Just Got Jacked While Dealing

do what i do

get some weed when u have spare cash and let it go bad .....mummy bud mold ................now give it to those ppl that u know where u are and the ppl u think did u wrong

do not smoke any yourself ...........walk away if they do not seek medical help with in 2 weeks the lungs will fill with crap and they are dead

it like given a drunk a bottle of methonal
cap them and bolt, seriously.and oh yeah check their pockets first. People will know not to rob u again, shouldn't hold that much weight when dealing with sketch bags
Man, who would have known that Rollitup.org has the toughest, baddest, meanest, nastiest, SOBS that ever walked the planet all in one thread. You guys should team up and go take out ISIS, you badasses!

What an enlightening thread.
K so i went to smoke with mi friend, but we didnt have a lighter to toke before dealing so we went to meet som of his friends in the neighborhood. i didnt know these guys and they looked sketchy as fuk. we ended up going behind som houses to do the buisness, and the three motherfuckers all pulled blades and told me to give up all mi shit. so they jacked like $400 worth of weed that i had on me. Mi friend said he didnt know that shit was guna go down, but i aint sure. i know the neighborhood where them motherfuckers live but i only know one of there names, and they dnt all live there. mi friend, trying to b loyal to both of us, aint tellin me there names, but aint tellin them im askin for em. im thinkin of just roundin up mi boys and jumpin the motherfuckers, but i only know where 1 of em live. what to do?

Look at it this way. It cost you $400 to learn that your friend is a punk thug. You got off cheap. Stop associating with thug punks.
rules of revenge

1 confirm with atleast 2 ppl of the person guilt before going to stage 2
2 learn everything u can about your target ........pick the lvl of hell u want to unleash
3 wait 10 years .......u want no direct link between u and them for at least 10 years
4 have your ducks in a row ...........unshakable witness to where u are at the time of it (always pay in cash pull out 30 days before u spend it so video tapes loop....have a excuse what it was spent on) cell phones are not your friend so u leave it with allby witness so looks like u 2 were together whole time
5 do the deed

now body removal this is tough ...........know u can not burn a body the temps required to complete take it down to ash are not something u can do with out alot of work 2100 or 2400 f degrees to completely do it (still have to turn it and smash teeth).................digging u need to have it 6 feet down that is the least amount that the dogs/animals will not smell tho/dig up ..........as for water rem to weight body down take out partly into water then do a y cut in the chest let organs out so not a floater

what can i say ppl talk to me i make good shine and bud ..........plus i am the amish fucker if u can not trust me who can yah trust

but yah rem Cellphones are not your friend the new ones now a days keep records of towers signal str date and time gps free wifi u can access .....all that shit that will fuck u up in court the only way to avoid this is take the battery out of the phone completely or leave the phone with someone
well ive only read the first page so far but heres my opinion. $400 is chump change in the big scheme of things. if you're doing anything worth doing you'll make that back plus more by letting it be water under the bridge. if you're worried about your rep im worried about you and your business handlings. weed is supposed to be a chill business. dealing with chill people who want to relax. and you should only be dealing with friends that you trust. not friends of friends. have your friends friends give YOUR friend the money and your friend meets with you alone, and takes the product back to his friends. thats the only way it should be done. apparently all the rest of the people you deal with are not your real friends either if you think they would try to jack you if they found out you got jacked. a real friend would be sympathetic. ive been jacked once in my life, i was dealing with a friends boyfriend (who wanted to act cool with me) but another mutual friend who knew him from back in the day told me not to deal with him. i was blowing way too big and felt untouchable. long story short, we met in a parking lot, i went up to driver side door (to the dude i knew) and gave it to him, he gave it to his friend, who looked at it, said it was good, then pulled a gun on both of us, got out of the car and when i saw the gun pointed at me i got low and ran back to my car, he took off running into the neighborhood. my 'friend' called and said he was sorry and was circling the neighborhood looking for him. i said 'its fine at least nobody got hurt' and that was the last we talked. an ounce of weed. ive since moved on and re-evaluated my situation. toned it down big time. toned down my circle of people big time. and play it safe. i only have one life, and any of this is not worth it. i would give up my whole setup and every last flake of weed i have to salvage my life. weed comes and goes. money comes and goes. only 1 shot at life. dont screw it up over materialistic things. one day you will grow up and none of this stuff you feel is so important will even be on your priority list. and you will think back and be glad you took the high road.

but it is time to kick that 'friend' of yours to the curb. no friend would ever put you in that situation. and anyone else you think would try their luck at you because they think you appear weak they need to be kicked to the curb as well. narrow your circle to only those you trust. and if they have friends that want something, they are the courier/middle man. they meet you where you want to be met, ALONE, with the money. and you deal with only who you trust. after that its out of your hands what they do with it. because its their situation.
K so i went to smoke with mi friend, but we didnt have a lighter to toke before dealing so we went to meet som of his friends in the neighborhood. i didnt know these guys and they looked sketchy as fuk. we ended up going behind som houses to do the buisness, and the three motherfuckers all pulled blades and told me to give up all mi shit. so they jacked like $400 worth of weed that i had on me. Mi friend said he didnt know that shit was guna go down, but i aint sure. i know the neighborhood where them motherfuckers live but i only know one of there names, and they dnt all live there. mi friend, trying to b loyal to both of us, aint tellin me there names, but aint tellin them im askin for em. im thinkin of just roundin up mi boys and jumpin the motherfuckers, but i only know where 1 of em live. what to do?
1. Speak proper.
2. Your black
3. I would suggest caring a weapon idiot. If your dealing get a gun simple.

400 is 2 oz.

Your friend obviously has something to do with it.
Ditch him.
get a Molskine notebook. name and numbers only use a star system or something 1 to 5 depending on how safe/sketch the deal went. something that only you know what its about. blacklist anyone that jacks you and dry their world up. also tell any other dealers you know or meet about them. I have names and numbers of every sketch/cop/broke ass sack mooch in my neck of the woods and it only took me a few months to compile. I share this info with everyone in the profession. I grow and deal a little so I know a fair bit of what's going on just from dealers restocking.

drying up some ones dank is usually the best revenge, or carry a couple of joints on you usually I flip a joint to them while they wait for me to get what they want.

it goes like this I roll up ask what they want, they tell me. I get the money and flip them a joint for waiting I roll around the block or (when I was younger) run to my drop. get only what they have already paid for and never come back with both money and weed.
My advice is do nothing, Youll get in more trouble than you can imagine if you get caught. Live to grow another day. Its all part of the business. getting ripped needs to be figured into the equation. move on. distance yourself.
I agree w/ the majority of the folks here, who are saying to let it go. In the grand scheme of things 400$ ain't that much. Chalk it up as a learning experience, move forward and be more careful next time.

Also LMAO at this thread originally being from 2011 and still going.
This is an old post but I thought I would chime in....I'm sure you either have handled it or did the right thing and MOVED ON.... Sometimes you cant even trust your big homie's... Don't be the "Block Boy" Enjoy your medicine at home and get a real job... its not worth getting robbed hurt or killed for $$$....