Idea for you creative types.


RIU Bulldog
Has anyone thought of a way to clean hydroton efficiently? Cause all I can think of is tearing the screen from my screen window and sticking it in a milk crate and spraying the shit out of it with water. Even after wasting all that water, the clay is still dirty so I have to clean it again in smaller batches to get out all the grit. And usually its STILL dirty once it's in the system. It's ridiculous. :wall:
Has anyone thought of a way to clean hydroton efficiently? Cause all I can think of is tearing the screen from my screen window and sticking it in a milk crate and spraying the shit out of it with water. Even after wasting all that water, the clay is still dirty so I have to clean it again in smaller batches to get out all the grit. And usually its STILL dirty once it's in the system. It's ridiculous. :wall:

I use this to clean my hydroton. Its a small portable cement mixer I bought at Home Depot. I also use it to tumble my ice hash. It is a great multitasker. It also mixes


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Hydroton is always going to create dust, or debris when it is agitated. I love the cement mixer idea, I would just add a final soak/rinse with to no agitation.
I use a 5 gallon pot with a net pot under it just shake it and let water run over it gets it pretty clean pretty quick.
hydroton is a pain in the ass and it wastes a ton of water to clean, but once you do its pretty useful. Gonna have to fine an efficient way to clan and make a million lol.