the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
you know I'm planning on sending you the crosses I'll have by the end of the year, it's gonna be epic bro. I've been collecting sour kush pollen, the other ones haven't shown themself hardcore yet, but after the seedlings I have going start really rockin and getting into say half gal pots then I'm going to put the light cycle at 15/9 to match what the outdoor season will be when I put them outdoors so they don't get shocked. the sweet god x sour diesel pheno cross is definitely going to happen, I have 4 purple kush seedlings that I could easily hook you up with seeds with, I'm going to be crossing the NL with /something/ but I'm not quite sure what... I also have a sativa strain that is fucking epic, been grown in my area for 20 years.... looks like an indica in leaf structure growth but the buds are small compact with weird sativa crowns , I'll post pics, totally sativa high...

very stoned atm..

lol im very stoned atm too.... im watching the world go to hell from two diffrent views.... CNN, and FOX NEWS.....


Well-Known Member
yeah it's pretty crazy I'm thinking about tenting out my soil just in case we get radiation in the rain hahaha.. if anything tenting out the soil will be like making a greenhouse for it and it might kinda compost or something goood...


Well-Known Member
BAH! I'm so not stoned right now. My guy is dry for the week so taking the edge off with stems again. Gag... World is indeed going to hell though. I mean, AND a volcano erupts? Japan has total shit-for-luck.


Well-Known Member
BAH! I'm so not stoned right now. My guy is dry for the week so taking the edge off with stems again. Gag... World is indeed going to hell though. I mean, AND a volcano erupts? Japan has total shit-for-luck.
lol i know your not smoking stems?????????? however that said.... i have gotten waaaaaaay fucked up cutting up kiefey kush stems and throwing them in the volcano vape..... beleave it or not...


Well-Known Member
lol i know your not smoking stems?????????? however that said.... i have gotten waaaaaaay fucked up cutting up kiefey kush stems and throwing them in the volcano vape..... beleave it or not...

of course I believe that, my fingers got sticky trimmin sour kush whille holding on to nothing but STEM....

you can see the sparckles in the liight...


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, lol. Was going through withdrawal symptoms today, I'm sure it's totally psychological but none-the-less I've been in a pissy mood all day. I don't think I've had a single day where I didn't smoke since like the first week of july, so from that to OUT AND DRY. But I went through all my shake from the first grow and scraped enough together for a bowl of nothing but hairs, lol. And with that....


Well-Known Member
lol has soon has it gets warmer the violence goes up here... could you imagine if it was hot like miami here??? we would have the same murder rate has juarez mexico....,0,5017461.story?track=rss
lol and i love how they do these storys and the main thing they all have in common is the article ends with "the police have noone in custody at the moment" lol i love it....


Well-Known Member
niggaz ant seen each other all winter,you know you gotta let'em know you still out here...
no not that... its not like this is alaska or something.... the city runs full blast in winter too... the dope man is running the dope spot 24/7 come rain,wind,snow, d.e.a. raid, w/e.... and the killing never stops.... its just nutty come summer... chicago is a metropolis just like new york... we have l trains, busses, ect. they run deep into night and all year long.. this city keeps moving


Well-Known Member
its nutty here we have the strictest gun control laws in the nation but illinois has the highest amount of gang members in america, and chicago has the largest amount of murders outta any other american city there is.... and were talking like every year....

and i dont mean murders by population of 100k... im talking just raw str8 real number murders.....


Well-Known Member
its nutty here we have the strictest gun control laws in the nation but illinois has the highest amount of gang members in america, and chicago has the largest amount of murders outta any other american city there is.... and were talking like every year....

and i dont mean murders by population of 100k... im talking just raw str8 real number murders.....

all that shit to the side....... chicago is also home to the best pizza on earth!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
no not that... its not like this is alaska or something.... the city runs full blast in winter too... the dope man is running the dope spot 24/7 come rain,wind,snow, d.e.a. raid, w/e.... and the killing never stops.... its just nutty come summer... chicago is a metropolis just like new york... we have l trains, busses, ect. they run deep into night and all year long.. this city keeps moving
yea i hear that,but hot sun shine,big rims,redbone,and niggaz goin hate..


Well-Known Member
you not lieing there...
and hotdogs too.... i promise you ... go grab you a vienna beef hotdog on a poppy seed bun with sport peppers, tomatoe, onions, mustard, and a pickle and tell me that shit aint fire!!!!!

and dont get me started on the italian beefs with ghardinera booy.... i can feel my cholesteral going up!


Well-Known Member
sup all.

I think I'm gonna go chemical again this grow... I seriously can't afford the bullshit of ridiculously over-priced organics... atleast not this year. gonna try to go mostly organic for veg as I suspect they'll grow faster in veg with organic...