Nirvana Bubblelicious Waterfarm Scrog in a Secret Jardin Tent 600 Watts

I only bought 4 pounds of butter because of the price. I may go get a bottle of 151 tomorrow to do some alcohol tincture as well. $5 a lb for butter was a rude awakening. I spent over $300 in last 2 weeks building a garden and raised beds in my yards for plants. Glad I did. Tomatoes go for nearly $5 a lb here as well. I can buy a tomato plant at Lowes that is 4 weeks old and has flowers on it for less than the price of a single tomato. It seemed like a no brainer.

My goal is to use about a 1/4 oz of good bud or sugar leaf trim or pop corn bud per lb of butter and about an oz - 2 oz of leaf per lb depending on trich counts on leaf. Theoretically, I could make about 16 lbs of cannabutter, but I'm not going to, as I'll have more new trim in 7-8 weeks, and so on... so I' always have something going on. None of my patients have been introduced to tinctures yet, but that is going to be changing with all this trim sitting here.

My goal next time is to avoid so much damn leaf. I'm going to get more aggressive on defoliating. I easily had about 15 tops that came out worthless for smoking because they didn't get enough light to form tight buds. I had some tops with stems as thick as 1/4" with crap for bud... I blame that on me... I did a great job of filling screen with veg and I dropped ball in flower. I should have kept taking leaves throughout flowering. Next time I will.
sounds like a good plan. ive been thinking about making some tincture but i wanted to make non alcoholic 1's. so i think im going to try a vegetable glycerine tincture.
I would do all tincture personally, or mostly at least.. You can add drops to any food or drink without ingesting all that butter. Butter hey, to each their own. lol. In your shoes I might do enough butter to bake a huge batch of vanilla bean cookies (then take some of the vanilla bean husks that are left and stick it into a jar of the vanilla kush you're about to grow when you're curing it.. infuse it with a little more UMPH! Works for sugar and coffee grounds, should for weed too. In fact I believe I'm gonna try that with a small batch of my next harvest/purchase and see how it comes out. Mmmm.. Gonna have to go order some of those soon.. lol
It's a lot easier to justify expenses when I can offer back something like brownie bites or candies that are medicinal. I like the idea of a tincture for me, but my patients have expressed desires for edibles, not drops. It was hard enough getting my Dad to allow me to treat his arthritis as it is. One of my other patients prefers sweets because his wife will no longer bake, so I bake him brownies. Another loves the brownies, but says they are too strong. She gave me the idea of individually decorated brownie bites.

So while I agree with you on tincture, I currently have 2 lbs of butter and about a half z of popcorn buds cooking in my crock pot.
can you take some pix and explanations of how you make your cannabutter, candy's, and tinctures? im very interested if your willing you post it.
Damn man, that still looks like a lot of bud to me lol, I'm sure your patients will be more than happy with what you make them, you know what you're doing lol.

Are you still going to post the guide on the water curing? I've been dying to see how that works :)
Hey serapis, Id love to hear more about your tincture recipe i tried making some with everclear. And it didn't come out too well.

So I made a bunch of bubble hash, im hurting right now though I had my tonsils out Wednesday and fuck am in some serious pain.

I just cant wait to heal up so I can smoke. It sucks having all this hash and dank bud and being bored to death and in the most pain I have ever been in and all I have is liquid vicodin I barley even feel.

And I hate opiates.
Hey Serapis nice harvest though. What number harvest is this for you ?

I'm in the same boat as you trying to learn and maximize my yield. I've got a scrog going now with this shit ass skunk and I'm going to see how that goes for now.

But I finally got my seeds in from Nirvana today. I was happy. Wasn't the first set of three I ordered but the second set of the two they would only resend of my choice. But their already in peat pellets to get started.
wow man. vedy nice vedy nice. =) I currently have Nirvana Bubbleicious veggin.. only 2.5 weeks old but theyre growing very quicly. =) im hoping they turn 1/2 as nice as your did. how is the taste/smoke (if youve tried any yet) ive heard sum ppl say they actually can taste a hint of bubblegum.. and then other just say its sweet.. thats it. cant wait to flower mine. ive been wanting to grow this strain for a very very long time. still wanna try sum blackberry as well
Dude, take some of that bubble hash and make you some quick tincture. 1g of hash, 2 oz of 151 or Everclear. Place everclear and hash in a pint sized jar, no top. Set it in a pan of water on the stove top. SLOWLY bring the temperature of the everclear up to 170 degrees. Have a glass of cool water nearby in case you need to quickly cool the bath down, cause once Everclear hits 175 degrees, it's gonna boil, vape, blow. You have to have a candy or deep fryer thermometer. Cook the mixture down to about half the liquid you had when you started, pour cool water in bath and remove pan from heat. The hash should of totally dissolved. It should be stored in a dark glass container, and a dropper should be used to dose.

