uncle ben topping on my sativa diva + 5 clones

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Well-Known Member
If you would take off your UB rose colroed glasses for a minute or two and read some of the responses he has given people, and the names he calls them, you might just understand why some others feel the way they do. Until you can do that, please don;t talk to me about his wonderfulness.... thanks.

I've seen hundreds of topping threads and his thread was the best and most informative. He was just helping out, it has brought a lot of love and a lot of people who became upset with him for no reason, trying to put him down because maybe they think he is on a pedestal and are jealous or something. I don't know, that's the only relative science I can put into the thoughts of people who are upset with it.


Well-Known Member
did you notice how stupid those people were? if you want to talk about glasses, maybe your tard glasses are on.... lets start picking on each other personally since this can't be handled with proper conversation.

You're fat


Well-Known Member
And this conversation is over because you can't have an adult one...

did you notice how stupid those people were? if you want to talk about glasses, maybe your tard glasses are on.... lets start picking on each other personally since this can't be handled with proper conversation.

You're fat


Well-Known Member
And another insult...... you are just a nice all around person aren't you? If you keep stooping any lower you are going to have dog shit on your head....

I stooped down to your level and now I'm the immature one ~_~ that's funny. Grow up


Well-Known Member
And another insult...... you are just a nice all around person aren't you? If you keep stooping any lower you are going to have dog shit on your head....
He's a real winner. Calling people ugly names, and an inability to actually learn from those who do things, are his forte.


Well-Known Member
alright then lol i UNCLE TRAGIK'd it

just because people like ur topping method doesnt give you a reason to be a dick head...

how about you try to help me and tell me what i did wrong? instead of mocking me and the way i said "uncle ben'd"

people have no manners now a days... thanks a lot Aunt ben
Because thats how Benny Boy rolls around here unfortunatly....... He thinks he is great and the rest of us are all sheep and lucky to be in his presence.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Another UB gang bang at the ol cannabis school yard. ......yawn.....

Kids usually don't like 1. limits, 2. reality, 3. an education
Another UB gang bang at the ol cannabis school yard. ......yawn.....

Kids usually don't like 1. limits, 2. reality, 3. an education
as much as this dlivly guy follows you around, I think he really has a crush on you. A little mancrush,lol
kinda like the big ugly girl who picks on you cause she really likes you.
Tragik92, I'm wondering what you're plants look like.(not trying to be bitchy.) And even if you messed up you ended up with a bunch of clones. You don't have grow any way but you're own, as long as you're happy with the results. Just because I top at the second node doesn't mean you have to. All of you are acting like high school girls.


Well-Known Member
Tragik92, I'm wondering what you're plants look like.(not trying to be bitchy.) And even if you messed up you ended up with a bunch of clones. You don't have grow any way but you're own, as long as you're happy with the results. Just because I top at the second node doesn't mean you have to. All of you are acting like high school girls.

thanks, im gonna post a new thread soon i just supercropped and im waiting for them to come back so in a couple days check my new threads


Well-Known Member
Heres an idea for you Ben, try treating people with an ounce of respect and be civil. A LOT more people, myself included, would listen to you. You are way too abrasive for a forum like this. You just seem to be looking for a fight around every corner and want to jump on the chance to belittle someone. If you treated people like that in the real world you would not have a single friend and would probably get into a lot of scuffles outside of home. I never got on your case before until you would come in and literally trash talk me and other members because you didnt like the way we grew. Just not cool and not needed to get your point across. If you are too lazy to go through that trouble of explaining yourself dont bother to post in threads then. If you want to actually make a difference in here try the appraoch above. You are losing atleast half your target audience by your behavior.
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