a few questions, im 4 weeks into flowering hps


So my three females are 4weeks into flowering under a 150watt hps. Sheets are hung from ceiling to conceal probably 12 square feet in a octogan shape. They were on 24 hour flouro,s. Until about 2 feet out of soil (larger then I wanted. Due to 150 watt already being in use. So I had to wait to finish flowerin). I put them under 150 watt 4 weeks ago and they have grown a foot since flowering. Is this normal? And what about distance from light?And also I'm giving them general amount of tiger bloom, mollases, and gravity flower hardener. Any suggestions on nutes would also be appreciated. But keep in mind low fund. But I was planning on adding fox farm cha ching as well. And any suddgestions on when to harvest? And yes I'm also aware I could Probably find most of these aswers by searchin posts. And answer or sudgestion would b appreciated

Sebastien Blades

Well-Known Member
Bloom enhancers are a waste of your money if money is a problem.. Keep the molasses though. The growth that you have gotten is normal it is called "the stretch". During the first 3 weeks your plants can TRIPLE in size if grown from seed. Try to keep them as close as you can without burning them, put your hand above the canopy.. If it is too hot for your hand it is too hot for your plants.


Active Member
D, they dont call it weed for nothing. Please dont feed into the hype of all the nutes on the market and as far as the molasses its a waste of time unless you are growing "organic".... Molasses does nada for your plant, it is used to feed the microscopic life in your soil. I read your other post and came looking for this one. So are you growing this in your room? if so you have got to get a cabinet just because is much safer. With what you have and if you can invest like $150 more bucks I can have you growing nice buds securely.....


D, they dont call it weed for nothing. Please dont feed into the hype of all the nutes on the market and as far as the molasses its a waste of time unless you are growing "organic".... Molasses does nada for your plant, it is used to feed the microscopic life in your soil. I read your other post and came looking for this one. So are you growing this in your room? if so you have got to get a cabinet just because is much safer. With what you have and if you can invest like $150 more bucks I can have you growing nice buds securely.....
First off thank u. But It is in a bathroom at the moment and on my next grow I plan on building a grow room from pvc, tarp, mylar and some velcro. The thing is all of my equipment I have gotten for free from a family member. But for now I am using a 150 watt hps light , not a grow light but a street style lamp so the bulb is facing down. And money is an issue. So the reason why I want to build and not but the tent is because I need to invest in a ballast and new fixture


Well-Known Member
Bloom enhancers are a waste of your money if money is a problem.. Keep the molasses though. The growth that you have gotten is normal it is called "the stretch". During the first 3 weeks your plants can TRIPLE in size if grown from seed. Try to keep them as close as you can without burning them, put your hand above the canopy.. If it is too hot for your hand it is too hot for your plants.
Yeh my super silver cheese went into flower at 14inches its now 35days into flower and 42 inches tall but its packing on the bud nicely tho ;)


Alright webb107. Thanks a lot. I really wanted to hear more personal experience instead of copy and pasted knowledge. So thanks a lot I appreciate it