Donald Trump for Prez


Well-Known Member
he announced it during his roast on comedy central last night. hella funny roast as well. except the situation. that was a situation. :neutral:

"hey Marlee, are you even listening to me?" :clap: :shock:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't vote for him even if he promised to include me in his will. :lol:

"I walked past marlee's dressing room earlier and she was rehearsing her lines, it sounded like someone was clubbing a baby seal"

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
This is the same man that says he can save the country but we have to wait until Celebrity Apprentice is through airing.... cuz that's more important...

Which is similar to Palin and her saving the country but ONLY if nobody else will.


Well-Known Member
I don't know much about this guy outside of his Play Boy image.

Trump never shows up in the important news I read.

Why is trump the choice for 2016?


Well-Known Member
My vote goes to Ron Paul.

Why would we want a greedy billionaire to run our country? All he seems to talk about is trade with other countries (not that thats a bad thing). Its all about money, money, and more money with that guy.