Just Got Jacked While Dealing

I just love how "gangsta" someones trying to get over $400 bucks lol. And with weed none the less lol. You got yer lumps now take it like a man and stop dealing with retards. And yes, you should always know a bad situation if yer going to be "hustlin that weed" lol. I don't know about anyone else, but i know if someone is shady or just not right in the head within the first few seconds of meeting people, but i profile like a mofo :D If they are bringing 2 dudes with em and asking you to come behind some houses ... lol, awesome! be right there guys!
all i can say, is how "gangsta" can you be if your first reaction to getting robbed was coming home to post about it on a forum?

here is what you do"

1. stop spelling shit "Mi" instead of "me" - you get no rep that way.
2. stop dealing to strangers. especially weight.
3. stop dealing to your "friend" unless you are 100% sure that it wasn't him (and it probably was)
4. stay low-key and let karma handle to n'er-do-wells.

this is a game buddy, and you have to play it like a game. if you lose, there are no reset buttons, only jail time and a ruined life. you have to look out for number one, and that is the only rule there is in this game my friend.

on a side note, good luck in the future, if you decide to stick with this. we all got robbed at one point or another, it's how you handle it that determines what people think about you. this isn't the inner city, you don't have to kill a dude over $400 worth of grass.
K so i went to smoke with mi friend, but we didnt have a lighter to toke before dealing so we went to meet som of his friends in the neighborhood. i didnt know these guys and they looked sketchy as fuk. we ended up going behind som houses to do the buisness, and the three motherfuckers all pulled blades and told me to give up all mi shit. so they jacked like $400 worth of weed that i had on me. Mi friend said he didnt know that shit was guna go down, but i aint sure. i know the neighborhood where them motherfuckers live but i only know one of there names, and they dnt all live there. mi friend, trying to b loyal to both of us, aint tellin me there names, but aint tellin them im askin for em. im thinkin of just roundin up mi boys and jumpin the motherfuckers, but i only know where 1 of em live. what to do?

Is this how people go about scoring MJ on the street or just young people (didn't want to say kids)? What were you thinking? There is no way that I would attempt to make a transaction like that behind some unknown person's house, and neither should you. You admitted that they didn't look "right", yet you say you took your ass behind some houses with them. When growing MJ you should trust no one (very few depending on your situation wife/husband etc.). You trusted this "friend" that left you hanging and set you up! How old are you, and how would your family cope when you were found all beaten up or worse. Let that childish BS go. Grown folks don't sell behind houses. You should be embarrassed to tell that story. I must admit the thread has been entertaining:clap:
Cut your fake ass friend off....don't worry they ran through the weed and now can't get anymore. They lose.
remember to cock it to the side next time.

Is this how people go about scoring MJ on the street or just young people (didn't want to say kids)? What were you thinking? There is no way that I would attempt to make a transaction like that behind some unknown person's house, and neither should you. You admitted that they didn't look "right", yet you say you took your ass behind some houses with them. When growing MJ you should trust no one (very few depending on your situation wife/husband etc.). You trusted this "friend" that left you hanging and set you up! How old are you, and how would your family cope when you were found all beaten up or worse. Let that childish BS go. Grown folks don't sell behind houses. You should be embarrassed to tell that story. I must admit the thread has been entertaining:clap:

Wow, a female on a mmj forum... me like. Why the hell can't I find a girl like that?!? Hah, j/k.. plus this isn't E-Harmony.. so I'll lay off of that.

Loved the post too..

K so i went to smoke with mi friend, but we didnt have a lighter to toke before dealing so we went to meet som of his friends in the neighborhood.(1) i didnt know these guys and they looked sketchy as fuk. (2)we ended up going behind som houses to do the buisness, and the three motherfuckers all pulled blades and told me to give up all mi shit. so they jacked like (3)$400 worth of weed that i had on me. Mi friend said he didnt know that shit was guna go down, (4)but i aint sure. i know the neighborhood where them motherfuckers live but (5)i only know one of there names, and they dnt all live there. mi friend, (6)trying to b loyal to both of us, aint tellin me there names, but aint tellin them im askin for em. (7)im thinkin of just roundin up mi boys and jumpin the motherfuckers, but i only know where 1 of em live. what to do?

