False Ripeness


Active Member
Hey guys,

So one of my girls was 50% red pistils 2 weeks ago, and i flushed her and kept giving her water until today. The weird thing is that after i flushed new white pistils started to show up, and now the main cola has less red hairs! some of the calyxes are still swollen and the trichs are mostly clear.

Should start feeding her again? if so, can i go full dosage?


Well-Known Member
It is just a second bloom, dont worry thats good. it depends what day you are on and how long the strain is supposed to go for. I wouldnt feed anymore.


Active Member
It is just a second bloom, dont worry thats good. it depends what day you are on and how long the strain is supposed to go for. I wouldnt feed anymore.
Could you maybe elaborate on that second bloom thing? i dont know the strain because it was an indoor mix from nirvana but the buds are getting bigger... should i still watch the trichs now or wait till the hairs are red again?


Well-Known Member
keep it going til the white pistals slow down producing new ones.. this happend to me at week 6-8 i'm going on week 9 now and they definatley have slowed down i'm choping this weekend.

what its doing is it knows its approaching the end of its life.. its producing new pistals for a last chance to hopefully get pollunated. this is the beginning of it swelling up

what week are you on:?


Active Member
week 9-10... the strain definitely has some sativa in it. Its from nirvana. hope the trichs give me a sign soon cause as far as my exp goes i have at least 2 more weeks of only water ahead of me and that kinda worries me :-/


Well-Known Member
you need to flush everytime you water the last 2 weeks. you're close as heck.. do you have a pic?


same happened to me. i let it go till 13 weeks and still new growth an new with white hairs. but all the leafs died and trich looked good so i chopped.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

So one of my girls was 50% red pistils 2 weeks ago, and i flushed her and kept giving her water until today. The weird thing is that after i flushed new white pistils started to show up, and now the main cola has less red hairs! some of the calyxes are still swollen and the trichs are mostly clear.

Should start feeding her again? if so, can i go full dosage?
You gave your plant zero nutrition for 2 weeks and now you're wondering why you have some odd growth? Don't flush next time and pay attention to the needs of your plants.


Active Member
Could you maybe elaborate on that second bloom thing? i dont know the strain because it was an indoor mix from nirvana but the buds are getting bigger... should i still watch the trichs now or wait till the hairs are red again?
mm..ya your close..this is what i call the plants "2 week push"...2nd bloom..whatever. but as you near the end of flowering, the plant will absorb all the nutes and water from the soil and push it into the buds..procreation at its most seductive! ^_^ nope! i just feed them clean clear water from here on out, once this 2nd push ends, the hairs will redden quickly and you wont have any doubt at all when its time.

im in week 6 right now...juuuuust about to hit that second push! always excites me, because then you really get to see what all your hard work and dilligence will reward you with! ~cheers~

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
mm..ya your close..this is what i call the plants "2 week push"...2nd bloom..whatever. but as you near the end of flowering, the plant will absorb all the nutes and water from the soil and push it into the buds..procreation at its most seductive! ^_^ nope! i just feed them clean clear water from here on out, once this 2nd push ends, the hairs will redden quickly and you wont have any doubt at all when its time.

im in week 6 right now...juuuuust about to hit that second push! always excites me, because then you really get to see what all your hard work and dilligence will reward you with! ~cheers~
+ reps, my brutha


Well-Known Member
Could you maybe elaborate on that second bloom thing? i dont know the strain because it was an indoor mix from nirvana but the buds are getting bigger... should i still watch the trichs now or wait till the hairs are red again?
You should always judge by the trichs mainly.. if your going to watch the pistils and judge by them as to when to harvest.. you should wait until most of them have receded back into the calyx. Yes, receded.. which means the pistils will slowly start to recede back into the calyx's. Not the new young ones (the white ones) but once they start turning dark brown/red (sometimes the colors are different.) they will eventually start to wilt and die off. When you no longer see any new pistil/calyx development.. and see most of the hairs beginning to recede/wilt off... its time to harvest.

good luck.



Active Member
Thanks and +rep guys for all the advice (except the douche critique those pepole are starting to be the majority in some threads).
Will post pics closer to harvest to get a second opinoin... and for now i think ill just keep giving water and follow the trichs... for now all the pistils are still white hope something changes soon when it will ill report back :) thanks again guys i feel way less worried when RIU's got my back! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks and +rep guys for all the advice (except the douche critique .....)

Ok, you just keep on believing there is such a thing as a second push or second flower period within a flower period and that your plants reach a point where they no longer need nutrients and we'll see how well you do. Good luck ;).

Btw, I'd love to see some pics of your plants that apparently don't need any of the 16 essential elements.


Active Member
Its not about what i believe or do not believe, its about how you deliver your information. Im always open to suggestion and am happy to be educated by more experienced growers, but you have not given me anything new to work with. You just come on the post, shoot your ineffectual comment and leave with adding nothing to me or the world. My plant and I are doing very well without you, thank you.
As for pics, i said already that i will post them when im ready. You can read that post when it comes out.


