The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
it went down a treat m8 feeling much better now lol
I'm getting a new setup for 16 plants and trying to squeeze in another crop before 29th May. I'm torn between getting Big Devil Auto's or going 12/12 from seed. Del is offline, who I'm sure would advise me on the best 12/12, u got any ideas


Well-Known Member
I'm getting a new setup for 16 plants and trying to squeeze in another crop before 29th May. I'm torn between getting Big Devil Auto's or going 12/12 from seed. Del is offline, who I'm sure would advise me on the best 12/12, u got any ideas
why the 12/12 or autos why not a good yielding quick finishing strain with a very short veg, will be quicker than the straight to 12/12 and should yield more the autos im not the biggest fan really you really gotta be fucking around with a plants genetics to make it do that lol although they do seem to be getting better.

have you seen the sage hydro grow with no veg time on youtube?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
pot them quick
thanks again man. two more quick questions before i leave you pros to it. now wen seeds in soil should i put under lights straight away or should i leave in warm dark place till shoots through soil and then put under the lights. 2 i have found a tomato nute in shed its n 4.0 p2.0 k 6.6 also says has magnesium. now wood this help my girls grow in any way? i am ordering all the nutes you suggested yesterday but wood this help till i get them in? as its just laying about and going to waste. also anybody here got good results with any natural nutes i.e tea? hear rabbit poo brewed up ment b magic for them but then i might just bin having the micky took wen told this?


Well-Known Member
why the 12/12 or autos why not a good yielding quick finishing strain with a very short veg, will be quicker than the straight to 12/12 and should yield more the autos im not the biggest fan really you really gotta be fucking around with a plants genetics to make it do that lol although they do seem to be getting better.

have you seen the sage hydro grow with no veg time on youtube?
Go on holiday m8 on the 29th May and want to get one in before I go. Found 2 strain that could be good for 12/12 - AK48 or Green Poison


Well-Known Member
thanks again man. two more quick questions before i leave you pros to it. now wen seeds in soil should i put under lights straight away or should i leave in warm dark place till shoots through soil and then put under the lights. 2 i have found a tomato nute in shed its n 4.0 p2.0 k 6.6 also says has magnesium. now wood this help my girls grow in any way? i am ordering all the nutes you suggested yesterday but wood this help till i get them in? as uits just laying about and going to waste. also anybody here got good results with ant natural nutes i.e tee? hear rabbit poo brewed up ment b magic for them but then i might just bin having the micky took wen told this?
dont give ya seedlings NO nutes yet m8 you would probably kill seedlings with that if ya talking bout giving that nute to more mature plants than prob wouldnt be a problem.


Well-Known Member
Go on holiday m8 on the 29th May and want to get one in before I go. Found 2 strain that could be good for 12/12 - AK48 or Green Poison
why carnt ya buy 16clones of some1 n your already ahead of yaself compared to any seeds???

but if ya decieded on 12/12 or autos i would go for a good auto as the 12/12 from seed can be hit n miss strain wise some dont like it and plus your av to wait wks for it to even bud then the bud time aswel, will be longer than autos n prob yield less compared to some of these big autos they got now.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
morning all

thought i just bump the thread dont like seeing it on page 6 n whatnot lol

was pretty mangled last night on the vodka n critical mass then me pal popd round n i like a twat i got on the white with him just carnt say no if its free lol feeling abit rough this morning lol nothing that bacon,mushroom,cheese roll n a cup of tea wont sort out lol
geez careful the white in this country. 5 -15 pr cent is a good amount nowadays of th so called white being wot it should b. rest is worming tablets glucose hayfever treatment, teething powder and many more harmfull things. i have a colourfull past and bin involved in all sorts of silly stuff in my youth and with wot i have seen supplers doing with white i wouldnt even consider taking unless in holand or columbia. not sayin good batchs dont come by but few and far. you really gotta no well who you getting that off. had a mate who died 2 year ago only 26 with a new born kid. he had given up the drugs and went out and had couple lines, next day in hospital, day after he was gone. he had a unknown heart defect also and the white pushed him over the edge. they reckon had speed in it also. sorry put a head f**k on you just concern fella.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting a new setup for 16 plants and trying to squeeze in another crop before 29th May. I'm torn between getting Big Devil Auto's or going 12/12 from seed. Del is offline, who I'm sure would advise me on the best 12/12, u got any ideas
northern lights start flowering at around 2 1/2 weeks mate

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
dont give ya seedlings NO nutes yet m8 you would probably kill seedlings with that if ya talking bout giving that nute to more mature plants than prob wouldnt be a problem.
thanks. so as my seeds just popped and in soil can they go under lights now or keep warm and dark till shoots through soil? thn under lights.


