Ten Worst Countries For Possession Of Cannabis..


bud bootlegger
..so, in the latest issue of skunk there was a great story about what countries have the harshest laws when it comes to our favorite plant.. thought it was pretty interesting, and depressing at the same time, but figured i'd share for those who haven't seen the article..

1. japan.. .o1 g'a punishable by up to 5 years in prison, and hefty fines ranging into the 100's of thousands of $$$..

2... bulgeria.. simple possession will get you 1 to 6 years in prison, along with some fun fines that would probably take a lifetime to pay off..

3.. hong kong.. possession of any kind is punishable by up to 15 years in prison.. may as well change your name to something else, as your not gonna be going home for a long, long time here.. also penalties that run into the tens of thousands of dollars..

4.. saudia arabia.. really, no surprise here..i'm shocked its not much higher tbh.. possession of any amount will get you only six months of jail time in saudia, but i think i'll pass on that trip.. saudi's have also been known to give the death penalty to anyone that find dealing..

5.. signapore.. fun fun in the sun if you want to puff in signapore as simple possession here will get you a $20000 fine and up to 15 years in prison.. selling here is automatic death penalty as well, regardless of weight..

6.. tawain.. tawain has stricter penalties then its mother land of china proper, where simple possession will get you 3 years in prison...

7.. cyprus.. cyprus has a zero tolerance policy towards the ganja, and possession here will net you 8 years in prison.. here comes the good stuff.. if caught smoking weed in cyprus, you can end up in prison for the rest of your lifes boys and girls..

8.. indonesia.. sparking up in indonesia can land you behind bars from 10 to 20 years..

9.. phillipines..well, it seems that the phillipines are coming around to the 21st century a lil with their laxed laws on marijuana, and people found quilty of dealing in the island country will no longer be put to death, but rather spend the rest of their life behind bars.. i think that the death penalty would be less painful truth be told..

10... united arab emirates
and last but not least, and really no surprise from the horror stories that i've heard about the british couple getting arrested for simply kissing on a beach here.. penalties here are doled out for even trace amounts of any weed on your person.. if you happen to step in a pile of weed in and some sticks to your shoe, you could get the lovely penalty of a life of bondage..

so, that's the top ten worst countries to smoke or possess marijuana.. just think about this the next time some cop walks up to your car and wants to bust your balls for smelling weed and you think he's being a prick.. does really make you grateful for what we have, and escpecially those who are fortunate enough to live in a med state..


bud bootlegger
Thank god I only bought Opium when I was in the dens in Singapore but in the 60s
lol.. i was actually thinking of you when i was typing it stoned.. i remembered you saying that you were in signapore.. how the times have changed there though, and not for the better according to the article..


Well-Known Member
singapore isn't just harsh on having or smoking weed, they're harsh on being inhebriated...

get too drunk in public and you might as well rape the president's wife....


Well-Known Member
lol.. i was actually thinking of you when i was typing it stoned.. i remembered you saying that you were in signapore.. how the times have changed there though, and not for the better according to the article..
sounds like it changed alot......the opium dens were right on the main streets....Im sure money exchaged hands with what ever governement official but it was in the open.......go in and mats and bunk beds all over.....you paid.........go lay down and a young guy would bring pipe and tar opium and a needle and cup of hot water and a candle.......would heat the needle up and roll in the tar and wraped it around the needle then stuck it in the pipe and you hit upside down over the flame...then drank the hot water....they said if you didnt you could get the stomach craps...then just lay there and fucking drift..................What was funny was there was this British club type thing and they are the ones told us how to find a den LOL.............from the sounds of it I DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE NOW>...course I dont do O now but I did back then.


bud bootlegger
sounds like it changed alot......the opium dens were right on the main streets....Im sure money exchaged hands with what ever governement official but it was in the open.......go in and mats and bunk beds all over.....you paid.........go lay down and a young guy would bring pipe and tar opium and a needle and cup of hot water and a candle.......would heat the needle up and roll in the tar and wraped it around the needle then stuck it in the pipe and you hit upside down over the flame...then drank the hot water....they said if you didnt you could get the stomach craps...then just lay there and fucking drift..................What was funny was there was this British club type thing and they are the ones told us how to find a den LOL.............from the sounds of it I DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE NOW>...course I dont do O now but I did back then.
nice stoned.. you sure have lived some life, that is for sure, and a lot of the things you've seen an experienced really make me jealous, not all of it mnd you after watching your lil film on vietnam, but a lot of cool shit that you've seen and done in your time, and a lot of them can't be experienced anymore, which is even sadder..


Moderatrix of Journals
the pee police? wtf???? doesn't even sound like fun whatever it may be..
apparently they have/had (i don't know if they still have them) a section of the police force devoted to preventing public urination; hence 'pee police' (i forget what they're called officially).


Well-Known Member
Hell I dont want to take a vacatoin in the USA and Im a Texan LOL, I guess if I traveled now it would be Amsterdam for obvious reason and the Netherlands to hear some of the best metal bands around live...............and England to see a real life queen and see Big Ben if its still there.


bud bootlegger
Hell I dont want to take a vacatoin in the USA and Im a Texan LOL, I guess if I traveled now it would be Amsterdam for obvious reason and the Netherlands to hear some of the best metal bands around live...............and England to see a real life queen and see Big Ben if its still there.
thats funny that you mention metal music and the netherlands.. my uncles son, i guess that would make him my cousin, drrr, anyhoo's, he just moved over there to play drums in some crazy metal band over there.. i take it he's pretty good as he has his own signature series of drum sticks and whatnot, but my uncle is always saying he needs to get a real job..


bud bootlegger
uh, yeah. i gotta admit texas isn't exactly high on the list. (we have alberta for that.) so are you a steer or a queer? lol ;)
lol.. i'm an american and texas scares the shit out of me for some odd reason.. just heard too many tales of corrupt cops and whatnot down there for my liking..


Well-Known Member
I smoked in Indonesia at a place called gill island where police arnt allowed best holiday destination it is so chilled out