IS the END OF MMJ very near...........OBAMA is back peddling it SEEMS...POST HERE


Well-Known Member
Raiding and not chargeing thats fucked but like you say....cant appeal whats not filed................FUCK.....................alot of money is being gathered in weed and computers and equipment.........that could shut a place down if they dont have a reserve somewhere.....................I dont know and dont have an answer but what got me is the DEA all of a sudden is doing this shit................when oboma said to leave MMJ ppl alone.................IM confused as hell.........Im not in a MMJ state but we are depending on other states to make is so we can bring it up again....................sigh..............No matter how it comeds out I still see this as a set back and make ppl who are against it even more so....................


Well-Known Member
It will lead to an increase in price. Someone will have to pay for that seized material. So I say, fuck it, keep raiding.. keep driving those prices up.

Pot is here to stay. Legal or not. The US has lost the drug war. They will never win it.


Well-Known Member
The main part of the bill that is bullshit is that it must be within a 1000 feet of a church. Fuck the bible bangers. Seperation of Church and State Ring a Bell San Diego City Cuntcil?!!!


Well-Known Member
I hope all the growers that voted against the last prop for MJ in Cali are starting feel the pinch on their wallets and their grows... If an anti MJ campaign gets into swing, you guys are going to wish everyone that wanted had a garden going... Since they don't, that leaves fewer places for the feds to look...

One question I have though is, these raids were conducted in cooperation with local law enforcement. If the dispensary was abiding by the limits and the state law, aren't those law enforcement officers in a conflict of interest? After all, they are paid by state taxpayers, the same ones that voted to allow MMJ in the first place. Seems to me, State law is state law and state law enforcement must not participate in Federal actions without some serious repercussions.

That ordinance will likely be taken to superior court.. good chance of being overturned. It's state law.


Well-Known Member
Obama isn't calling for anything, and while you are entitled to your opinion, let me also share mine with you, as you have done so openly for me.... :finger:
I thought he was calling for democracy? I know for a fact Hillary was. wouldn't that involve our country to? and following the votes of people?


Well-Known Member
Beardo, in all fairness, you are a clown... lol.... let me introduce you to a concept called "context".... ;)

I thought he was calling for democracy? I know for a fact Hillary was. wouldn't that involve our country to? and following the votes of people?


Well-Known Member
Beardo, in all fairness, you are a clown... lol.... let me introduce you to a concept called "context".... ;)
I was only a Clown for a short period of time and that was years ago so I don't see how it is relevant, but fair enough I do admit that I was a clown in dunk tanks when I was a Carnie.. As for context- I get it when it is in regards to destableising the middle east we are all for democracy when it comes to our own domestic policy the govt knows best, you can vote some times on some issues but if you don't vote the right way it might not count

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
It's only a matter of time before they hit my local and state dispensaries in Washington State. The best part? It doesn't matter. We will win. We will get high. We will be ok.


Well-Known Member
I would say that is more of a DEA backed charge in cooperation with local authority, than it is an Obama agenda. Remember, it still is a Federal crime. I think its less that Obama is back peddling and more that he is spineless and is trying to stay clear of controversy in favor of being reelected in 2012. I say good. And in his second term get on his ass about it.. at which point he has the driving force to do so. Think of this turning into a controversy, and he not get reelected, and some neo-con Republican gets elected. Do you think MMJ has a better chance of survival then? I think not. Good day sir.
we thought the same thing with clinton. reefer related arrests increased under his watch. obama won't do shit. he's a politician.


Well-Known Member
hell I been taking my chances for 60 years....................been to jail for alot of things but never pot alone............