What is the earlyst i can put into flower to show sex?????


Well-Known Member
Hey there got a few plants on the go at the mo and they are mixed seeds so dont know if there male or female there about 4" tall. And only young. But i want to find out the males and get rid before i pot em up. Then maybe reveg till a bit taller!

What is the best thing to do????

Can i just put em
Under 12/12 light till they show or are they all too small!???

Any help on this would be great thankS


Well-Known Member
you never heard of 12/12 from seed??? people do it all the time..

you def. sound like a noob.. :)

good luck.



Well-Known Member
The best thing to do is just keep growing them.

Plants will NOT show sex until sexually mature. This happens ~5-8 weeks from seed, evidenced by alternating nodes and pre flowers.

They will show this regardless of the light cycle and going to 12/12 isn't going to speed anything up and will probably slow you up, if you figure the time it takes to re veg.

Just be patient.



Well-Known Member
you never heard of 12/12 from seed??? people do it all the time..

you def. sound like a noob.. :)

good luck.

Yea i am a newb lol. I have two grows on the go though. One in veg n one flower.

Just wanted to try and seperate all the males from the females that was all. Thought if you could find the sex of them early it would be fine.


Well-Known Member
The best thing to do is just keep growing them.

Plants will NOT show sex until sexually mature. This happens ~5-8 weeks from seed, evidenced by alternating nodes and pre flowers.

They will show this regardless of the light cycle and going to 12/12 isn't going to speed anything up and will probably slow you up, if you figure the time it takes to re veg.

Just be patient.

Thanks man. There about 4 weeks now anyways. So ill just wait. I was just curious to see if you could sex them early so i didnt have to repot and could move out of the room