How to pass A Pee Drug Test!

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New Member
Lol im back the put the piss in ur pants keeps it warm =) not that hard to make another account you know? Yea im know im so brilliant lol


Well-Known Member
My favorite way of passing a piss test is openining your own business. I own a body shop and i pass all my piss tests just fine. I give tests to employees becuase my area has a meth epidemic and all they(tweakers) do is steal, steal and steal. Ever had $20,000 worth of snap on tools disappear overnight, and then a car get stolen, then to find out they were stolen both by methheads. i only deny them a job if they fail the meth test. I just tell them dont get ripped silly at work, and dont let it ruin the quality of your work if they do reef and i dont let them know that i enjoy the herb. People enjoy their privacy and respect, give employees both and they will work with you for a long time.


Well-Known Member
i can't just ask a relative, don't live near any, all my friends smoke, my neighbors are alkies, Home Depots pot test covers booze too, it's actually listed on the front of the test sheet as one of the two tests. the other is natch. pot. just got back from test. pee is crystal clear and no smell (I ain't tasting it, but it looks clear!). hope it works. won't know till Monday. stomach is fried from surjel. it usually messes with my digestive tract for about 2 days (reminds me of my mescaline days. lol) mesc used to always screw up my stomach for like 2 days after imbibing don't do it anymore (got older) just weed now that I'm middle-aged why mess with chems! natural is the way for me.


Well-Known Member
umm lol....where i live.. lol they lol will look... loll you.... pee..... ...luck with that.. loll...

Well the place i work...

is it just me or does he use so many lol???

Smartest way to pass is NOT SMOKE.. its not that hard people... you gotta be pretty weak to not be able to tell your self.. "I will not smoke for 2 days!!!!!"

Then after that.. smoke the biggest J in the world on the roof of ya house :)


Well-Known Member
it takes me a month for weed to pass thru me I schmoke every hour when I'm home, like now. lol
because I smoke so much and for so long (35 yrs.) it takes roughly 1 month for my system to cleanse on its own.
I've tried to pass tests earlier but from experience that is about the length of time I need w/out additives to help.
so qiutting for two days won't do squat for me, but thanks for the input. i wish two ddays was all it took, do you understand how hard it would be for me to quit for a MONTH! My landlord and his wife and his bro in law (who own the house I'm in) are all heavy schmokers! like 3 oz. a weekbetween the three of them not counting my stash of 1/4 oz/week! that's heavy. so I'm always surrounded by it tough to quit when it's literally in front of you in blunts, pipes, roaches, bubblers, etc...!


Well-Known Member
I couldn't be arsed reading all the posts in this thread so if someone has already pointed this out im sorry.

But , for most REAL piss tests , not one where you go into a cubicle and piss in a bottle , but one where people , ( prison officers , police , Army staff ( various reasons lol)) They stand and watch you do it so there is no way you can just pour somoneelses piss into a container.

So that would never work.


Well-Known Member
most urine labs use a thermometer sticker that is stuck to the container that u will piss in not only are you wrong ...but your giving out bad advice to people- the lab tech will wonder why someone who just went tot the bathroom is coming out with cold piss-think about it genious


Well-Known Member
thas why you put the piss in a small leakproof medicine bottle and put it under ya sac to keep the piss warm


Well-Known Member
urine comes out the body at around 95-98 degrees. (i think, dont mock my word just yet)

i do blv if the piss is below 95 degrees, it will cause suspicion and they will fail you and report if you cannot piss again for the test as well as if you refuse, or 'act' like you cant piss again
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