Fan Leafs are all dying!


Well-Known Member
with phosphate defiency plants during flowering, the leaves will turn yellow and or brown or aka burn. lack of phosphorus. when the plant is used to having so much then it is taken away. thats what happens

Brick Top

New Member
bullshit im done ive seen it several times so thats that no more replies. go try it and see what happens then come say sorry. nute burn, heat stress. nute stress all looks the same and happemns in the same area. ok. when a lack of something causes an altercation regardless of how it looks that is a defiencey.

You really need to research facts and learn and if you are unwilling to go to put out that effort at least listen to people who know and learn from them rather that just formulate your own inaccurate beliefs and then spread them. It is people like you that keeps growing sites universities of ignorance because there will always be someone who is foolish enough to believe things people like you say and then they will pass it on to someone else who doesn't know any better.


Well-Known Member
i said i got burns. i never said i over fed it by not feeding. seriously. get some common sense


Well-Known Member
ive seen with my own eyes. no one on here has offered anyhting but attacking me. what is there to listen too. accept bullshit. i have researched it. i have trial n error it ive done it all and i even explained how it happens lack of phosphorus


Well-Known Member
would u just stop digging urself into an even bigger hole of stupidity ignorance and verbal diareah! u said u have nute burn from a plant that is being fed plain water............did u not?...o ok...thats right udid! so y are u now trying to change what u said? u are rediculous and ifact what u have described is not phosphorus def. but infact is nitrogen so u should step bac stop posting bullshit and learn somethi\

Brick Top

New Member
i never once said you can over feed something by not feeding it. i said you can get burns and yellowing and browning from not feeding. you twist what i say to instigate what ever to make your self seem more intelligent by putting me down when in reality it does the opposite. whey do you go on here and create drama. how old are you. shit!
I am unsure if that message was directed at me ... but if it was ... I am 56 years old, I have grown since 1972, that's 39 years in case you are no better at math than growing, and when it comes to growing you don't know your asshole from your ear-hole if you actually believe nutrient burn, damage caused by an overabundance of nutrients, is the very same thing as plant damage caused by deficiencies, a lack of needed nutrients.


Well-Known Member
this is your post!!!!

you can get nute burns from not feeding them too.
try it and see what happens. they burn then yellow. been there before. went out of town and had some one else take care of em. but didnt want them to mees up the nute regiment. so gave em only water. after they got used to having nutes. and thats what happened

so how can u now say u didnt say thawt?


Well-Known Member
I am unsure if that message was directed at me ... but if it was ... I am 56 years old, I have grown since 1972, that's 39 years in case you are no better at math than growing, and when it comes to growing you don't know your asshole from your ear-hole if you actually believe nutrient burn, damage caused by an overabundance of nutrients, is the very same thing as plant damage caused by deficiencies, a lack of needed nutrients.
no that was directed at rastadred. i wasnt insulting you. anything that alters the health is by definition is a deficiency. if you think other wise get a dictionary


Well-Known Member
I am unsure if that message was directed at me ... but if it was ... I am 56 years old, I have grown since 1972, that's 39 years in case you are no better at math than growing, and when it comes to growing you don't know your asshole from your ear-hole if you actually believe nutrient burn, damage caused by an overabundance of nutrients, is the very same thing as plant damage caused by deficiencies, a lack of needed nutrients.
you are retarded look up phosphate deficiency.


Well-Known Member
wtf now u have changed the whole argument hyroot u stated earlier that nute burn can happen in a plant thats not feedin nutes we simply said that was wrong and explained the reason y u are the one that keeps confusing urself by goin on rants and getting hung up on irrelevent shit! the fact that u cant even intellegently debate ur point says alot about u!

u are infact the retarded one becuase phosphate comes out as puple on leaves!
yellowing leaves at the beggining of flowering due to lack of nutes is in fact a nitrogen issue! ireally think u should just stop posting and go take ur own adivice and research!


Well-Known Member
that doesnt say i over fed em by underfeeding em. it says i got burns then yellow by not feeding em. its a fact again look up phosphate deficiency. wow. how stupid are you people. you twist everything around and change the context


Well-Known Member
wtf is wrond with u man!?!? i mean ive tried to be nice but i really feel that u have a mental disability! u clearly stated that u had nute burn from feeding a plant plain water! how the fuck can u misinterprate what u wrote? look bac in the thread its all there u told us that u had nute burn from wen u friend fed it plain water and u fixed it by giving it nutes! wow?!? i just dont get it!


Well-Known Member
wtf now u have changed the whole argument hyroot u stated earlier that nute burn can happen in a plant thats not feedin nutes we simply said that was wrong and explained the reason y u are the one that keeps confusing urself by goin on rants and getting hung up on irrelevent shit! the fact that u cant even intellegently debate ur point says alot about u!

u are infact the retarded one becuase phosphate comes out as puple on leaves!
yellowing leaves at the beggining of flowering due to lack of nutes is in fact a nitrogen issue! ireally think u should just stop posting and go take ur own adivice and research!

no i said when they are used to having nutes then theyu don't have any and only water aka lack of nutes aka no more phosphorus. again quit twisting shit. i just repeat my self over and over and you keep changing what you think im saying. i have said the same thing over and over and you twist what i say into something i never said


Well-Known Member
how have you been nice. you keep instigating and twisting. you keep putting words in my mouth. look up phosporus deficiency. you feed your plants nutes for 3 weeks then don give any without gradually doing less thats what happens. why cant you get that. its a scientific fact


Well-Known Member
wtf man wow! just read bac u clearly said that they had nute burn becuase u didnt feed them nutes! we told u there was a def. with caused by lack of nutes and ur like no dude how u gonna tell me my friend fed it plain water and it got nute burn and i fed it nutes again and it was ok! lofl! that shit amazes me that u dont even kno wtf u typed! and why on earth do u still think that a N def. is phosphorus?


Well-Known Member
am i really the only one that sees this kids stupidity? i mean am i really making shit up? lofl u clearly kno nothing u talk bout! u dont even kno what uve said be4! and instead of telling to look it up u look up the dumb shit that uve said in this thread and than research exactly how dumb they really are!

Brick Top

New Member
no that was directed at rastadred. i wasnt insulting you. anything that alters the health is by definition is a deficiency. if you think other wise get a dictionary
Along with four family members, all of which have degrees in horticulture, I own a pot-in-pot that covers roughly 17 acres of land. On top of that, as I previously stated, I have grown since 1972, 39 years, knocking on the door of four decades of growing. I am rather confident that I know what I am talking about and equally confident that you do not know the slightest thing about plants.

Definitions of deficiency on the Web:

  • lack: the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable; "there is a serious lack of insight into the problem"; "water is the critical deficiency in desert regions"; "for want of a nail the shoe was lost"
  • insufficiency: lack of an adequate quantity or number; "the inadequacy of unemployment benefits"

No matter what you want and need to believe, the definition above is not the same as having an overabundance, which is what causes nutrient burn.


Well-Known Member
genius n deficiency happens during veg. p deficiency happens during flower. dude is 7 weeks into flower i was a lil over 3 weeks into flower when it happened to me. how can you have a nitrogen dficiency when you don't use it during flower. read a book. you just reiterate what someone else said


Well-Known Member
and also nute burn or 'burn' as u now like to put it is still associated with overly feeding nutrients so ur still wrong