Realising CFL is the way to go..


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about a HPS/MH setup but it seemed to run too hot and use too much power for my space so CFL here I come :)

I'm a first time growing and after reading this
I realized that I have no idea how to grow weed so, even if I get a male I'll probably just test out my growing method :)

So here is what I was thinking (suggestions please!)
Veg: 5000k (I might use some 3000k too?)

Flower: 3000k or depending if I find some extra cash a HPS?
Medium: Coco coir if I can find any in New Zealand or just Soil
Nuts: No idea (need help here)

Secondly how much does weed drink, I'll be using a hand watering method. How much will I need to water it in seedling, veg and flower? - This plant will be my test run so I will do things like underwater it and over water it just so I see how it reacts..

If any other noobs are looking through this thread go here: I learned a lot from just reading through all of that

Cheers :)
i wud go w the cfl for veg..and a hps for flowering..u wont regret it,spend the extra $!if it runs hot..u cud always get a air cooled hood!and good exhaust will help also with heat!as for nutes and u plan on doing organic or nonorganic?fox farms is a great company..its soil and nutes r great!START THERE!if u cant find that n ur country..then find something close to that!good luck!
i wud go w the cfl for veg..and a hps for flowering..u wont regret it,spend the extra $!if it runs hot..u cud always get a air cooled hood!and good exhaust will help also with heat!as for nutes and u plan on doing organic or nonorganic?fox farms is a great company..its soil and nutes r great!START THERE!if u cant find that n ur country..then find something close to that!good luck!

Problem is, I've got a really small growing space, so If I did get anything it'd probably just be a 250w, or 400w depending how much cash or room I've got...

About the fox farms site, yeah I'm kinda hoping someone from New Zealander (I'm almost tempted to post something up) will come across this thread and hopefully point me to a site that looks at good as fox farms... Cheers for the quick reply :)
Problem is, I've got a really small growing space, so If I did get anything it'd probably just be a 250w, or 400w depending how much cash or room I've got...

About the fox farms site, yeah I'm kinda hoping someone from New Zealander (I'm almost tempted to post something up) will come across this thread and hopefully point me to a site that looks at good as fox farms... Cheers for the quick reply :)
i runs a 400w hps in a walk in closet..thats 6x4x8..i have a 500cfm exhaust fan..i live in a very hot place,and my temps r good!good luck on ur grow!
i runs a 400w hps in a walk in closet..thats 6x4x8..i have a 500cfm exhaust fan..i live in a very hot place,and my temps r good!good luck on ur grow!

I have a small box, H:2' D:1.3' W:1.8' (I know, its tiny)

I'm just seeing if I can grow weed and try to guide it where I want it to go... should be interesting.

500cfm fan?! God, that must be loud... I live in a place where the temps are around 15-20 during the day and prob around 10ish during the night... I'm hoping that a few CFL's will keep the box nice and warm during the night...

How much do the plants drink?

Thanks :)
I have a small box, H:2' D:1.3' W:1.8' (I know, its tiny)

I'm just seeing if I can grow weed and try to guide it where I want it to go... should be interesting.

500cfm fan?! God, that must be loud... I live in a place where the temps are around 15-20 during the day and prob around 10ish during the night... I'm hoping that a few CFL's will keep the box nice and warm during the night...

How much do the plants drink?

Thanks :)
yea the fans a lil loud..but not that bad!lol!u have a very small grow box...cfl wud prob be the only thing u can do!on watering...plants take diffrent amounts of water..depending on size..and conditions..i have 3 to 4 foot plants..they drink about a half gal of water every week..but other plants will vary!
use 2700k for red bulbs and 6500k for blue those are the best. 2:1 6500:2700 during veg, 2700:6500k to flower

Cheers, I'll have a look to see if I can find them...

yea the fans a lil loud..but not that bad!lol!u have a very small grow box...cfl wud prob be the only thing u can do!on watering...plants take diffrent amounts of water..depending on size..and conditions..i have 3 to 4 foot plants..they drink about a half gal of water every week..but other plants will vary!

Brilliant exactly what I was looking for! Half a gal sounds manageable... What about nutrients? Any idea what I should be looking for, should I just look for something that would suit growing tomatoes?
also the 2700k are called soft white (cfl) and the 6500K are called dayllight (cfl) hope this helps.

Thanks :) I'ma run down to my local supermarket/lighting store to see if they have any and to grab some lighting fixtures too...

When do the plants start smelling? As I might hold off on DIYing a filter if its later in the growth of the plant :)
should I just look for something that would suit growing tomatoes?
Yes. That is exactly what I did to begin with and it's what I'm doing now. Organic food (usually muck) makes your job a lot easier too - something to mix into the soil.
When do the plants start smelling? As I might hold off on DIYing a filter if its later in the growth of the plant :)

Depends on the strain. I usually don't bother with the filter for the first two months of veg'. Then week 4 of flowering or so the smell gets quite bad.

