Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
Another tid bit I've come across, this isn't new and some of you may or may not kno this, but I suggest you look into triacontanol is a natural yield booster, found in alphalpha meal and in better form in bee poop. This is also a main ingredient in superthrive. Funny I didn't kno this until now but when I dig my holes in the spring for my outdoor crops I always add alphalpha or alphalpha meal to the soil at the bottom of the hole, its a nitrogen rich natural fertilizer that will get you plants ready.for flowering and by the time fall comes it has broken down and gotten your soil life going crazy by attracting worms. Then you have a solid layer of worm casting full of triacontanol boosting your yields.

I do top feed my plants with AN heavy harvest, big bud , and add piranha and turantula. But the alphalpha can be used alone as a guerilla patch so long as you put it in a few weeks ahead of time. Last year I put it in a week before I planted and it worked great, it was a huge difference from the year before without alphalpha.


Well-Known Member
puffntuff - The phenos leading towards skunk1 in Critical Mass have no odor and yeild alot of jammy tasting buds.

delstele - I have one of those blue tinted BW as well - I cant remember but I think its leafs had a shine to em "reflected the light better" I have a few phenos of BW and yea I already pulled the sativa leaders. Got my chosen male as well.


Well-Known Member
puffntuff - The phenos leading towards skunk1 in Critical Mass have no odor and yeild alot of jammy tasting buds.

delstele - I have one of those blue tinted BW as well - I cant remember but I think its leafs had a shine to em "reflected the light better" I have a few phenos of BW and yea I already pulled the sativa leaders. Got my chosen male as well.
Cool bro glad to hear all is on track for ya.. I need a cut of that CM brother hic if you can spare one bro no hurry. I did not pop any of mine cuz I am running outta room.. LOL
Another tid bit I've come across, this isn't new and some of you may or may not kno this, but I suggest you look into triacontanol is a natural yield booster, found in alphalpha meal and in better form in bee poop. This is also a main ingredient in superthrive. Funny I didn't kno this until now but when I dig my holes in the spring for my outdoor crops I always add alphalpha or alphalpha meal to the soil at the bottom of the hole, its a nitrogen rich natural fertilizer that will get you plants ready.for flowering and by the time fall comes it has broken down and gotten your soil life going crazy by attracting worms. Then you have a solid layer of worm casting full of triacontanol boosting your yields.

I do top feed my plants with AN heavy harvest, big bud , and add piranha and turantula. But the alphalpha can be used alone as a guerilla patch so long as you put it in a few weeks ahead of time. Last year I put it in a week before I planted and it worked great, it was a huge difference from the year before without alphalpha.
kinda thread to yours, but do you outdoor guys give nutes to your girls like an indoor grow?

I cant see mixing 5 gallons and lugging that shit from here to Gods green acre when a nice little stream will do the job just fine.

Granted it is in a soil mix that I have used before but I dont really know what to do when its time for them to start flowering, OR just do nothing and let Mother Nature do her thing.
too much evidence. someone comes walking on a plant, more apt to walk on by, but with jugs hanging close, OR if they find the jugs and not the plant they will search for the plant or give the 5-0 a quick call.
I guess Ill play it by ear and see what works better for me ;-)


Well-Known Member
spraypaint your tools of the trade dark green, or any camo type color for that matter, just don't b cheefin too hard while you stash em or you may never be able to find them again due to the new form of incognitoness !


Well-Known Member
kinda thread to yours, but do you outdoor guys give nutes to your girls like an indoor grow?

I cant see mixing 5 gallons and lugging that shit from here to Gods green acre when a nice little stream will do the job just fine.

Granted it is in a soil mix that I have used before but I dont really know what to do when its time for them to start flowering, OR just do nothing and let Mother Nature do her thing.
heavy harvest from advanced is granules, weigh it out at home in baggies and pack them in, they last for about three weeks on smaller plants, it calls for an lb or 2 for a 10x10 area, i had mine broke down to about 130-160 grams per plant, i use 15 up to 30 grams in potted plants (5 gal buckets), shit works great if you've ever seen marijuana prohbition on youtube by browndirtwarrior its what he uses. but additives like big bud, piranha, tarantula. should be mixed in water first to get the most benifit from them but you can just mix it strait in the soil no problem,

