom, tiger bloom and maybe peace of mind bloom. im using FFOF. would this be a sufficient amount of nutes? soma seeds nycd Thanks!
those look a little spindly. maybe move the lights closer. i always like to use a pk booster in flower. remember ffof is pre-ferted. keep that in mind when feeding.


Active Member
Looking good. Soma's NYCD is pretty amazing. Smells like petrol. In his book, he goes over an amazing method for germination. Simply place the seed in the cup of tap water from the kitchen. Warm. Drop the seeds in the water, if it is floating and not just sticking to the surface tension of the water, it's bad. If it sinks or sinks after being pushed through the surface tension on the water, it's good. The tap root pops out over night. Micro roots don't grow into paper towels and seeds seem to go through minimal stress this way.

I have to ask how long you have had the plant in that soil and how long you have been watering with a nutrient solution?

If you haven't been watering with a nutrient solution yet, then that is great. Foxfarm recommends using "sledge hammer" or "flushing" once a month with their particular nutrients. Might be from the high salt build up. Water is earth's greatest solvent, so you don't have to go buy Sledge Hammer, although it's popular and most fox farm users seem to buy it. (I think it's organic) Makes a great cleaning product for any plastics with salt stains on them. Like old buckets with dried salts all over the sides. Other brands offer similar products like Clearex, Spotless, Florakleen, Royal Flush... But RO water is fine...

Avoid shocking the plant with a dramatic change in nutrients. Gently ween the weed on the new nutrients. Run with half the recommmended ammount when first introducing it to the plant. Don't want to over feed anyways, who knows how much nutrients are currently available in the soil right now.

Plant metabolism can increase with practically every variable. If the soil says it lasts a few months, that might not apply when temperatures have been too warm for the plant. So you have a beautiful healthy lime green plant. Better to be underfed than over fed.

If you do develop any problems, just flush and re-feed lightly. I'm pretty sure foxfarm has a decent chart on their website.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Soma's NYCD is pretty amazing. Smells like petrol. In his book, he goes over an amazing method for germination. Simply place the seed in the cup of tap water from the kitchen. Warm. Drop the seeds in the water, if it is floating and not just sticking to the surface tension of the water, it's bad. If it sinks or sinks after being pushed through the surface tension on the water, it's good. The tap root pops out over night. Micro roots don't grow into paper towels and seeds seem to go through minimal stress this way.

I have to ask how long you have had the plant in that soil and how long you have been watering with a nutrient solution?

If you haven't been watering with a nutrient solution yet, then that is great. Foxfarm recommends using "sledge hammer" or "flushing" once a month with their particular nutrients. Might be from the high salt build up. Water is earth's greatest solvent, so you don't have to go buy Sledge Hammer, although it's popular and most fox farm users seem to buy it. (I think it's organic) Makes a great cleaning product for any plastics with salt stains on them. Like old buckets with dried salts all over the sides. Other brands offer similar products like Clearex, Spotless, Florakleen, Royal Flush... But RO water is fine...

Avoid shocking the plant with a dramatic change in nutrients. Gently ween the weed on the new nutrients. Run with half the recommmended ammount when first introducing it to the plant. Don't want to over feed anyways, who knows how much nutrients are currently available in the soil right now.

Plant metabolism can increase with practically every variable. If the soil says it lasts a few months, that might not apply when temperatures have been too warm for the plant. So you have a beautiful healthy lime green plant. Better to be underfed than over fed.

If you do develop any problems, just flush and re-feed lightly. I'm pretty sure foxfarm has a decent chart on their website.
Thanks for the good info Closet Safe I agree with you completely on practically everything you just posted and will give you rep for the great answer to this fellow growers questions. I just ordered big bloom, and tiger bloom from amazon, and I cant wait for them to get here even though I wont be flowering for 3 weeks right now Im using Dutchmasters gold range Grow A, and B and Dutchmaster Silica. I will make flip to 12/12 and give veg nutes 1 more time before the plants show sex to promote bud sites then flush the veg nutes out and feed bloom nutes at 1/4 strength a few days after flush when the soil dries, and go to 1/2 strenth after two plain waterings, then to full strength if full strength is to much flush it out let it dry and give 3/4 strength until two weeks before harvest note that some plants cant handle 3/4 strength or even half strength so when you start a new nutrient just keep a close eye out for a few days after for any signs of nutrients stress, I start feeding botanicare sweet grape carbo loader to fatten buds then quit the sweet grape 3 days before harvest since its organic it doesnt need flush and it makes flavor, aroma, and trichomes increase is what I have learned so far. Hope this helps some I havent used these fox farms yet but this is how I start all nutrients with all plants and have never had a problem. Good luck happy growing.


