Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

I might put some on the top of my ciggarette next time I get I'll tell yall if it does anything.
Of course it'll do something. :) It just takes alot to do something noticeable, and is therefore extremely wasteful. :)

lol fuck that idea then.
Knew someone who would buy 40 worth just to sprinkle it on his weed to lol.I guess I was right telling him to just snort it.
and another kind of funny story lol.

It was snowing and I grabbed a 8 ball for a friend.
Im walking and theres this old guy on my old street with a german shepard lol.I walk up to him because I always say high and usually had a conversation with him.I have the 8 ball in my pocket and when I get close the dog freaked out,wouldn't listen to his crazy nazi commands and bit my pocket area where the ball was lol.I just got a few scratches from it but I slipped on ice and sprained the hell out of my wrist.
The dog never freaked when I had weed but when he smelled that coke he went nuts on me lol.
I might put some on the top of my ciggarette next time I get I'll tell yall if it does anything.

they call those choppers here, but its where you take tobacco out of the cig and repack it with coke mixed in. pretty nasty to me cause i dont smoke cigs. i would top my bong hits with it back in the day tho.
and another kind of funny story lol.

It was snowing and I grabbed a 8 ball for a friend.
Im walking and theres this old guy on my old street with a german shepard lol.I walk up to him because I always say high and usually had a conversation with him.I have the 8 ball in my pocket and when I get close the dog freaked out,wouldn't listen to his crazy nazi commands and bit my pocket area where the ball was lol.I just got a few scratches from it but I slipped on ice and sprained the hell out of my wrist.
The dog never freaked when I had weed but when he smelled that coke he went nuts on me lol.

haha wow, was it an old drug dog or something?
I think lol.I know the guy was never a cop who owned him but I think his son might be.
It was definitely trained like one because he would always shout crazy german commands at it.
got a couple interesting stories from back in my coke days. havent done it in years and nor do i plan on going back. a friend and i were doing lines in his basement. he had an old textbook he stole from high school years before and had many lines on it. probably about $200 or 300 worth. we were just sitting and talking, snorting a bit every so often. he had the textbook on the arm of his chair the whole time. under the arm of the chair was a garbage can. at one point he knocked the book over and it all fell in the garbage can with all the coke.

not too many days later the same situation. we're in his basement just talking. same textbook with about the same amount of coke just sitting on the arm of his chair. i said you may want to move that, remember what happen last time? hes like no it will be fine. sure enough not much longer, right in the garbage can again. we're both germaphobes and not desperate enough so we didnt try to recover any of it.

then another day, same friend, we both worked at a fast food place at the time. im at work and he comes in not much later all pissed off. he says look at this! he had a small white spot on his shirt. same thing happen, he had it on the textbook on the arm of the chair and it dumped in the garbage and on his shirt.

got another story but wasnt really so funny, in fact pretty sad. friend of ours had a history of taking drug use to the extreme. he wasnt a bad guy but had a bad drug problem. we did bad drugs our selves but were much more careful and responsible being so paranoid of cops and overdosing. anyways the kid was on a bunch of pills like oxycontin or morphine. probabyl also drunk because he had an alcohol problem as well. my same friend went over to his house to sell him some coke. the next mourning the guy's mom found him unresponsive. the paramedics tried reviving him but failed. he was only in his early 20s. not long after we realized we were getting more and more addicted to coke. it was always way too pricey especially where we lived. stuff seemed to be getting weaker, or maybe our tolerances were getting too high. i quit doing all drugs eventually except for weed and alcohol. to this day i still have never went back. nothing to do with my friend dying, it just made me feel like shit when it wore off. even much worse than when i first started using. i felt nauseous like the flu when it wore off. i'd do more and feel great. been about 8 years now and i dont miss it. to this day i still wont use hard drugs like that. alcohol is bad but im a social drinker. weed is bad too but the lesser of the evils and you dont feel like shit after so its been my drug of choice. then just use a little caffiene to combat the fatigue. then if i come across it, i like to do adic or mushrooms a few times a year. they're not as harmful as people say as long as used responsibly in a safe setting. stay away from coke though, its terrible for you and may very well kill you. im lucky i have the willpower i do and was able to quit without any help.
lol I would of snapped if my friend spilled it,then again the same way lol.

I like how it would make me think really deep into my head about stuff.I gotta say it saved me a few times from getting robbed/locked up.
Those are stories I'll probably write another day.Im to high right now.

fuck it I'll put one down now lol.
A local smoker wanted to buy a gun and a half oz lmfao I know it sounds stupid.So he calls me and I tell him I'll call him back in a couple minutes.I get ahold of both the coke and find a small .22 for sale.
I got the guy with the .22 and another with the coke coming over my house then I get into a deep thought out of nowhere about why the fuck this smoker would want these and where he got the money lol.I keep trying to give him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn't a informant.I eventually say fuck it and call it off and I wasn't getting anything out the deal unless someone wanted to be nice to me lol.
I didn't think local cops would really risk trying to set up a sting to buy a gun either.

I find out a week later this crackhead hit a 60 year old woman with a pair of bolt cutters for the money she withdrawled from a atm and started snitching when the cops charged him with attempted murder for it.That was fucking crazy.
What a commercial ... blows me away !!

the last few times i did coke, i ended up in the hospital after having bad seizures. i fuckin hate coke. its not that great anyways. i get all jittery and anxious haha

oh yeah. because of this, i now have a positive drug test for cocaine in my medical files. so much for my health insurance covering me...
i was picking up teens over in k n a for 55, and selling them to peeps that i worked for for 80.. was making a mint after the regular coke dealer quit and moved to va with his wife.. one day this guy paid me up front for three teens, and i had just gotten paid that day as well, so i picked up two for myself..
so i had a lil over a 1/4 oz of blow, and went to town.. just never showed up to work that night as my boy and i just did rope after rope of it.. i went home and cooked the rest up and missed another day of work.. i called in and acted like i had gotten arrested, and luckily didn't get fired on the spot.. the worst part was having to work for half a week for free so that i could pay the dude back for his blow that i stuck up my nose..
i haven't touched coke in over ten years now, nor her nasty brother horse, but i have some crazy ass stories about those days for sure..