A Well Researched 'Newbies' Grow Tent

extreme heaven you mean..reconsider that bro...it is so special and awesome...now Salvia you must respect to the utmost but it has its definite purpose....


i got 2 spare G's of sally that i prob wont ever have again....maybe some different standadised extract maybe
Ooohhh sally has tormented me a few times,sounds like im where ur at tricka,got some sitting here im pretty wary to touch again,last experience was crazy....truman show gives u a small hint.

Dont think im ready for it yet.....
Powerful powerful stuff,im keen to get my hands on some clones and tryin the traditional ingestion method,sposed to be milder and longer lasting.
Who needs comps when you can grow dope,all though now days both come hand in hand.I started by doing round about a year of research on the comp,that was before even putting a plant in the soil.But there is no dought that for a new grower it can rely help alot haveing access to the net.but i only found a few grow dvds that rely helped me in getting good yeild:see more buds,jorge cerventis both in valuble in the growing area.looks like you have a sweet set up and depending on the strain and nutes you use then you should get a fat yeild.kEEP THE LIGHTS CLOSE TO THE PLANT TOPS AND YOU SHOULD BE LOOKING AT A NICE YEILD ADVANCED OR DUTCH CLASSICS HAS NUTES ....Tyke
hey trick, i was thinkin bout orderin up some salvo's,never done em,whats the skinny on that shit,like mushies? or can i transend some fuggin demensions and what not?
Sounds like u dont even know what it is,firstly its not an 'em' its an 'it'.Its a plant - Salvia divinorum & Salvinorun A is one of the strongest natural hallucenogens known.

Its the only entheogen ive tried but i wouldnt recommend it if ur just lookin for shits n giggles,it will transport u,shove the universe in ur face and scare the fuck outta u.
you will be transported to the face of god...and it will seem like eons....you will know that we are nothing...that you are nothing...but that the grass has Conscientiousness....you lose all sense of self and meld into the all....and thats just the begining...you will experience so much that it will take you weeks to process it all.... Have done it around 50 times and am finished there....not recreational at all but very enlightening and in my eyes required...but not fun persay......you will know time doesn't matter and that everything is you as you are it...very profound.....hope you enjoy the journey...and you will be different from who you are now...forever.....all in about 20-30 minutes but there it will seem like thousands of years........

dadadadam! sounds pretty fuckin intense! my luck they'd find my narrow ass hidin' in the bush's all naked and wide eyed with war paint smeared all over my shit! sounds like my kinda party bro!
you will be transported to the face of god...and it will seem like eons....you will know that we are nothing...that you are nothing...but that the grass has Conscientiousness....you lose all sense of self and meld into the all....and thats just the begining...you will experience so much that it will take you weeks to process it all.... Have done it around 50 times and am finished there....not recreational at all but very enlightening and in my eyes required...but not fun persay......you will know time doesn't matter and that everything is you as you are it...very profound.....hope you enjoy the journey...and you will be different from who you are now...forever.....all in about 20-30 minutes but there it will seem like thousands of years........


Sorry to jack ur thread trick and feel free to crack the whip :)

But to Illumination,ive done it 5-6 times & the last time i felt i had brief contact with some 'entity' who was enticing me to join or follow it,but i had to leave my body,it was just my mind that was allowed & my body was to stay.
When my conscious mind/body refused this it seemed that it made this 'entity' slightly mad,it was like it said 'ok u dont wanna see what i can offer than this is what i can fukin do'.
Thats when i fought it and i was totally convinced i was not real,my house was not real,my family never existed,my reality itself was not real.Still not even totally convinced this life is real.Scary.

Oh im drunk now too...
ooool yeah the powers of sally....or indeed any psychedelic must be treated with the utmost respect, if you wish for the doors to open to a new and untapped universe, then you must proceed with steadiness and caution, may i suggest you knock first, then turn the handle. kicking the fucker in doesnt always get you to the place you so desire?

because this life is the illusion...you are in the true reality there....I was asked by god for lack of a better word if I was ready to be with him or to stay in the killing fields ...I told him that was his decision not mine and back here I came and I am confident right now that I made the only correct choice ...we are nothing and everything at the same time....but that's for another day ...

I am very high/stoned..but then again I always am

dadadadam! sounds pretty fuckin intense! my luck they'd find my narrow ass hidin' in the bush's all naked and wide eyed with war paint smeared all over my shit! sounds like my kinda party bro!
hahaha yeah , welly, welly, welly hows my man! you fucking Americans keeping me up at night with your time delay shit, hahahaha!
Sup mate? C'mon there's always a little psychonaut in all of us, even if it is that ya say that you like the feeling just before ya faint, you know that O' oh'......shits about to go down feeling.
hey bro, yea who am i foolin' transendin' demensions,i cant even figure out how to use my frequent flyer miles for christ sake!
because this life is the illusion...you are in the true reality there....I was asked by god for lack of a better word if I was ready to be with him or to stay in the killing fields ...I told him that was his decision not mine and back here I came and I am confident right now that I made the only correct choice ...we are nothing and everything at the same time....but that's for another day ...

I am very high/stoned..but then again I always am

I'm glad to hear you have travelled safely Lume's. a place reached and comfortably returned is always a changing experience ;)

.............one day we will truely Namaste!

you are all fuckin trippin lol :P
Hahaha......All aboard' :P
Apparently our ever insightful and suppressive government has been trying to outlaw the sale,production etc. of any of our native plants which may contain any entheogenic properties.

(Of which there are many),e.g Acacia madenii which contains a high extractable amount of DMT and is reasonably common - Black Wattle is 1 of its' common names,also called Dreamtime by some indigenous tribes...............make up ur own minds there...
Apparently our ever insightful and suppressive government has been trying to outlaw the sale,production etc. of any of our native plants which may contain any entheogenic properties.

(Of which there are many),e.g Acacia madenii which contains a high extractable amount of DMT and is reasonably common - Black Wattle is 1 of its' common names,also called Dreamtime by some indigenous tribes...............make up ur own minds there...
Apparently our ever insightful and suppressive government has been trying to outlaw the sale,production etc. of any of our native plants which may contain any entheogenic properties.

(Of which there are many),e.g Acacia madenii which contains a high extractable amount of DMT and is reasonably common - Black Wattle is 1 of its' common names,also called Dreamtime by some indigenous tribes...............make up ur own minds there...

exactly....dont get me started on the goverment!
hey BB im reading a great book at the moment by Daniel Pinchbeck very interesting,,,, maybe we all should hook up and go to the next 'Burning Man' ;)
and heres two by A + A. Shulgin
sorry that was a bit blury but its breaking open the head-a psychedelic journey into the heart of contempory shamanism
