CFL and T5 fluorescent diesel ryder/easy ryder grow


I hear ya man! This is my first "Real grow" also.. Did some messing around with the bag seed too but never with good genetics.. I'm sure you have this posted somewhere but i must be to high or some shit lol.. But are all your ladies autoflower?
hahaha. i do have it posted at the beginning i think but that is a prime excuse! but yea, theyre all autos. i was a little skeptical when i ordered them because there are some pretty poor reviews on riu about the autos. but so far they are doing much better than even described by the attitude. i really wouldnt be surprised if my largest easy ryder has 3/4 of an oz on it already! and im not planning on choppin til the 21st so they still have a week and a half to swell up even more. while on the topic of harvest let me run a question by you (or anyone else who cares to voice their opinion): what is your take on 24-48 hrs of dark before harvest. lots of conflicting info around riu...


Well-Known Member
while on the topic of harvest let me run a question by you (or anyone else who cares to voice their opinion): what is your take on 24-48 hrs of dark before harvest. lots of conflicting info around riu...
You know i really couldn't tell you anything about it other than i've seen people's shit that have used the 24 hours of dark.. and the crystal content seemed to be a lot more! But i personally haven't done this.. Was planing on trying it on one plant and not the other just to compare the two.. we'll see when that time comes =)


Not much to say here. Pics Say it all. I took 2 of the best out, one diesel ryder one easy ryder, to ask what people think. Harvest next week? Not all of them of of course, just the two in the pics that may be ready.

photo 4.jpgphoto 3.jpg



So i forgot to upload a picture of the easy ryder i maybe wanna chop next week.
Heres that one, not as pretty as the other pics, that because the flash wouldt turn on for some reason
photo 1.jpgo ya and if you look closely at the bottom of this pic you can see a soda can i put at the base of the plant for size reference. the plant is almost 3 feet tall. not the 18 inches i thought!


Well-Known Member
So i forgot to upload a picture of the easy ryder i maybe wanna chop next week.
Heres that one, not as pretty as the other pics, that because the flash wouldt turn on for some reason
View attachment 1494151o ya and if you look closely at the bottom of this pic you can see a soda can i put at the base of the plant for size reference. the plant is almost 3 feet tall. not the 18 inches i thought!
They probably stretched under the cfls, but you did manage a very nice grow there. There's a string where you can post pics to find out if they're ready for harvest. I'd hold off on harvesting for now as it's better late than early.


They probably stretched under the cfls, but you did manage a very nice grow there. There's a string where you can post pics to find out if they're ready for harvest. I'd hold off on harvesting for now as it's better late than early.
very very true. I was thinking about choppin the most mature one in 5 days or so, and then lettin all the rest go another week or 2. they all look to be about a week behind that one for some reason or another.