Hey serapis, Id love to hear more about your tincture recipe i tried making some with everclear. And it didn't come out too well.

So I made a bunch of bubble hash, im hurting right now though I had my tonsils out Wednesday and fuck am in some serious pain.

I just cant wait to heal up so I can smoke. It sucks having all this hash and dank bud and being bored to death and in the most pain I have ever been in and all I have is liquid vicodin I barley even feel.

And I hate opiates.
I don't think it smells or looks anything like bubblegum, but that is just me I guess. It is a sweet tasting smoke however and the buzz is lethargic. Couch Lock heaven. The plant stretches like mad first 2 weeks of flowering. You can go as long as 10 weeks with flowering, if you want to take the time to develop the trichomes and allow the calyxes to fully swell. I've had it ready in 7 weeks in hydro, and 10 weeks in soil. I am currently rooting 5 cuttings from my sole Mom plant for my next grow. I have a mist maker fogger running 24/7 in a 5 gal bucket with 2" inserts cut out of bucket top. I get roots everytime, but trick is to know when to up nutrients in the fogger, or switch over to aeroponics once the roots can take in nutes on their own.

wow man. vedy nice vedy nice. =) I currently have Nirvana Bubbleicious veggin.. only 2.5 weeks old but theyre growing very quicly. =) im hoping they turn 1/2 as nice as your did. how is the taste/smoke (if youve tried any yet) ive heard sum ppl say they actually can taste a hint of bubblegum.. and then other just say its sweet.. thats it. cant wait to flower mine. ive been wanting to grow this strain for a very very long time. still wanna try sum blackberry as well
Dude, take some of that bubble hash and make you some quick tincture. 1g of hash, 2 oz of 151 or Everclear. Place everclear and hash in a pint sized jar, no top. Set it in a pan of water on the stove top. SLOWLY bring the temperature of the everclear up to 170 degrees. Have a glass of cool water nearby in case you need to quickly cool the bath down, cause once Everclear hits 175 degrees, it's gonna boil, vape, blow. You have to have a candy or deep fryer thermometer. Cook the mixture down to about half the liquid you had when you started, pour cool water in bath and remove pan from heat. The hash should of totally dissolved. It should be stored in a dark glass container, and a dropper should be used to dose.

I would but I can barley swallow my own saliva at this point, eating a little cup of yogurt is like a 30min cage fight of pain.

My Dr. kept going on and on about how bad it was going to be, I thought the issues I had with my tonsils in the past would have toughened me up.

No such luck, I have stuff to look forward too though. I just started growing some Magic Mushrooms a month ago and I have a few done, hopefully I get some more and by next Sunday I will be flying off to space.

Talk about hobbies mycology is where its at, even if you dont like magic mushies grow some edibles this is so much fun I definitely caught the mycology bug.
@ Serapis: Congrats on your biggest harvest yet! My buddy just got a White Widow clone so that's the next project. After reading your final conclusions, I told him to not be afraid to be more aggressive with the growth above the screen during flower to allow more light penetration. Now do you think fim or topping is better for SCROG? Last grow he topped the plant when it reached the screen after I had told him to follow Uncle Ben's method for 4 tops which is done when your plant has 5-6 nodes.
great thing about alcohol based tincture is you don't have to swallow.... just apply under and on tongue..
Oh man, imagine taking a full shot.. even a half shot of that in some 151.. I don't even think I could handle that, I ate a 1g brownie once before going to the strip club and I was staring at the ceiling thinking up a grocery list while my favorite dancer was on.

I made some Cannabutter from my sugar leaves and made a batch of brownies today. I used a silicone mold and made brownie bites. I'll be decorating them with chocoloate glazes and stuff tonight. I'll get some pics.... they are going to look sweet.

I also made some mini cup brownies and i ate two about an hour ago... I'm beginning to feel the effects in my face and my shoulders and neck. A big grin is inside wanting to get out and I'm finding stupid shit funny. Hard to believe for two little cup cakes... I simmered the butter for 20 hours and I squeezed the hell out of the mash ball to get every last drop of butter out of it. :) This stuff is actually quite good. The glazes are going to be needed to help mask the taste of weed butter in these baked goods. :)

Oh man, imagine taking a full shot.. even a half shot of that in some 151.. I don't even think I could handle that, I ate a 1g brownie once before going to the strip club and I was staring at the ceiling thinking up a grocery list while my favorite dancer was on.