Well-Known Member
why carnt ya buy 16clones of some1 n your already ahead of yaself compared to any seeds???

but if ya decieded on 12/12 or autos i would go for a good auto as the 12/12 from seed can be hit n miss strain wise some dont like it and plus your av to wait wks for it to even bud then the bud time aswel, will be longer than autos n prob yield less compared to some of these big autos they got now.
Aaaarggggghhhhh! I used to be indecisive but I'm not sure anymore. lol Canny get clones sambo, don't know anyone who does it. Big Devil autos it is then. I think. lol


Well-Known Member
geez careful the white in this country. 5 -15 pr cent is a good amount nowadays of th so called white being wot it should b. rest is worming tablets glucose hayfever treatment, teething powder and many more harmfull things. i have a colourfull past and bin involved in all sorts of silly stuff in my youth and with wot i have seen supplers doing with white i wouldnt even consider taking unless in holand or columbia. not sayin good batchs dont come by but few and far. you really gotta no well who you getting that off. had a mate who died 2 year ago only 26 with a new born kid. he had given up the drugs and went out and had couple lines, next day in hospital, day after he was gone. he had a unknown heart defect also and the white pushed him over the edge. they reckon had speed in it also. sorry put a head f**k on you just concern fella.
its cool m8 i totally understand what ya saying and its also true but i was pissed and it was free lol

ive travelled a fair bit have lived in the caribean (carnt spell it tho lol) and also south africa so i no what good white is lol not that i wana cause been there done that and it got me into alot of bad bad places.


Well-Known Member
good mate ta, life's been a bit hectic but good :D About another month to go on them plants of mine, looking nice and frosty now mind :D

How's tricks? Must go to work in a bit :o
yeah all good m8 got abit hammered last night so feeling it today, flipped me plants on monday so let the stink begin lol got enough filters tho got a 6'' and 4'' for 3 big plants overkill i no lol


Well-Known Member
thanks. so as my seeds just popped and in soil can they go under lights now or keep warm and dark till shoots through soil? thn under lights.
i will germ the seed just ina cup of water once its crackd i will pop it into a root riot cube then put it in a propergator which has a light over until i get a tap root then il get it out the propergator n potted up so it hardens, so yeah m8 get em under some kinda light


Well-Known Member
lol go sambo go, been getting hammered wayyy too much recently, 3 nosebleeds last week :/ Only a week-end away with 14 mates this w/end and then some time off for good behaviour I think ;) tell ya what I never bothered with the inline in the end!

Kept waiting for the smell to get bad before getting one but the cupboard the tent is in has been draught excluded (black rubber/foam tape all round and the door to the bedroom the cupboard is in has also been treated (white rubber tape shaped like a letter B, the stuff that compresses when the door closes against it. Whilst the room itself stinks a bit no smell is getting out into anywhere else and temps have been spot on so all in all pretty good :)


I'm probably being daft but I'm gonna call bot on B.I.G
Yes guys, a bot as in robot? Shit I must be some seriously sophisticated robot either that or you guys are smoking some serious shit lol, hopefully the latter!
Basically, just need to get back in touch with nature, I miss getting all green fingered up.

So, have been smoking some pretty ski amnesia haze, uk style obviously, none of that fake dried out Dutch.
In fact was very disappointed with my last trip to the dam, I used to have a saying that the Dutch knew how to cure properly and that coffeeshop cured quality was hard to get here but now I would go as far to sAy that if a grow has been done properly inwould prefer tonsmoke the same genetics but from a friend who knows what they are doing.
Even the fresh oz bags in damn, the first couple grams not bad(still too dry) the rest just rubbish really, gets yo blipped etc but the taste ain't there and can be a bit harsh too on throat, whereas something a tad fresher is always nicer.
This amnesia is done to perfection as is dry, fluffy but sticky in middle, burns so thick and heavy and is almost too tasty as it burns it has so mug depth and flavour to smoke, it burns so slow and each taste upto roach just tastes so floral and quite posh tasting, especially compared to mynopposite favourite cheese.
Any decent growers looking to make friends? Need any advice on genetics? I'm quite picky and my one liner is....if your gna grow something grow the best genetics out there! DNA genetics does the damage for a few good reasons.

Cool dudes