On Global Warming - 16,000 scientistS agree ...


New Member
this is what I mean, we either accept what the scientists are trying to tell us, or we don't. If we don't we are risking the total extinction of mankind, not to mention the rising death toll with each passing year. the very old and the very young will suffer the most of course. but with populations dwindling the risk is too great.

David Attenborough claims that it is reversible, the acceleration that is. Obviously, we can hardly do anything about the natural occurence apart from launching some type of sun shade into space. But if we can slow it down, stop the earth from falling over this virtual edge that may or may not be there, surely we have an obligation to do so.


New Member
Wavels they are afraid to have an honest debate about the Causes of Global Warming because they are afraid that they will be exposed for the charlatans they really are.
If "they" know that they are charlatans and are afraid of being discovered in their deciet, then they must have a hidden aganda. Anyone want to take a stab at what it is?



New Member
I utterly refute the allegation that Sir David Attenborough is anything but sincere. He wouldn't lay his reputation on the line for a bunch of bullshit. He knows far more than any on this site about how the world works and the problems we face with this threat.

I would also like to know what this 'hidden' agenda is. The other side is obvious. At first they wouldn't even admit gw was real, in fact did everything they could to debunk the information. They revelled in the facts about it being a natural occurence, now we have learned more and it's looking bad for them again they are trying to debunk.

Dank, how can you be so sure? Yes, it's happened before, a natural occurence in fact. You seem quite ready to believe this, yet when these same scientists tell you that it is happening at an accelerated rate. You choose not to believe. Why not?


Well-Known Member
Before we get too serious, time for a comedy song break Courtesy of Monty Python.

Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
You're the Doctor of my dreams
With your crinkly hair and your glassy stare
And your machiavellian schemes
I know they say that you are very vain
And short and fat and pushy but at least you're not insane
Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
And wishing you were here

Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
You're so chubby and so neat
With your funny clothes and your squishy nose
You're like a German parakeet
All right so people say that you don't care
But you've got nicer legs than Hitler
And bigger tits than Cher
Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
And wishing you were here


New Member
Before we get too serious, time for a comedy song break Courtesy of Monty Python.

Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
You're the Doctor of my dreams
With your crinkly hair and your glassy stare
And your machiavellian schemes
I know they say that you are very vain
And short and fat and pushy but at least you're not insane
Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
And wishing you were here

Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
You're so chubby and so neat
With your funny clothes and your squishy nose
You're like a German parakeet
All right so people say that you don't care
But you've got nicer legs than Hitler
And bigger tits than Cher
Henry Kissinger
How I'm missing yer
And wishing you were here
And yup, he's back!


New Member
Right... well... hmmm... looks like no hidden agenda. So why would all these scientists tell lies? They're not lies, they're cold hard facts and the world's got to change. If we don't the risk is too great.


Well-Known Member
i'm not on either side of this futile argument but the hidden agenda is that you can create a fantom industry with these scare tacticts. you can force people to invest in your bogus research or pay you for your enviro-patents, there's a whole host of potential hidden agendas SKH and most of them relate to creating more gvnmnt beaurocracy. the obvious hidden agenda on the other side is to allow for cheaper, sloppy engineering that gets less miles per gallon, use and dispose of industrial chems cheaper...stuff like that.

really, they just don't know SKH, think about it, we have had reliable thermometers for what, 60 years?? this science (climatology) is in the same stages as Galileo was in whilst burning his eyes out studying the sun... there's no doubt he was a genious, a prolific thinker by all accounts, but still, much of what he "knew" has since been disproven.


New Member
the obvious hidden agenda on the other side is to allow for cheaper, sloppy engineering that gets less miles per gallon, use and dispose of industrial chems cheaper...stuff like that.
So, you'd be willing to give up your Hummer then?~LOL~


Well-Known Member
sure, as long as i can still dump my old plutonium in your mountains...

my little nissan pathfinder does pretty good. :)


New Member
we can make intelligent assumptions based on evidence presented before us. we have always done this, at one time people thought the world was flat maybe thought the idea of a spherical earth preposterous.

I really fail to see how the destruction of one industrial base with the formation of another is a hidden agenda. sure, a bit of extra money on research, hardly a billion pound business.


New Member
sure, as long as i can still dump my old plutonium in your mountains...

my little nissan pathfinder does pretty good. :)
Pay Me. I say take all that crap you can give us, just pay us, sorta like all the Alaskans get Oil royaltys, give us Nv. citizens Nuke revenues, Yehaw, if we thought the invasion was bad now, look out! I've always maintained we should take the crap, just get paid for doing it, sort of like a storage fee, X amount a Mo. or Year, payable in advance or we return it and drop it in front of your state capital bldg. Where else are you going to put it, Nv. is the obvious choice. We just need to get paid. And for having to be exposed to the risk during transport, for that is the most likely place to get exposure, the citizens need to get a stipend, so........pay me and bring it on!


