8.8 Magnitude Earthquake just hit off coast of Japan!


Well-Known Member
very real picture........whirlpools a very dangerous..........been in one during a run in the rapids ....not fun....scary shit.........and thie pic CHill is showing is fucking huge whirlpool


Damn, that whirlpool is ridiculous :o Has to be admired though, although devastating, a beautiful piece of nature.


Well-Known Member
Yea I hope not..........but from what has been on the internet they say most time the tsinamie plays out after hawaii

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey guys. We are still under tsunami watch but nothing has happened. and ya, I think the worst is over for hawai'i too, although I don't wanna talk to soon. Thanks to all who were concerned.:hug:


Well-Known Member