I highly suggest pre-digging holes and back filling them with some peat and perlite, like 33% native soil 33% perlite 33% peat. and dig at least a 2x2x2 ft hole for good results it makes a HUGE difference, even just digging a hole and adding perlite will help alot, dont forget to put some alfalfa meal in there as well, like a pound.

really JOC you get what you put in the harder you work for them, the better they will produce for you, look up KB's medical outdoor grow 2010 *update* on youtube and see the difference.

for flowering heavey harvest comes in spring summer and fall its 3 parts but basicly a 1 part for each part of the growth cycle early clones, veg, and flowering. you can use it alone and it works great, best chem outdoor nutes i know of and I'll never use anything else except all natural organic compost and super soil mixes for organic buds.

oh and number one rule JOC and everyone else YOU PACK IT IN, YOU PACK IT OUT!!!, never leave tools, jugs, cups , garbage, anything..finger prints and foot prints can get you convicted..so jugs and tools, come in and out with you always you want to leave no trace...but if you must leave it, dig a hole in the ground, line it with plastic put the tools/ jugs in, cover it with like 2 2x4's and then ply wood, then dirt and sod if you can. this way if someone steps on it it doesnt break and they just keep walking by.

also if ppl are walking by you shouldnt put a plot there in the first place.. hang some dollar bills in plastic bags from trees in an obvious spot y the grow plot make sure a person woud have to take it down for it to disappear. if its gone your out a dollar and not a crop or in jail.


Well-Known Member
J.O.C. growing outdoors can be a bit labor intensive indeed. Something to think about... If you have many plants in one spot you will have to bring lots of water and trails WILL be made at the end. If you plant a few plants in a spot you will not have to bring as much water thus creating less labor and trails.

J.O.C. - I can haul 6 one gallon jugs whith my hands at one time - it hurts after a while yes. But that is enough water for 3 big yeilders. 3 big plants will and can yeild as much as many smaller plants. I plant no more then 3 in a particular area unless I have help.

equations are simple once they have been worked out in the past.

delstele - I kept the best 4 f-2 phenos of cm moms outta 30 seeds, come make your choice for your clone. lol
I am thinking of 1 -3 plants in every grow spot which is almost 2 acres a plot and Thank God we live on natural springs so I can tap into a spring without going too far into the ground. Granules seem to be the way to go and I will start looking into which kind soon cause all the snow has melted and the ground is getting soggy.
awesome advice, thanks guys!!


Well-Known Member
J.O.C. what all has to go into "tapping" the ground? I do not understand why tapping the ground would be neccesary for 1-3 plants? I do see where tapping the ground would come in handy if you were growing like 10+ plants?. I have good issues with land with alot of natural springs and I have had bad issues with natural springs. - I hope you run into only good, that damn water table thing has got me before!

If I were one of them true life gorilla growers with tons of weight at one spot I would do the tap thing for sure!. But the math cannot support that idea for any of my grows.


whats up, not a first time outdoor grower but first time guerilla grower..in my back yard I used HH spring blend last year in 20 gallon pots of sunshine mix #4, the directions on the package werent very helpful and I ended up burning 4 trainwreck and 4 blue cheese does anyone have experience with these nutes? and would it be better to amend the soil with perlite and peat or just use pro mix? an input would be appriciated


Well-Known Member
bird313 - My input would be to go to your local greenhouse and ask for bags of LC-1 It is made by "Sunshine" goes for $10 a bag.
For every bag of Sunshine LC-1, use a bag of top soil about $5 bucks. Mix those 2 bags and you have a perfect base in which to fetilize as you go along. " making burning no longer an issue" for your soil is neutral and clean - good luck.
i might do 10+ plants depending how this summer goes. but for this year its just 1-3 in a spot, but I havent grow outside and am still kind of leery of it for obvious reasons. But I will give it a shot and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Thanks hic you da man bro..:joint:

@ KSB, Nice info and shots mang thanks for sharing..:weed:

I'm fuckin gettin pumped just picked up a cut of G13 ! Fingers crossed hoping its the real deal....


Well-Known Member
over 90k registered users in michigan, think about if each of them put out 100 plants a piece this year...... everywhere you look, greenery. the air would be more pure as a result. it would be a great way to go green