LMFAO, G13 from Greedthumb isn't even DoubleD's Cut

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Well-Known Member
Guess we will never really know. Someone is lying, someones not. I hope someone does buy them and do a grow report tho.


Well-Known Member
don't care about g-13, always done well with dr.g's stuff and always will , baja, the clone is like 25,000 still want to buy it?
Link? I'm pretty sure that has never been disclosed. And if you got your info from Dr.G I won't believe you since I already believe he doesn't have it to begin with. Besides, the only reason I want one is to see if the one I have really is or isn't.

Let's assume he did pay DD $25k for the cut, why would DD say that it isn't? That's quite a bit of money to be throwing around then saying the guy is lying...

Guess we will never really know. Someone is lying, someones not. I hope someone does buy them and do a grow report tho.
Dr.Gruber has a grow journal going on Dr.Gs "G13"

If we could get a pic of DDs original G13 we could easily compare the leave's to see if it is or isn't, my money is on isn't

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
why would DD say it isn't? gee i don't know, maybe he likes getting 25,000.00 for his cut and a selfed version may cut into his profit? maybe? WBW , i was stating 1,000.00 because he said he'd rather pay that instead of buying dr.g's G-13, duh
why would DD say it isn't? gee i don't know, maybe he likes getting 25,000.00 for his cut and a selfed version may cut into his profit? maybe? WBW , i was stating 1,000.00 because he said he'd rather pay that instead of buying dr.g's G-13, duh
and you couldnt tell i was being sarcastic huh...

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Maybe if we asked ourselves a question or two this might become clearer.
Who stands to gain the most from lying and who stands to lose the most?
If DD is lying how would he gain from the lie...well if I was selling a clone for thousands and someone was selling the same for a $100 a seed, I might want to lie to keep my business. If he was lying what would he lose?
Since this is "his" cut he can lie all he wants and how could anyone call him on it? So he stands to lose very little by lying.
On the other hand if Greenthumb is lying it would be too easy to find out because DD is out there and able to be communicated with. so what would he have to lose by lying...business, credibility...and all he has worked for for all these years. What does Greenthumb stand to gain from lying...temporary business? Not much if you ask me.

It stright up doesnt make sense for him to lie and all you who have jumped on this have disgraced yourselves by spreading it when you really have no idea the truth.
Complain about prices and then go by some "magic in a bottle" for $25 a pint and never start a thread about the ripp off MJ nute biz, it sounds like hypocricy plain and simple. and to add to that...charge patients huge fees for the pot you got from a $5 seed.Talk about rip off assholes...sheesh.

Now...if DD is lying I expect to see a thread started by one of you saying so...but i know you wont do that because you are just on the Greenthumb hater bandwagon..and you are all spammers as far as Im concerned.

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Just like the rest of the Cali pollen chuckers,

I wonder how many crosses can be made using the "White" cut? My God, Swerve and Raskal and the rest of those boys take a clone only cut, slap some pollen on the fucker and sell the reg seeds for whatever they want, too funny.

Most of them dont even have their own growing facility, they rent, get thrown out, then rent again, bunch of kids that never grew up.
Swerve posts info about his back-crossing and cubing methods for his strains, so he's more then just a pollen chucker.
Now Matthew Riot, there is a pollen chucker if there ever was a pollen chucker.


Well-Known Member
While that's a good bit of logic, sadly not everyone operates that way. People do things that don't make sense at all. And whose the hipocrit for accusing everyone here of overselling there weed to patients? I don't sell anything to anyone, and a lot of us don't or give very good deals to patients. And there are always threads calling out nute companies as well.

While I agree with you partially, personally attacking everyone with an opinion is the wrong way to go about it. Everyone is entitled to there opinion, who cares if you convince someone or not. Grow that shit out and if its some dank then your the winner, whether its g13 or not.


Well-Known Member
LOL, That's some damage control if I ever saw it. I understand though, you people paid a ridiculous amount of money for a couple beans and don't want to face the truth. The Dr. seems like the republican of the seed biz, deny, deny, deny even when the supposed source confirms 100% that it is not his cut. Not to mention Shanti and Neville actually laughed at the idea.


