What would you do?


Well-Known Member
ha i ain't goin to lie though that cop was pretty lame

"You dont respect me or my badge!!"

haha kind like cartman saying "respect my authori-tay!!!"


Well-Known Member
I dont hate cops at all, they do there jobs and i respect that but that officer is a power hungry ass. What a douche bag.


Well-Known Member
i just heard the part at the end, "is that camera on, i dont wanna find myself....." tape cuts out there fill in the rest. im gonna say "i dont wanna find myself on youtube and riu" lol


Well-Known Member
That is a real lame opinion...haha. Seriously. Wait til you have a kid and see someone talking to them like that.... makes my blood boil.
yeah was a little bit bull shit i can't lie.....but shit cops dont get to smoke weed....he probally has to go and kick these skateboarders outta there everyday and probally has to deal with stupid name calling and shit.....so i can see how he snapped....but yeah i dunno....even after he got pushed to the ground kid still kept mumbleing shit...shoulda just shut the fuck up......


Well-Known Member
he was mumbulling cuz a 40 year old over weight ass hole cop just put him in a choke hold, an should he shut his mouth, no the cop woulda beat him up some more for not answering his questions


Well-Known Member
yeah fuck it if i ever become a cop i'd just carry crack around with me....
skate boarder kid run's his mouth at me.....he's just gonna get padded down and a 100 sack of rocks is goin to magicly apear in his pocket... juvi untill he's 18...little bastard....


Well-Known Member
yeah was a little bit bull shit i can't lie.....but shit cops dont get to smoke weed....he probally has to go and kick these skateboarders outta there everyday and probally has to deal with stupid name calling and shit.....so i can see how he snapped....but yeah i dunno....even after he got pushed to the ground kid still kept mumbleing shit...shoulda just shut the fuck up......
Hahaha quit justifying his actions he was wrong. I dont care how bad of a day he had... if he could do that out in public imagine what he would do in a dark alley. Fuck him.


Well-Known Member
That was fucking crazy. It started because the kid didn't hear him when the cop yelled at him-- 'cause the kid had his earphone in. Adults always forget that just yelling at a kid not to do something from 20 feet away is no longer effective, cause they CAN'T hear you. It's not even about being disrespectful. The kids were not particulary shitty with him.. I had the shit job of stopping skateboarders in a mall lot once. I finally caught them when one took a tumble and jsut said "Hey, if this is the only place you can find to do this, then I'll give you and hour no hassles, and then you come back tomorrow and I'll give you another." Worked like a charm. Fucking balance people. That guy was MENTAL... and generally I like cops.


Well-Known Member
I think Dubbah and the cop could be BFF. Seems like Dubbah is on the exact type of abuse of power trip the cop is on.............Cops smoke weed too. How do you think they get theirs? From the evidence room or from the skatin' kids....They confiscate the weed, smoke it up, then abuse their wife dog and kids.

Smoke purp drink purp

Active Member
I think Dubbah and the cop could be BFF. Seems like Dubbah is on the exact type of abuse of power trip the cop is on.............Cops smoke weed too. How do you think they get theirs? From the evidence room or from the skatin' kids....They confiscate the weed, smoke it up, then abuse their wife dog and kids.
so true so true nicely put brasmith ^_^