Well-Known Member
Its not about what i believe or do not believe, its about how you deliver your information. Im always open to suggestion and am happy to be educated by more experienced growers, but you have not given me anything new to work with. You just come on the post, shoot your ineffectual comment and leave with adding nothing to me or the world. My plant and I are doing very well without you, thank you.
As for pics, i said already that i will post them when im ready. You can read that post when it comes out.
Well my apologies if my original comment was of no use to you. Please bookmark this page and come back to it in 10 years and tell me what you think then. Good luck in the meantime.


Active Member
You see? nothing you have said on this thread will be useful to anyone, not even your answer. Have a nice life im ending this discussion.


Active Member
I think homebrewer is right sadly shmulster, a dickhead obviously, but a correct one. I think you are just supposing these "facts" such as 2 weeks before a plant is ready it will begin budding all over again - i havent seen any healthy plant do this, in any of the hydroponic nurseries i have picked at. I do not claim to know what causes the "second wind" or whatever you want to call it, but i have experienced it alot. It generally leaves the bud misshapen from new growths shooting out, makes the outer calyxs immature, and always means that by the time the new outer pistils appear ready, the sites closer to the stalk have been ready for at least a week, and are past the "window" for perfect harvest . Usually this only occurs after I have been neglectful or nonchalant about the plants food or environment. I now increase the ec 2 weeks before harvest, and flush for only 2 days with pure water. I use organic nutrients only, coco as my substrate, and if i properly dry and cure for 2 weeks minimum there is no chemical taste and because it has ended its life with the nutrients required for the most productive weeks of the cycle, the bud is denser stickier tastier and perfectly formed than when i used to beleive that you have to flush a plant at that time.
Just my tree fiddy


Well-Known Member
I think homebrewer is right sadly shmulster, a dickhead obviously, but a correct one. I think you are just supposing these "facts" such as 2 weeks before a plant is ready it will begin budding all over again - i havent seen any healthy plant do this, in any of the hydroponic nurseries i have picked at. I do not claim to know what causes the "second wind" or whatever you want to call it, but i have experienced it alot. It generally leaves the bud misshapen from new growths shooting out, makes the outer calyxs immature, and always means that by the time the new outer pistils appear ready, the sites closer to the stalk have been ready for at least a week, and are past the "window" for perfect harvest . Usually this only occurs after I have been neglectful or nonchalant about the plants food or environment. I now increase the ec 2 weeks before harvest, and flush for only 2 days with pure water. I use organic nutrients only, coco as my substrate, and if i properly dry and cure for 2 weeks minimum there is no chemical taste and because it has ended its life with the nutrients required for the most productive weeks of the cycle, the bud is denser stickier tastier and perfectly formed than when i used to beleive that you have to flush a plant at that time.
Just my tree fiddy
I've actually seen week 6 as the 'feeding peak' personally on your standard 9 week strain. Generically speaking, weeks 7-9 are when kiddies burn their plants up because the feeding requirements have lowered and they go the opposite way, or cut out food entirely. Do what works best for you but the take-away is that indoor plants need food at all times to fully develop mass and resin.


Active Member
I think homebrewer is right sadly shmulster, a dickhead obviously, but a correct one. I think you are just supposing these "facts" such as 2 weeks before a plant is ready it will begin budding all over again - i havent seen any healthy plant do this, in any of the hydroponic nurseries i have picked at. I do not claim to know what causes the "second wind" or whatever you want to call it, but i have experienced it alot. It generally leaves the bud misshapen from new growths shooting out, makes the outer calyxs immature, and always means that by the time the new outer pistils appear ready, the sites closer to the stalk have been ready for at least a week, and are past the "window" for perfect harvest . Usually this only occurs after I have been neglectful or nonchalant about the plants food or environment. I now increase the ec 2 weeks before harvest, and flush for only 2 days with pure water. I use organic nutrients only, coco as my substrate, and if i properly dry and cure for 2 weeks minimum there is no chemical taste and because it has ended its life with the nutrients required for the most productive weeks of the cycle, the bud is denser stickier tastier and perfectly formed than when i used to beleive that you have to flush a plant at that time.
Just my tree fiddy
I am growing organic and in soil and i chopped one of my girls without flushing. Ive flushed this one for the sake of experimenting. For next time if i see no difference i will feed until the end. For the next round i might try adding nutes above the recommended level as you have suggested.

So, what do you think i should do with this plant? chop her up now as the inner side is ready? trichs are still mostly clear....


Active Member

Ok, you just keep on believing there is such a thing as a second push or second flower period within a flower period and that your plants reach a point where they no longer need nutrients and we'll see how well you do. Good luck ;).

Btw, I'd love to see some pics of your plants that apparently don't need any of the 16 essential elements.
Like you couldn't have said that in a different tone? You had to come off sounding like you know everything. Maybe you could look up the words Humble and Narcissism.