Quesion abou a ballast?


Well-Known Member
Hi i was wondering if ic ould cover my ballast in an emergency blanket to keep he heat in?its really hot and my closet is hitting 97degrees.if it was coveredi see a good shift of heat and also would u humidifier help?
if you'd like to start a fire, sure, atleast you would have an emergency blanket to put it out with, lol.. but seriously, its never a good idea to cover a ballast with anything as it will just cause the heat to build up.. try and get a longer chord and see if you can't move the ballast outside of the grow.. that should help some.. just how hot is the ballast getting?
its very hot,like burning to touch

is it a magnetic ballast? new, old?? there is no reason that it should be that hot.. if you have just bought it, i would take it back to the store that you got it from.. i've never had a mag ballast. my first light had a built in ballast, and i just got a new digi ballast, but something doesn't sound right here ...
its big and old

lol.. it sounds like it.. you could always place a fan so that it blows on it to help remove the hot air.. not much else that you can do really other than to start saving up some cash and get yourself a new ballast.. how many watts is the one you've got now?? you can get a decent ballast for not a ton of cash nowadays..
Your asking for a fire. Instead get an extension lamp cable and put your ballast outside your grow area. If its really old and doesnt have the normal sunlight suplly/cap/hydrofarm connections, Then take a 14 gauge extension cord and wire an extension. At least get it next to a window with a screen or further away from your plants
i cant have it out of the grow room do to stealth issues.damn im just gonna have the room open for some ammount of hours each day,going 12-12 from seed as well
i wishj i knew where to get an air condtioner for cheap that would work in there!!!!im broke though too most ic ould get is 20 bucksd
Hi i was wondering if ic ould cover my ballast in an emergency blanket to keep he heat in?its really hot and my closet is hitting 97degrees.if it was coveredi see a good shift of heat and also would u humidifier help?

recipe for a burnt down house bro. I've had em get that hot. My solution was to go with Nextgen digital ballasts. They run cool to the touch! But if you can't afford to upgrade, I'd do what Hoagtech says and put it somewhere outside the grow room. If you can make the grow room stealth, I'm sure you can find a way to mount the ballast somewhere out of site and run a long extension cord to your hood. I use cooltubes and they have a 16ft cord! Hope this helps. I'm actually glad you asked this forum before putting the blanket over the ballast. You'd seriously be running a fire risk and it probably would just warm up the blanket, which over time would warm up the room.
i cant have the ballast out of the room dont have an extension cord and shit,which is fine i just want to kno whow to get a mini air conditoner lol?? and im gonna exhaust into the wall
is it remote capable? move it out of the room (put wires thru walls, SAFELY AND SECURLY IF YOU CAN, and puta high speed fan on it once out of the grow room.
otherwise, try to buy a new ballast and send that one in for service before it kills you and yours.
so put the ballast up on the grow tub the rubbermaid,i think it would burn through honestly!!! I cant do that but i can exhaust the room,i did email the people who sold it to us and asked for a new ballast so idk but until then im using this one is it dangerous?
so put the ballast up on the grow tub the rubbermaid,i think it would burn through honestly!!! I cant do that but i can exhaust the room,i did email the people who sold it to us and asked for a new ballast so idk but until then im using this one is it dangerous?

***PS im using a proxy at work so i cant seperate into paragraphs***if its heating up your closet to 90+ degrees yes its dangerous. Unless you can instal an auscilating fan to pull the heat out, or if you can extend the ballast to a window.. I'd say your Stealth op needs to get shut down until you can get a bit more freedom dude. im assuming you are either a teenant or live with parents, either way a closet on fire while your gone WILL be discovered and you NEED to make the choice man.
the ballast alone isnt the reason my closet is so hot,the bulb gets extremely hot too and puts off most of the heat.and i got it all figured out now the ehat issue is n longer an issue and i dont need stealth beccause the people i live with know about my growing