

Well-Known Member
Hmm.. after the plant is finished growing and im harvesting etc... alll these excess leaves fan leaves etc.. is it possible to do anything with them? For example make brownies or anything?? or are they basically just trash?


Well-Known Member
You can keep your trimmings and leaves and make hash or cannibutter or oil. Find some videos and go from there


Well-Known Member
Lots of uses, butter, hash, oil. Look up some threads on here. Love making butter myself, great for cookies, brownies, or even just spread on toast in the morning for a little jump-start to the day.


Well-Known Member
Lots of uses, butter, hash, oil. Look up some threads on here. Love making butter myself, great for cookies, brownies, or even just spread on toast in the morning for a little jump-start to the day.
Just made me some cookies with butter I made from Jock Horror trimmings


Well-Known Member
I used to keep everything -- fan leaves, trimmings, etc -- to make hash. First batch came out ok (blender method), but way too green. I came to realize that there aren't enough trichs on the fan leaves to make it worth it so now I throw those away. Now I go strictly by the visible presence of trichs to decide what to keep. Trimmings and popcorn bud get saved for hash, cooking, whatever.

Edit: Now I have bubble bags :)


Active Member
If you are lazy like me but want to get as much as you can out of the trimmings, try using a fine screen and a little tray to catch the kief. Those cheesy grinders they sell at gas stations have a little screen in them that will work fine (even though they don't grind worth a damn).

Dry out the leaves/trimmings, crumble it all up a bit in a cookie tin, lightly/quickly rub pinches of it across the screen and collect the kief. Doesn't take very long to have enough sandy-looking kief to fill a bowl up - surprisingly little plant material gets through as well.

Edit to add - It really depends on the strain as well. Some strains just don't form a lot of trichomes on fan leaves and what-not.