Active Member
Looking good. Soma's NYCD is pretty amazing. Smells like petrol. In his book, he goes over an amazing method for germination. Simply place the seed in the cup of tap water from the kitchen. Warm. Drop the seeds in the water, if it is floating and not just sticking to the surface tension of the water, it's bad. If it sinks or sinks after being pushed through the surface tension on the water, it's good. The tap root pops out over night. Micro roots don't grow into paper towels and seeds seem to go through minimal stress this way.

I have to ask how long you have had the plant in that soil and how long you have been watering with a nutrient solution?

If you haven't been watering with a nutrient solution yet, then that is great. Foxfarm recommends using "sledge hammer" or "flushing" once a month with their particular nutrients. Might be from the high salt build up. Water is earth's greatest solvent, so you don't have to go buy Sledge Hammer, although it's popular and most fox farm users seem to buy it. (I think it's organic) Makes a great cleaning product for any plastics with salt stains on them. Like old buckets with dried salts all over the sides. Other brands offer similar products like Clearex, Spotless, Florakleen, Royal Flush... But RO water is fine...

Avoid shocking the plant with a dramatic change in nutrients. Gently ween the weed on the new nutrients. Run with half the recommmended ammount when first introducing it to the plant. Don't want to over feed anyways, who knows how much nutrients are currently available in the soil right now.

Plant metabolism can increase with practically every variable. If the soil says it lasts a few months, that might not apply when temperatures have been too warm for the plant. So you have a beautiful healthy lime green plant. Better to be underfed than over fed.

If you do develop any problems, just flush and re-feed lightly. I'm pretty sure foxfarm has a decent chart on their website.
Ive been using straight water since they were planted as clones. I upgraded to 4 gal pots from 1 gal about 2 weeks ago. I figured the new FFOF would give them enough nutes for a few weeks. Thanks for the advice +rep


Active Member
Best advice for you to spend money on at this point, would be some mychorrhizae fungi. Homedepot even carries various brands of the fungus. General Hydroponics has "Subculture M", Botanicare has "MY Guardian", Humboldt has "White Widow", "Great White Shark" is another popular brand of mychorrhizae. Mychorrhizae fungus is Mychorhizae fungus to me. But the symbiotic relationship that the fungus makes with roots is unbelievable untill you see it for yourself.

A little goes a long way. Buy the smallest amount first and use it only twice to treat your pots. Once you have them going and breeding in there, you might be able to get away with not having to apply anymore. Using chlorinated water will kill them and a variety of other variables can kill them, but generally they are one and done. Apply once, and they just keep breeding and fighting bad fungus.

I'm the kind of grower that believes in the good guys. Beneficial bacteria vs anaerobic bacteria, beneficial fungus vs bad fungus, ladybugs vs parasitic eggs (they eat them up)


Active Member
I don't know if I left out Fox Farm's Micro Brew or Kanga Roots for a reason. But Both look very very identical. They have exactly the same micro organisms and the minerals are derived from exactly the same elements.... So buying one or the other seems to be the play. Buying both just seems a little redundant.
Both quarts go for about $20 retail. It's a liquid.

If you have a cal-Mag, i hope you add it first when mixing your nutrient solution together and I recommend adding any micro-organisms to the solution last. Even after the PH up or Down Process, because they shouldn't really effect that ph level.


Well-Known Member
yes, very a gang of walking sticks...if ur gonna run CFL bulbs they have to be extra close, they produce very little heat so 3-4 inches away is better...


Active Member
I run FFOF soil and FF nutes. i run big bloom, and grow big throughout veg, then when I switch to flower i continue big bloom at 3/4 strength, and tiger bloom 1/2 strength for the first two weeks, then I dose 1/4 big bloom, full strength grow big(nitrogen kick), and full strength tiger bloom at the third week in. then after that, I run full strength big bloom, tiger bloom, and beastie bloomz until the final two weeks. (I will add some grow big if plants need nitrogen).. I then flush and dose 1/4 strength beastie bloomz, and finish.


I just switched to Foxfarm nutes, so thanks for all the info. It will help me get started. The official Foxfarm soil feeding schedule says to feed every other watering. I'm getting the impression that everyone is ignoring this and feeding every watering??



Active Member
I just switched to Foxfarm nutes, so thanks for all the info. It will help me get started. The official Foxfarm soil feeding schedule says to feed every other watering. I'm getting the impression that everyone is ignoring this and feeding every watering??

the general rule of thumb for most nutrients are:

Instead of water, I prefer a Micro brew full of micro organisms and sugars/molasses. But off of the feed, so the nutrient salts don't build up. precautionary measures.