New Member
Communism has fallen out of favor and is now known as a failed economic system that leads people into slavery. The communists, and those who think like them, didn't just "go away." If you listen to those who head up the environmental movement, LISTEN to what they are saying. For the most part, they are talking about global governance of the ecology AND economy. Don't believe it? Go to any political rally where the Green Party has a booth and read some of their literature. Listen to not just what Al Gore is saying ... listen to his solutions. Don't just listen to rethoric about the Kyoto Treaty, read some of the economic penalties for countries that are unable to attain compliance contained therein. Its more of the same old communist bullshit all over again; steal from the rich and give to the poor, with us in charge!


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
It is really irrelevant .... call it global warming, climate crisis, split hairs all you want... when you walk into a room and some guy has his KAK 10 inches into your wifes POON... you can say..

1. my wife is cheating on me
2. this man has misplaced his penis
3. i hope he fucks her good so I can get a good night sleep tonight..

call it whatever the fook you want...

but there is NO question.. da bitch is getting shagged...

sooo for those of you that DONT believe in lobal warming... FINE... BUT please recognize.. da bitch is getting shagged.. and if we don't treat her with respect... the consequences will be brutal..

and for all you GOOF balls that don't belive in global warming because you think it is a political issue and you dont like al gore... YOU better suck it up and get over your ignorant pride.. it will hurt you in the end... this has nothing to do with Al Gore... this has to do with YOU!

FYI- drinking straight bacon grease will give you a heart attack...


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

What I think it funny is when he starts talking about Polar Ice Caps melting and him saying the sea levels would rise.
Does the Level of a drink rise if an ice cube melts?
No it just dilutes the drink.
If the salt in the oceans is diluted it slows the currents in the water down, which would make the waters colder. This would usher in an ICE AGE....

ummm.. you better go back and rewatch the movie... he addresses that TOO.. and ummm... i think you misunderstood somthing.... THERE is a shit load of ice that is ON land that is melting.... a SHITE load..

and it is not just the water levels.. that is the least of are worries... it is the change in water temperature.. change in water temperature and heat absorbtion... this is what the real issue IS...

iloveyou and appreciate your thoughtfullness


New Member
I really don't understand why there is so much opposition against something that is blindingly obvious. It's like a terminal patient not accepting that he's going to die soon. He doesn't feel any different so that means he's fine.

I think most people accept gw now, but only because we were told that it happens on a cycle. So ready to accept gw then. Now we have fouind that it is an accelerated gw, and that we are responsible. People don't want to know because it means they actually have to do something about it.

This accelerated gw could get far worse than maybe even the scientists are speculating. Over the past few years scientists have been shocked at just how quickly, dramatically things are changing. If we don't do something now, the human race could well be in for a shock. As nature changes, so do the animals living within her environments. Maybe the Earth is ready for a new numero uno. I'd say ants. Ants are very intelligent and probably the most war-like of all the insects, they'd evolve, maybe get bigger, lose a couple of legs, gain a pair of hands. Of course, they'd probably start thinking they were special as their safety from other insects was realised, maybe start believing in some kind of ant-god.


Well-Known Member
Knowm, as a former mod from another site, changing someone's wording, even in a quote is unethical. Don't do it to me again.


New Member
Most reasoned people agree that the earth is going through some changes in the climate. This is nothing new, its been going on for a couple of billion years now. The argument is if Man is the cause or not. All I'm saying is, the leaders of the environmental movement, i.e., those who are insisting that Man is the cause of global warming, have world socialism as their hidden agenda. Isn't it interesting that Al Gore's movie concentrated on the melting ice cap in the North, but didn't mention that the frozen South is gaining in ice structure?


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Isn't it interesting that Al Gore's movie concentrated on the melting ice cap in the North, but didn't mention that the frozen South is gaining in ice structure?

ummm... you lost me...

are you saying that the south is gaining ice so there is nothing to worry about?

how much ice is the south gaining...?

i really don't think gore has an agenda other than some possible guilt for being delt such a fortunate hand in life....

i am goig to south america tomorrow with this "former" multi millionaire.. the guy sold so may granola bars that he became wealthy beyond his wildest dreams... then one day he thought to himself...

"fuck... i can move product.. but what have I done for my fellow man.. Now he has depleted his wealth and he is one of the largest distributors of "get well products" to the 3rd world... 100% of his focus is on CHILDREN...

so his agenda is.... who gives afook what his agenda is... it is "goo" and forwarding the kind of world "we" want to live in...

my point being- who gives a fook what gores agenda is.. you saw the movie .. the guy is sincere.. yes or no ?

a sincere man is the man that I want to get behind... or if not get behind.. get out of his way...
