Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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my ex-brother-in-law, who is a life long army guy told me about a problem with cruise missiles...if they miss their target they sometimes return to where they were fired from...so that 757 was actually shot down by us and the first cruise missile that missed returned to the pentagon...you know what is in the center of the pentagon...??
Don't tell me, a cruise missile site,~LOL~. It's pretty camoflaged then as pictures I've seen dont show anything but walkways and plants. Now tell me, where was the wreckage of the 757? I believe if the pentagon doesn't have a few missiles around the area, they are pretty dumb.
moore is an idiot. He warps everything to his own liking. Remember hes in hollywood, everything you see isnt really what is
also why would anyone think that cruide missiles go back to where they are fired from if they miss the target. Thats false. 2 things a missile misses it hits another area, second how many ships were lost during the golf war because of missiles coming back bongspit you can learn more from a newspaper then from what someone tells you.
also why would anyone think that cruide missiles go back to where they are fired from if they miss the target. Thats false. 2 things a missile misses it hits another area, second how many ships were lost during the golf war because of missiles coming back bongspit you can learn more from a newspaper then from what someone tells you.
ok dude...I read 3 newspapers every day...have for probably 40 years now...the person that told me about this problem had been in the military for 29 years....I do not know what happened that day...but neither do you....
OK, now let's suppose that the military fired a cruise missle at the 747 and missed. Let's also suppose the cruise missle went off course and hit the Pentagon.

1. Why would the military cover it up?

2. As Med sez ... what happened to the 747?

Well, Duhhh, we saw the video of the planes hitting the buildings and the second plane we saw live. We are not disputing the fact that planes did hit the building, only that the whole scenario was planned by the black OPS of the Bush Regime. There are too many coincidences happening at the time of the incident to be random, that is basically what the conspiracy "nutjobs" are saying, check them out for yourself and then use reason to apply a decision. It seems highly suspect.
Well, Duhhh, some people dispute the planes ever hit the Towers and especially are inclined to dispute that the plane hit the Pentagon. On many web sites and some videos they talk about "missing plane" and "missing girders". So I offered up a reasonable explanation of these two questions.

As for as conspiracy, on 911, is concerned, I have no real insight to offer. I would speculate that an after action plan was developed and implemented. Whether the government had prior knowledge is any ones guess.

If you want to push the idea of a government involvement, then look at the explosion in Oklahoma City. There are all kinds of finger prints there. McVeigh was just one of many participants.
OK, now let's suppose that the military fired a cruise missle at the 747 and missed. Let's also suppose the cruise missle went off course and hit the Pentagon.

1. Why would the military cover it up?

2. As Med sez ... what happened to the 747?


It was a Boeing 757, model 220 I believe.
you have read a newspaper for 40 years 3 a day and you still use the word Dude and big bubble font
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