Gotta love portillo's. Best food chain. Ever.I usually just chew the shrooms up but if i have a lot and a few people wanna do them w/ me I'll just make tea out of a half ounce and then split it up between 4 people. One way that I've only done once but it was perfect was dipping them in nacho cheese. I live in Chicago so I had gotten some cheese fries at Portillo's and they have the cheese in a little container all melted for dipping. My friend just started dipping the shrooms into the cheese and feeding them to me.
I dunno if anyone posted it yet, but I've heard "citrus potentates the pscilocybin"...and, I've always taken them with a shot of orange or lemon juice. Try that out
I like cranberry too
Shit, no time to research, girlfriends birthday is today.
Google it, trust me...I know other people have said it before too.
Heres all the info on that straight from some very experienced guys
The Lemon Experience... [now a community experiment - please contribute] - The Psychedelic Experience - Shroomery Message Board
ah the shroomery, i am definitely going to try this. Gonna go out and get some lemon juice tomorrow. Still got some shrooms left too.
thanks 4 postin nsw
u know i did not think of that attocchi, i was thinkin that maybe because it somehow extracted the psylociblin. In that kids trip report that did it he said that it hit him so fast and was over within a few hours. I thought it was extracted faster in the lemon juice and sense he took a shot of the juice and the shrooms it extracted and absorbed much faster. but yea it is definitely worth looking into, too bad my mush flushes are over i guess i will have to wait until next time.The lemons may have made the psylocyben form a stronger compound. I think when you add hydracloric acid to morphine it changes the morphine to morphine HCL. So, what would the citric acid make the psylociben? Psylociben citrate(just an example, not saying if you add citric acid it will form a citrate, I don't even know if that is the proper term).
Sound like something I might try out in the future.