Aussie Growers Thread

:O 500$ is a lot? the light i have been looking at is 200 something then +2 intake exhaust fans + a fan to move air + carbon filter seemed to add up 400$ short of the tent but with the tent u got much more? or am i doing something wrong? xD
Hey WWM i reckon its the little things like good quality---pots, plumbing parts/pieces (my head went that way, and my legs went that way....sorry been years since i wanted to say that (old tv advertisement))...EC/PPM pen or meter. ducting,hydraton, coco, perlite, foil tape, extra nutes and additives, cloning shit, RW, shipping, power boards, bunnings bits and pieces, does add up, but thats the fun, creating that ULTIMATE PALACE for your chosen sluts to flower
Hey Tricka

Yeah i have seen how the prices jump, kinda crossed thoughts, thinking maybe better to get a nice tent and just fork out the extra $$ for the first few grows so i can get the hang of it trail and error, Then later on build a grow heaven that i will appreciate and understand whats going on etc so the build would come out better? Or would you guys really recommend giving it a shot and try building it all, I must admit i am not the smartest person haha I think the 1.2m grow house was 900$ or so with everything included apart from the basic hydro needs which just fits into my budget not sure :( the worst part is i made a deal not to smoke until i grow due to the fact i keep getting rolled well the dealers keep trying to roll me which has started to piss me off which is why i wanted to grow haha but yeah no weed for 1 month so far, tbh i had no withdraw symptoms everyone says they cant sleep and eat etc i was sleeping like a baby and eating like a pig, only thing is i keep dreaming about weed then i wake up and want to sleep more hahahaha. trying to find a decent dealer for 4.20 but dont want to miss out but no way i can get a grow done by then :(

wooo sorry for the big slab.

I like your grow in the tent btw tricka :) very nice going to give it a full read tomorrow, Looks pretty sexy from the pictures.
tru dat.....used to know the man done alota art work for rappers...n i do mean a bunch of verry well known rappers.....tho names id rather not get into............outa simple respect n courtacy ..but another fuckn legend gone.......r.i.p. nate....u were a legend.....u are a legend forever will b a legend.......
Yeah go for it dribbles on for a bit, like this reply lol as i cant seem to get a fucking sprout!

Hahaha but yeah look i only really bought the tent for its put up/takedown feature. Shit theres a few things that i would have done better too---anyway im living in a rental property and as for the piece of mind my tent can be pulled down and set up at another location within 1/2 hour, i doubt that anyone here on RIU has built a grow cab that isnt nailed together. other than that yeah i would of built one my own for sure.

As for you my friend the power of decision can be overwhelming at times, i suggest you write up on a piece of paper and go through all the pro's and con's and then give an explanation to those pro's and cons'....then when ya done forget about it and then read it the next day or onna day when your NOT excited (which may be very hard) about doing your own grow (or when ya'v been payed a shitload...sorta like doing the shopping with the mega munchies---not a real good idea!
by doing so hopefully you can make a clear decision as to want you really want and need for the money outlay, im a tradesman and pull in a very good wage so i can justify going all out (sort of) with my set up, plus i wanted to if you have read my thread.

As for the shady characters you seem to be dealing with....get rid of them....they are no good, bags a weed on em' or not >>>fuckem off!

P.s every one has there own addictive personallities, work with your addiction and you should come out on top. not to say that a few monkeys on ya back arent bad, its just when they bring their whole family with em that ya should start to worry, hey fuck me i had this huge mother fucking silver back gorilla attached to me for a numbers of years back then, but i managed him and now he's gone!

One love
good one tricka.....lolz.. gota b 5 steps ahead..dealt with fuckers like that......gone in a heart beat......simple...cant have dodgy fuckers.hanging about......make u come undone them pricks.....get rid of the disloyal ones...n ones that need to go.........i jus wanted to give a bit of old school adbvice on soon as u rip ur babby get it into boiling water.......shoots the resin to the the plants tryna save em....for a good five mins....hang for around a half hourish start taking of laterals.or u jus got the same shit as a clone..but on a larger scale.u loose potency and taste otherwize..coz the main stem will try take up the nutes n shit from ur me get them laterals off first half it thru my biz partners head today.....thank and a bit more......never re-gen bud if its a bit dryish n crumbly.(not that u should let it get that way cureing is jus as important as harvesting n growing n all the shit in between ..get it wrong u loose potency...)instead use ur a air tight mason jar or storage jar...let it sit for a bit....let the shit equalize thru ur entire u got that nuggy feel to them(like they say cureing with weed is just like fermenting with alchohol...with age when cureing comes quality ....same sorta river there.........and alota fellow growers agree...actually dont fuck ur bud up..if anything enhances it ...especially if ur using another plant to re-gen ur takes on sum of the flavour and charechteristics .of the trim from tha buds the leaf to re-gen comes from....actually enhancing flavour..n so on.....people use anything from citrus(id recomend for that mangoey taste if u aint got no trim leaves)to pattato peels for re-gen..never ever ever use water...thats a no no.........could go on and on about curing but i still gots to do shitloads of aint too in depth.....sorry im helter skelter tonight never ever over dry ur buds.u loose potency....always in a cool room in a dark dry place......anyhow.....thought id add that since i bn discusing cureing all day........wit certain important people to up the old hand today......droppn a female fully done.....sum nice pink strawberry was fun...then the nutes in salt in tha wound....wanker of a thing.....lmao......stung for a touch....then suppose it'd disinfect nutes and sand used to b used to stop bleeding and i guess nutes could in theory sorry bit all over tha place......cultivate the nation my people......
oh forgot to mention....had sum lil bastard snipp around a grand of our buds......but we know em like the back of our hand..our plants laterals and colas ect.........we do have a rather large set up without incriminating myself too security cams tommorow.......n since the dude is a son of a fellow grower and mate......he should count himself lucky he has his kneecaps.....probally thought hey they r 13\15 ft plants.......they wont notice.......motherfucker...sumone owes me a grand...or more.....n the lil fuck caught him checkn the scene scopping it out......but on his da dads property next me words will b had......n we got cams in at every patych now from tommorow onwards.......fuckn lill wankers i tell ya' me...he lucky.....coz we catch him up there in our shit...he wont b walking a while....n never will forget that lesson......n who taught him it.....idk....dudes dad grows go rip off ur dad ........apart from and boy ...had me a wiked ass day today......since i buy so much bulk from my nute \dro shop......n they saw my card(u get a card fill it n get ten percent off anything u buy next purchase) coz we need em in large amounts it if u catch my drift ..but anyhow. running late to tha patch....n as i get exotic clones from one of the peoiple there and the people we talk to are know me lol...anyhow walked in and started getting shit jus thrown at me goodies. canna shirts ,dutch master beanies,growing vids the whole lot.........but idk....i reckon they jus know im a good there a hell of we walked out with a basicly new wardrobe and bunch of free shit.......thats collectors edition cant complain.that was fuckn choice.........hellz yeah
Tents are the best way to grow... They're just set and forget once you create the perfect climate inside which is dead easy.... Enjoy your tents... I bet the pigs are enjoying mine....