Well-Known Member
this whole thread, every comment, the subject matter, and all involved are f***ing retarded.

just step back, and realize. you're e-fighting about some phantom pot. get a life.


Well-Known Member
This is a marijuana discussion board and something some of us actually care about. As for the people sticking up for Greedthumb, I'm sure they feel slighted. It's only natural.

this whole thread, every comment, the subject matter, and all involved are f***ing retarded.

just step back, and realize. you're e-fighting about some phantom pot. get a life.
You do realize that you yourself posted on this thread.

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
i will let you know how 'slighted' i feel next month on my Caribe Cruise, thank you dr.geenthumb, ahhhhhh 10 days basking in the sun

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
While that's a good bit of logic, sadly not everyone operates that way. People do things that don't make sense at all. And whose the hipocrit for accusing everyone here of overselling there weed to patients? I don't sell anything to anyone, and a lot of us don't or give very good deals to patients. And there are always threads calling out nute companies as well.

While I agree with you partially, personally attacking everyone with an opinion is the wrong way to go about it. Everyone is entitled to there opinion, who cares if you convince someone or not. Grow that shit out and if its some dank then your the winner, whether its g13 or not.
I agree with you.
What you may not know, and who i was really talking to, are the people who have been calling me and anyone who likes greenthumb spammers and worse.
I asked the same people on another "bash greenthumb" thread how much they sell for? Not a one would respond..take that back..one did..so i was left to my own conclusions, that they felt uncomfortable and maybe even a bit ashamed about how much they charge. Because, as i see it, if they sell for a high price then all the complaints have no credibility. They could have convinced me otherwise...all they had to do was respond.
I have tried to refrain from the name-calling crap that has gone on in these threads even as I have had my rep bashed,time and time again, saying I work for Greenthumb,etc. But I did fall to it this time and I am sorry for the people that are here in good faith like yourself.
And to the others...maybe you arent all spammers but I just cant figure out why you go on and on about Greenthumb...I think we get it..you dont like the guy. I mean that honestly..i really dont understand what would compell you to do this.


Well-Known Member
While that's a good bit of logic, sadly not everyone operates that way. People do things that don't make sense at all. And whose the hipocrit for accusing everyone here of overselling there weed to patients? I don't sell anything to anyone, and a lot of us don't or give very good deals to patients. And there are always threads calling out nute companies as well.

While I agree with you partially, personally attacking everyone with an opinion is the wrong way to go about it. Everyone is entitled to there opinion, who cares if you convince someone or not. Grow that shit out and if its some dank then your the winner, whether its g13 or not.
That's what I'm saying! There is almost no way to tell what's what in this business. If it's killer bud, then who cares? As for the price? I do think it's ridiculous to charge that amount, but if people wanna pay it..................I can't be mad at someone for getting what they can out of their hard work, even if it may not be exactly what it's being represented as. :cool:

This is a marijuana discussion board and something some of us actually care about. As for the people sticking up for Greedthumb, I'm sure they feel slighted. It's only natural.

You do realize that you yourself posted on this thread.
:clap: You beat me to it! lmfao!!!!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I agree with you.
What you may not know, and who i was really talking to, are the people who have been calling me and anyone who likes greenthumb spammers and worse.
I asked the same people on another "bash greenthumb" thread how much they sell for? Not a one would respond..take that back..one did..so i was left to my own conclusions, that they felt uncomfortable and maybe even a bit ashamed about how much they charge. Because, as i see it, if they sell for a high price then all the complaints have no credibility. They could have convinced me otherwise...all they had to do was respond.
I have tried to refrain from the name-calling crap that has gone on in these threads even as I have had my rep bashed,time and time again, saying I work for Greenthumb,etc. But I did fall to it this time and I am sorry for the people that are here in good faith like yourself.
And to the others...maybe you arent all spammers but I just cant figure out why you go on and on about Greenthumb...I think we get it..you dont like the guy. I mean that honestly..i really dont understand what would compell you to do this.
Maybe because selling weed brings up a whole different variety of legal issues. Your logic is flawed and the reason we go on about this douche bag is because he's a liar and he's ripping people off. Since the marijuana industry is not regulated we have to regulate it ourselves and bring the scammers to light.
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