Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Thanks Cof! I gave them a good watering after that with a light dose of Cornucopia Energy, put them in the window sill and they have almost doubled in size since yesterday lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Well after 2 days of back and forth, up and down, mostly down, broken up and not broken up, I am totally fucking drained. Just been trying to get her to be less coldhearted and more sensitive. Westy knows lol....

Not to much going on in the cave today....start potting up for the next run that goes in in a couple of weeks. The seedlings that I took pics of a couple of days ago have easily doubled in size. Gave them a good watering with a light dose of the Energy nutes and they are taking off! I have some room coming up in the Anne Frank Closet in 3 wks for my breeding project so the black rose girl will be getting flipped. How many weeks until the male is ready after he has been flipped? Two?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your probs, HC. I am sure you'll get it sorted one way or another bru. Keep yer chin up, we are here to offer you sensitivity by the bucket loads lad. Peace, DST

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Yeah your right man, I'll get it sorted out...it is at the moment anyways, she is really trying. And Barbie ya know I love ya too ;) just no extra cashola right now and with all of the tightened security a lot of the tricks that I learned from Abby Hoffman's Steal This Book, don't work anymore lol

Goota go get cleaned up, taking my mom and my daughter out to lunch : !)


Well-Known Member
Yeah your right man, I'll get it sorted out...it is at the moment anyways, she is really trying. And Barbie ya know I love ya too ;) just no extra cashola right now and with all of the tightened security a lot of the tricks that I learned from Abby Hoffman's Steal This Book, don't work anymore lol

Goota go get cleaned up, taking my mom and my daughter out to lunch : !)
now there is a real man! taking moms and daughter to breakfast. outstanding!