I did a loss statement for myself and I lost about 4 grand in equipment, and a whole tent wasn't even being used...They took it anyway... Be aware people... Make the tent as quiet as you can make it..... Use what ever you have to, especially accoustic ducting.... Silencers for fans and super quiet pumps.... :-) Then all will be awesome...
old grow pic...self made crytonite...(we made our own.didnt think there was a krytonite strain..but now there is lol =) lol) it from start to finnish........i gonna have to journal it da nation people.....updates wise.......blaze got a theory i might throw up my mate and i have bn yarning about actually as a side another buisy one guys..........tis the season ant
Oh sorry to hear laceygirl, How can they take it if you dont have anything illegal in it but? This worries me, I am on my last strike so really cant afford to fuk up, but weeds the one thing that can keep me clam and out of trouble it also helps my head problems. I have a fish tank setup in where i would setup the tent which has a pretty loud air pump going.

how did they exactly find out you even had one? like would there be a high chance of getting caught if no one knows about it? all i can think of is someone telling from the house next door but he has guns without a preeminent so i could get him back xD, you would think with all the shit going on in the middle east they could send the pigs over there and they might do something useful for once.
im da same wit my weed....calms me down...........helps me focus........helps with migraines. ect much proper legit uses for medicinal quality weed...pitty shit aint legal........its super fucked up..........i got done seven yrs ago or so...first n hopefully last tym ...long story tho......but want to make sure i dont keep it feel ya www
Hey terrance

Yeah i get awful migraines, cant move or anything just drop and start crying and screaming, had everything the DR could think of nothing worked as well as weed, the main problem was the fact that when it occurs vomiting normal comes also, so tablets dont work because they just come flying back up....the bong would get working in a few seconds, dose not kill the pain but makes it easy to move with, most the time they would last 24 hours + so without weed i don't know what kind of life i would have.

I think for a starter i better pay my fines for riding a bike without a helmet then go and say sorry to the police officer for being an asshole to him, lol when he gave me the fine i said " hmm you must need an early Christmas present" probs not the best on my behalf.

Looking at mufflers and all now more stuff to try learn great :(, Does anyone know how many plants is considered personal use? and what advice would you guys give to keep it on the low?

haha for sure odlaw, ill see ya at my place round about then, its more like 9-10 weeks though, unless wet buds turn you on, then 8 weeks :lol: My white widow is getting the chop in 3-4 weeks cant fucking wait for that one!!!
Hey Guys

has anyone got/used a indoor elements grow tent? any feed back would be lovely highly thinking of buying one.


My tent is from indoor elements, its the 1m x 1m x 1.8m, so far so good. I have a few pics, if you want to click on my link and look, but only of the inside. Im happy with it, but at the same time wish I had more money to pay for a better and bigger one.
keep it small ozgirl.
and simple lol.

stuff getting busted.

hahaha, yeah I tend to get a bit ahead of myself, I dont even have any decent seeds to fill one tent, and I already want more.
Just ordered a couple of feminised laughing buddah seeds from attitude for 2 big outdoor monsters this coming season. Been reading that thread from 04ausername, and already have my brother working with the pick ax out back for the holes, and the partner out fishing for the fish, Gosh its handy having those 2 boys. lol:-P
Hey OZgirl

Nice setup, Did you get the complete package they offer or just the tent?? If so how is the gear that comes with it?

Cant decided on what too do, Thinking of maybe getting a bigger tent later on when i have more experience on my shoulders.

Thanks guys
Hey Man

These are the 2 i have been looking at haha same seller also odlaw recommended the shop so i checked it found these, also the next one up 1.2x1.2x2m one.

Not sure but think I might have to do some more reading etc to get a better idea, crossed thoughts at the moment
