cut fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
Why are you bringing side lighting into this? Read the OP.... Let's keep it focused on that. I'm tired of writing complete essays on why it's fine to prune and remove leaves from marijuana plants. It's called cultivating. humans have been doing it for centuries. Along the way we have learned a lot about the botany world. We now have scientists that cross breeds to increase yields. We have new cultivation techniques to increase harvests.

To sit at a keyboard and state that removing a leaf from a weed will kill it, harm it, or force it to change sex is ludicrous. There have been plenty of grow journals that demonstrate that removing fan leaves and pruning out weaker branches increases your yield. It really isn't rocket science. I've grown both ways.... leaving an Indica plant alone under an indoor light will create a bush with a minimal yield. I can take that same plant and more than double it's yield by selectively pruning out weaker growth and leaves that block light to my lower portions of the plant. This would also explain why growers with more experience yield more from the same strain with each grow... I hope it's because they learn as they go.

Back to your hypothetical, no, I don't think so. How will depriving the plant of overhead light still allow it to form strong topial stems? they would end up bending for the light most likely...

Say u have an indoor grow with strictly side lighting only,are u saying u wouldn't have the classic shaped plants with a couple prominent main colas?

I have grown indoors BTW,im not talkin about SCROGing either coz thats a whole different kettle of fish.


Well-Known Member
Do you even bother to read or look into opiniions that differ from yours? I make it a habit to. Your argument is weak. Your making claims that the plant needs every leaf doesn't make any sense. We aren't growing under the sun. We are not growing in the plants natural environment. try running a SCROG and not taking off any leaves.... lol

The plant is plenty capable of producing energy. Did you know that the plant has t use energy to keep those huge fan leaves alive? They also mean higher humidity, and less water for the top of the plant. Rather than repeating that same ol mantra in every fan leaf thread, try to actually do it yourself. I've left my plants alone before, they not only looked like shit, they got powdery mildew and a shit load of popcorn buds. I'm not in this hobby to raise leaves, are you?
people can do what they want i am not trying to make them do different i am just letting them know you should leave the fan leafs on.
so im not gonna sit here and argue with you cuz that really seems to be what you want to do.
so ill say it again DONT CUT LEAFS they are better off being left alone, unless like said in a scrog.
more leaf = more bud.
peace have fun arguing by your self


Well-Known Member
The thing is, you never substantiate your point of view on this topic... You make claims that leaving the leaf alone is better, better than what? restricting airflow? promoting mold, high humidity. why exactly do you advocate leaving leaves on a plant grown indoors under artificial light, when so many others have discovered through experience, such as myself, that you can increase yields by pruning plants. I can say that i know this from personal experience. I have grown both ways. You can't say that, because you haven't offered any substantial reason not to prune or remove leaves, other than saying "it's better". That is hardly scientific my friend.

If more leaf = more bud, why isn't that played out in a Scrog or LST setting? Why are plants that are defoliated grow to produce 4-5 ounces indoors? When you can offer up satisfactory answers to questions like these, I'll be happy to listen to what you have to say; however as it stands now, you are simply repeating what you have read on the forums.

And I would hardly call this an argument. I'm merely offering a differing opinion and backing it up with personal experience. If you feel that opposing views are arguments, perhaps you shouldn't share yours? ;)

people can do what they want i am not trying to make them do different i am just letting them know you should leave the fan leafs on.
so im not gonna sit here and argue with you cuz that really seems to be what you want to do.
so ill say it again DONT CUT LEAFS they are better off being left alone, unless like said in a scrog.
more leaf = more bud.
peace have fun arguing by your self


Well-Known Member
wow this was a good thread lol
but thanks guys you all helped out a lot
i was wondering what was good branches to use for cloning?
people tell me to use 6inch branches
what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
You'll want to take cuttings from the bottom of the plant, that have at least a tip and two nodes.

wow this was a good thread lol
but thanks guys you all helped out a lot
i was wondering what was good branches to use for cloning?
people tell me to use 6inch branches
what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
ok so im not to be expecting any kind of buds towards the botttom of the plant?
first time here so bear with me im in learning stage lol


Well-Known Member
Not way off.... LOL

6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2Carbon dioxide + Water + Light energy → Glucose + Oxygen
