Just Got Jacked While Dealing


K so i went to smoke with mi friend, but we didnt have a lighter to toke before dealing so we went to meet som of his friends in the neighborhood. i didnt know these guys and they looked sketchy as fuk. we ended up going behind som houses to do the buisness, and the three motherfuckers all pulled blades and told me to give up all mi shit. so they jacked like $400 worth of weed that i had on me. Mi friend said he didnt know that shit was guna go down, but i aint sure. i know the neighborhood where them motherfuckers live but i only know one of there names, and they dnt all live there. mi friend, trying to b loyal to both of us, aint tellin me there names, but aint tellin them im askin for em. im thinkin of just roundin up mi boys and jumpin the motherfuckers, but i only know where 1 of em live. what to do?
a little detec tive work or stalking. hide out and watch they will all hook up there they are. then give em a cocktail when in the car or on the sidewalk or whatever mr moltoff wants to help if they get the fire out theyll never know who torched em just that they fucked up. they need to pay
chalk it up as a loss. u dont need to be smoking out customers prior to a medical sale. reavaluate your buisness practacies. tell people u dont have the medicine on u . u need the cash first then walk around the block take the pot out your bag or what ever u store it in then go back. tell your friends to stay home no need to start a fight. cuz in the end its your fault.
I agree with everyone else. Do NOT turn this into a scene. I know it's extremely hard not to, but you need to let them go. People this shifty end up in jail anyways. If you're selling more than $100 worth to someone you don't know, don't bringthe actual herb. Or alternatively (though I wouldn't suggest it) bring some heat.
we bought some rock one night got back home and tried to cut it. well it turned out to be a rock. (alley dealer) it was dark we went back in a diff car and when he came out and recognized us the look on his face was priceless till we removed it his face that is wqe beat the fuck out of him. last time i tried to do crack. im sure he learned a valuable lesson. one thing i learned is lessons are very costly
its true man..

be the better and bigger person and just let it go.

I had a "friend".. actually I thought he was a GOOD friend.. but he was the one in the end that narc'd me out. Not only did he narc on me.. like the rat he is.. but he also was THERE, when the bust happened. Yeah.. no bullshit either.. tell me thats not fucked up eh? Gotta really watch who you "hang" with.. and only trust those people that are in your immediate family.

But yeah, don't you think I wanted to kill that mother fucker that narc'd on me? Fucking right I did.. dude's a fighting mother fucker too.. but I guarantee ya, if I would have been able to get my hands on him.. it would not have been pretty. I had so much adrenaline and anger in me.. there wouldn't have been anything he could have done to stop me.

But, I stayed the better person.. and didn't retaliate. All that would have done.. is bring even more trouble my way.. and I don't like fucking drama.. I hate it. I like to live a drama free life.. so I just let it go and never talked to his ass again.

Hell, he even had the balls to call me the night I got home from jail!!!! His first words out of his mouth were, "Alright man, what the hell was that all about?". Pffftt fucking please.. really?!?! REALLY?!?! I know he set it up.. he was in the passenger seat of the unmarked undercover car when it pulled up next to me in the parking lot..!!!! and yet hes going to act like he didn't know nothing at all??! pFttt.. get the fuck outta here with that shit.. lucky his ass didn't come up missing.. and that's no fucking joke.

I'm rambling.. cause I'm stoned.. sorry.

Just be the better person bro.. let it go. Don't ever forget what happened... but move on with life.. let it go. Karma is a mutha fucka.. that's what I've learned in my 29 years of life.. and trust me.. I've done some bad things in my 29 years.. :|

Every body is telling you the same thing let it go, take a hint, unless you think your life depends on 400 dollars worth of weed.
the only problem with just lettin it go, is tht my mofuckin rep is guna take a big hit from this. i dnt want evry motherfukin junkie thinkin they can jack me wit no consequence, otherwise id let it go. but duin nuthin would get shit like this to go down again.
It may, but is it better to lose some or your cred or your life? We have all been jacked, all dealt with it different. I have been jacked for $500 before, would have went to the guys house looking for him, but did my research first, turns out if i would have, the guy who was twice my size would have been the smallest one of 3 guys i would have been coming to see. Without an automatic i would have been dead, regardless if i had a gun or not. Another time i let my sis do her thing while i waited in the car, heard her scream, found her then kicked in the door of the guys buddy who lived in the apartments we were at. Still got nothing out of it but the satisfaction of destroying that door frame.
Anyhow, i am rambling, the only way to really deal with this if you want to, is start with your buddy, he set you up whether he knew it or not, so he better cough up some names. Just the fact you let him get away with it shows you will not retaliate properly and will most likely lose your life or freedom.
Are you really willing to kill or die for $400? Just let it go and never forget, rob me once shame on you, rob me twice shame on me.
Never ever ever keep that kind of product on you never more than a 1/4 to a half unless you are selling it right then, and for a while make sure you are in control, randomly move meeting spots as you are waiting at the new spot, then you can see if they are setting you up. Never let them take the upper hand, ever, you did here and YOU MUST be in command of these situations.
if u can still get rid of your medicine, then fuck your rep. if u cant then learn a new trade. think about your family while making your decision. if it helps your rep we can give u some rep points.
Just go back and politely tell the guys that jacked you that you don't appreciate it. Then, no matter what is said, start swinging. Fuck them. $400? You'd have had to try to cut me. Which would have been a bad fuckin idea.
Just go back and politely tell the guys that jacked you that you don't appreciate it. Then, no matter what is said, start swinging. Fuck them. $400? You'd have had to try to cut me. Which would have been a bad fuckin idea.
This is why i said that any retaliation will not work for him, he missed his best shot at this, pull a knife on me and see how fast i am on your throat.