Reactors abandoned?


Well-Known Member
I don't appreciate their insinuation that this is comparable to drinking coors
Well, at least this wasn't written by a reporter who only wants to sell his story and disaster sells.
This was written by Dr. Josef Oehmen, a research scientist at MIT


Well-Known Member
Check this out, makes sense.


Clearly the doctor knows what he's talking about when it comes to nukes. I do not think he knows what he is talking about with the situation in Japan. He is as much in the dark on that as everyone else is. When he uses phrases like, "This is what looks like happened" and "I am not sure why they", it tells me that he has no exclusive information. He is likely thousands of miles away from the situation.


Well-Known Member
And we will be... I thought the concern was for Japan. Are people in the US actually worried? Why? They aren't there and the amounts they'll be exposed to are minuscule....

Now if people want to say, "Woe is Japan", then YES, you got it, but quit being so concerned for yourself.

Their making it sound bad on the news but I don't think its a big deal. we will all just be eating more radiation than we usually do, most of us should be fine.


Well-Known Member
And we will be... I thought the concern was for Japan. Are people in the US actually worried? Why? They aren't there and the amounts they'll be exposed to are minuscule....

Now if people want to say, "Woe is Japan", then YES, you got it, but quit being so concerned for yourself.
I think beardo spends most of his time under a bridge, if you get my meanin' :)


Well-Known Member
BREAKING NEWS: US scrambles to charter planes to evacuate Americans from Japan!!

At this time, the evacuation is voluntary, but suggested... Over Japanese objections that Tokyo is safe. Meanwhile, the Japanese have resorted to a hail mary that may endanger further life and cause more damage to rods in #4. They are dumping sea water from helo's... if the damaged rods are moved and two touch, all bets are off for any humans within several miles from the plant.

A travel warning is now in effect from the US to it's citizens, affecting all of Japan. US Nuclear experts are becomingly increasingly alarmed over Japan's lack of details regarding the crisis. One US expert even declared it was mad, insane, to consider dumping seawater from helos because it could displace rods in storage.


Well-Known Member
My understanding is that they have abandoned the helo approach. They tried 4 drops, and only 1 hit its mark. Next up: about a dozen water cannon trucks within the next few hours they say.

That Russian jet water-dropper looked interesting.


Well-Known Member
"There is talk of an apocalypse and I think the word is particularly well-chosen. Practically everything is out of control. I cannot exclude the worst in the hours and days to come," Europe's energy commissioner Günther Oettinger said Wednesday


Active Member
Things are looking quite grave, it looks like Japan is on the brink of a nuclear disaster. Does anybody know what is the science behind the rods touching each other, I have not heard about that till now. As for radiation fallout getting to the states, it is highly unlikely, this info is from the press, don't really know who you can trust nowdays. The jetstream is more likely to drop, if any, in eastern tip of Russia, and Alaska. Anybody taking iodine pills should stop for now, because there is a window after taking them, and we are nowhere close on the window yet. My heart goes out for the people of Japan, at these times we must remember they are our brothers and sisters of this world. I can't believe there are people in the press that state "We don't know if we have the financial capabilities to help them", what udder rubbish, it is not about money.

Thanks to everybody for the great info


Active Member
IT IS ALREADY BAD! 1) Hugh earth quake that has killed people and destoyed parts of the island,100's of hugh after shocks that are scaring the shit out off people. 2)tsunami that has killed ? left 100,000's of people without power, water = up shits creek in crap canoe. 3) Nuclear plant is FUBAR people are doing the kamikaze trying to save the island and its people. Shit they are evacuating tokyo.

It's so bad that you almost forget about the earth quake and tsunami's CARNAGE. Poor Japan​