LMFAO, G13 from Greedthumb isn't even DoubleD's Cut

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Well-Known Member
they didn't GIVE the man (Dr. Greenthumb) a board of his own over at Michigan Medical Marijuana because he's a scammer and rip off artist
That board has no official association to the medical marijuana program in Michigan. It says so on there site. Come on, keep tryin' to make the Doc out to be a good guy when he's ripping people off and lying.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
They are being sold under false pretenses. If you bought a rare coin for thousands of dollars and it turned out to be fake I bet you'd be pissed.

ROFLMFAO, I think we've already seen that is not the case.
Yes if I took one of my coins to get graded and it was learned it was a counterfeit I would indeed be pissed, but there is no equivalent for cannabis to authenticate the genetics so your argument is invalid. At first I was like damn that's some shit but when you have people like heath saying that DD is all about the money I think it is not out of the question that he would say it wasn't from him for his own benefit and also the legality of it would make me think he would deny it anyways. I'm not saying it is or isn't from him there is no way of telling so you can only speculate which means everything you say is an opinion yet you state them as facts. Yousay you are trying to stop people from being scammed so give them the facts nd state your opinions but let people make their own conclusions instead of blatantly antagonizing the forum about DrGT constantly.


Well-Known Member
Spamboy, ROFLMFAO 100% of your posts are spamming Dr. Greedthumb. I advise anyone reading replies from OGMan, Biggybuds, and Chemdog to check out all of their posts in their profiles.


Well-Known Member
This was posted this afternoon by coxie0527
I've dealt with both dd, and Doc, and Doc is the straight shooter. DD's g13 was made available to many of us from the THC Farmer forum (mpb bucket thread of dd's). Several had that g13. I'd stay away from dd, but Doc's credibility stands tall. He's always done what he says. Plus, his gear is stellar.

and here's a link;
This post says it all and WILL be verified by others. doubled HAS offered his clones for sale and lied about it.


Well-Known Member
I for one am thankful Dr Greenthumb is part of our community.

Come on guys give it a rest. He has devoted his time and energies in creating some amazing strains. We need more people like Dr. Greenthumb to step up and devote as much time to this community as he does.

He is among one of the few breeders you can pick the phone up and speak directly to him. He is most willing to share his time and knowledge with anyone who asks. Really I can't believe you all chirping on someone who gives back to this community as Dr Greenthumb does. Those nay sayers should be ashamed of yourselves.

All that is being accomplished with all the negative BS that is going on here is to prevent other talented people in becoming involved with our community. Enough already.

United we stand, divided we fall.

If I can make a suggestion, lets start treating one another how we would respectfully want to be treated ourselves. There are a number of people who have purchased Dr. Greenthumb Pure G13 seeds. Come the end of October, the proof will be in the pudding, and the nay sayers will be eating some humble pie.

We should be supporting the likes of Dr. Greenthumb, not putting him down and trying to find fault with him. Dr Greenthumb's high rating with the seed review websites has not come by accident, Dr Greenthumb has such a high rating with the seed review people, by earning it, through is efforts in being a great breeder with great customer service.

He has earned the respect of this community over some 16 plus years, lets start showing him this respect he has rightfully earned.

All those nay sayers would be the first ones to cry black blue bloody murder if you were attacked the way you are attacking Dr. Greenthumb.

I understand there are people who aren't happy with his prices, but I don't see you bashing other high end retailers, no one is asking you to pay his prices, thank God we live in a free society, and again thank God for people like Dr. Greenthumb who devote their time, knowledge and expertise to this community.

Again shame on all you negative nay sayers. Apologies should be forth coming, pay this man the respect he deserves and has rightfully earned within our community.


Well-Known Member
You know what, this was interesting for a couple pgs but everyones over it. Everyone can think what they want. The ones arguing are the ones incorporating the political bullshit that mj growing is NOT about. if I had the resources and experience some of these breeders and even some of the people in this forum have, the last thing I would worry about is this he said she said bullshit. Does it really fucking matter? You guys should get involved in the government if you wanna debate about conspiracy theories this kind of backstabbing is just ridiculous. Like there's not enough problems to deal with.

Since when is weed about keeping the best strains private and only for yourself or the highest bidder? I will always break off a nug or cut a clone of my best crop for my buds or a patient in need. Instead ppl are trying to monopolise the weed market so whether dd is lying or not, I aplaude dr. G for spreading the love. Why would you even want to harbor the "best strains in the world" and keep it to yourself. That is not what its about.

If everyone was like that we wouldn't have half the strains we have today.


Well-Known Member
lol, This isn't even an argument. DD said the Doc was full of shit and supplied the emails. You all are wasting your time trying to defend him.


Well-Known Member
the only liar exposed today is your pal double d

I don't even know him, but I believe his response is accurate seeing as how the language in the email Dr. Greedthumb sent him is the same as the language Scarhole received in his email from the Doc. Damage control isn't working.


New Member
I don't know who to believe but since I have no intentions of buying this strain from anyone I really don't care...I did read this thread out of boredom tho and stonedmetalhead is coming across like an obsessed freak...that much I do know


Well-Known Member
Yeah I get steamed up when people lie and try to scam people for a bunch of cash. It does seem like you cared enough to post your less than insightful post though.


Well-Known Member
His grows are at Breedbay and THC Farmer. One of his grows is actually linked on the first post of this thread where I linked to what he had to say about Dr. G
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