until you figure out what's wrong with the parts that are underlined, don't give up your day job.
1. trust your gut. your fight-or-flight instincts are hardwired into your reptilian brain (ie. the ancient, survival-oriented part) which makes them more dependable than you might think.
2. don't go behind *anything that ain't yours to do business. remember the random fuck factor: even if these guys hadn't jacked you, some random might've popped their head out a window at a bad time and you all risk exposure.
3. don't show up with the product to a first meeting. if it turns into a first meeting and it wasn't supposed to be, LEAVE. *NOW*. or if a buddy you haven't seen in a LONG time suddenly shows up with a too-good-to-be-true deal. remember the movie "BLOW".
4. don't deal with anybody you'd have reason to mistrust afterwards if shit goes down. think about it: if your friend *really didn't know what was going on, he should, by all rights, be even MORE pissed off than you are right now. they jacked *you and that may seem bad enough but they made *him look like the guy that set one of his friends up to *get jacked (we have names for those types around here - none of them complimentary). on a street cred level i'd much rather seem like an easy mark than a fucking rat. easy marks get jacked (but they wanna keep you alive so they can keep jacking you). rats get disappeared. big difference. if these guys, as your friend's "friends", hung him out to dry like that and he's kinda okay about that, take it as a good hint that he knew what was what.
5. HOW do you know one of their names? i have a guess... which brings us to....
6. logic dictates that one can't be loyal to both the jackers and the jacked. your friend not telling you where/how to get your money back = not loyal to you. the fact that you know one of your jackers names = not loyal to them. guys like that are like a dog that bites the hand that feeds them: dangerous to be around. best cut loose before he gets you both dead. keep in mind it is fuckers like this who will sell you down the shit river with no paddle to save his own ass.... which might even be what happened to you already. you never know.
7. if you were gonna, you would have by now.
until you figure out what's wrong with the parts that are underlined, don't give up your day job.
1. trust your gut. your fight-or-flight instincts are hardwired into your reptilian brain (ie. the ancient, survival-oriented part) which makes them more dependable than you might think.
2. don't go behind *anything that ain't yours to do business. remember the random fuck factor: even if these guys hadn't jacked you, some random might've popped their head out a window at a bad time and you all risk exposure.
3. don't show up with the product to a first meeting. if it turns into a first meeting and it wasn't supposed to be, LEAVE. *NOW*. or if a buddy you haven't seen in a LONG time suddenly shows up with a too-good-to-be-true deal. remember the movie "BLOW".
4. don't deal with anybody you'd have reason to mistrust afterwards if shit goes down. think about it: if your friend *really didn't know what was going on, he should, by all rights, be even MORE pissed off than you are right now. they jacked *you and that may seem bad enough but they made *him look like the guy that set one of his friends up to *get jacked (we have names for those types around here - none of them complimentary). on a street cred level i'd much rather seem like an easy mark than a fucking rat. easy marks get jacked (but they wanna keep you alive so they can keep jacking you). rats get disappeared. big difference. if these guys, as your friend's "friends", hung him out to dry like that and he's kinda okay about that, take it as a good hint that he knew what was what.
5. HOW do you know one of their names? i have a guess... which brings us to....
6. logic dictates that one can't be loyal to both the jackers and the jacked. your friend not telling you where/how to get your money back = not loyal to you. the fact that you know one of your jackers names = not loyal to them. guys like that are like a dog that bites the hand that feeds them: dangerous to be around. best cut loose before he gets you both dead. keep in mind it is fuckers like this who will sell you down the shit river with no paddle to save his own ass.... which might even be what happened to you already. you never know.
7. if you were gonna, you would have by now.
I agree 1000%
Ok I would say you have two options. 1 You can take it as a loss and a lesson. 2 You can ditch that lame ass called your friend, take a couple "real friends" with you and find where the one guy lives...bring heat. Get him to talk and tell where the others are and/or beat the shit out of him...strip him butt naked, hog tie him, and drop him down the road in front of his house. And if you do end up going with option 2. For god sake wear a ski mask. My two cents and I'm out.
Fuck that where you at I got your back come through with the deuce deuce on them bitches see how they're blades will do then.