Again.. depends on the strain. Most "Cheese" will stink to high heaven.
Depends on the strain. I usually don't bother with the filter for the first two months of veg'. Then week 4 of flowering or so the smell gets quite bad.
Yes. That is exactly what I did to begin with and it's what I'm doing now. Organic food (usually muck) makes your job a lot easier too - something to mix into the soil.

Thanks a lot dude! That's exactly what I wanted to know :)

Okay, now I just have to find out what things Tomatoes like... I might just call into a garden center and ask..

What sort of Nutrients should I be looking out for? - Any specific types? (really lost on nutrients)
When you say organic food muck, what exactly do you mean?

Thanks a lot dude! That's exactly what I wanted to know :)

Okay, now I just have to find out what things Tomatoes like... I might just call into a garden center and ask..

What sort of Nutrients should I be looking out for? - Any specific types? (really lost on nutrients)
When you say organic food muck, what exactly do you mean?

u cud use stuff suited for tomatoes..or u can use stuff suited for pot!do u have any access to a hydro garden store?they have all kinds of ferts suited for ur needs!if not,u cud always order online..and have it shipped!ur growing pot..not tomatoes..although u can get away w it..its not the best!like i said fox farms brands r great..but theres a bunch of others that will work great.but that being said..u want a fert high in n for vegging..and a fert high i p for flowering..also use mollasses during flowering!
u cud use stuff suited for tomatoes..or u can use stuff suited for pot!do u have any access to a hydro garden store?they have all kinds of ferts suited for ur needs!if not,u cud always order online..and have it shipped!ur growing pot..not tomatoes..although u can get away w it..its not the best!like i said fox farms brands r great..but theres a bunch of others that will work great.but that being said..u want a fert high in n for vegging..and a fert high i p for flowering..also use mollasses during flowering!

Veg: Nitrogen
Flower: Phosphorous? + Molasses?

Taken from site:
During vegging, you should start fertilizing your plants with nitrogen N, phosphorus P and potassium K, as well as micro-nutrients. Use a fertilizer with 20-5-5 ratio of N-P-K. Start with small doses when plants are small and gradually increase the amount used as they gain size. If you notice any leaves getting burned like in the photo, you are over-fertilizing, flush the soil with water a few times immediately to avoid further damage.

What do they mean by the ratio 20-5-5 ?

Nutrients are N-P-K and are measured in a ratio in that order on the side of a box of fertiliser.

Veg: Nitrogen
Flower: Phosphorous? + Molasses?
You're broadly correct with this in that more N is used in veg' than flower, and more phosphorous in flower than veg'. I personally have amassed a small collection of different nutrients over the past year (all tomato feeds apart from one :D). I'm really, really careful when using my high N nutrient (20-5-5) because I think it's just too much. If I use it every two weeks I get nutrient burn. But if I use lower ratio nutes (8-5-5) I get the same growth without the burn, and I can use the high N feed when I feel the plants could benefit from it. You live and you learn..

Biggest problem I've had is pH and nutrients altering the pH. It's worth looking into or experimenting with.

And when I say organic muck, I mean chicken shit or horse shit. The latter yields amazing results actually, and the former seems to lower the pH considerably. Anyway be very conservative with all kinds of feed (animal dung or synthetic liquid feed) until you know the safe quantities.
Nutrients are N-P-K and are measured in a ratio in that order on the side of a box of fertiliser.

You're broadly correct with this in that more N is used in veg' than flower, and more phosphorous in flower than veg'. I personally have amassed a small collection of different nutrients over the past year (all tomato feeds apart from one :D). I'm really, really careful when using my high N nutrient (20-5-5) because I think it's just too much. If I use it every two weeks I get nutrient burn. But if I use lower ratio nutes (8-5-5) I get the same growth without the burn, and I can use the high N feed when I feel the plants could benefit from it. You live and you learn..

Biggest problem I've had is pH and nutrients altering the pH. It's worth looking into or experimenting with.

And when I say organic muck, I mean chicken shit or horse shit. The latter yields amazing results actually, and the former seems to lower the pH considerably. Anyway be very conservative with all kinds of feed (animal dung or synthetic liquid feed) until you know the safe quantities.

Sweet cheers man! Dropped into my local hydroponic store, was quite shocked. So clearly aimed at stoners/growers... Bongs, pipes, papers, grinders and a wealth of weed orientated nutrients... picked up some good shit, hopefully it goes well :)

Going to germinate my seed(hopefully I can get a few more soon) tonight and then going to rig up my lights... Now I'm just going to have to sort out another grow box or use the one I found down in the second hand store.. :P
Wish me luck :)