

I have mites really bad whats the best way to get rid of them? Do they live in soil? I have been reusing it. Also, do bombs work? Help please.


Rebel From The North
bombs do work, though azamax or azatrol can be put in the water to kill stuff in the soil and can be sprayed to kill the above dirt mites, this
prosses will take some time, but does work


Active Member
yep sprays and soil drench are your best bet. if you are in veg or early flower, a bomb can knock down large populations. followed by regular spraying you will get rid of them, you just have to be vigilant. dont recycle any more soil until you are sure the pests are gone. remember temperature and humidity effect their reproductive rate, time your spraying to catch them before lay after they hatch.


Well-Known Member
Look for pyrethrin. Its not legal in all states but its the main ingredient in Doktor doom fog and Purge III fogger. They say you can use it up to one day before harvest, but I wouldnt harvest it 5 days at least. Also one might not do it. If you buy a glad scent mister. You can attach a can of purge III to it and it will dispense small sprays every 15 mintues. 3 days should do it you go this route.


Thanks, everyone. I'm gonna get some azatrol. Seems to be what you all and my freinds suggest. When it arrives how often do I use it? and how? Also, DoI use the same doseage for watering and spraying?


Rebel From The North
on the bottle there will be direction for water aplications and spray
just use there mixtures they say to


Well-Known Member
Be sure 100% they are mites. Dont wanna treat for mites and they are thrips lol. would suck
most chems would treat both but some wont.


I have used neem oil with good success. Smells odd though (burnt peanut butter maybe?), but it is safe to use. Usually 1 treatment with it works for me if I get the undersides of the leaves while spraying.


Well-Known Member
Ive used sprays containing chrysanthemum flower extract or whatever, its a miracle in a bottle lol.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
al b fuct recomended abamectin for spider mites i bought some but boy its EXPENSIVE 160 buks for a quart but it only takes like 5 drops in a pint spray bottle for the right mixture i use this in conjunction w/neem oil one week poison one week neem oil either way make sure you follow the mixing directions as items like these can hurt your girls. when i bought the abamectin i didnt have an eyedropper so i just eyeballed it.bad move very bad move damn near killed my babies.
bombs work ok too. the spray purge lll someone mentioned earlier is some pretty badass stuff too. i wouldn't use any of these things if more than 4 weeks into flowering tho. just my opinion but to me its not worth it getcha some lady bugs or other mite predators in that case. roll a fatty and watch em hunt the little fuckers!
good luck
btw reusing soil is never a good idea indoors imo


Well-Known Member
I have mites really bad whats the best way to get rid of them? Do they live in soil? I have been reusing it. Also, do bombs work? Help please.
I spray mites at work with FORBID and you might have to take them outside to apply it.
I also use Horticultural Oil used on mite the young ones.
Apply every week.
One thing I hear in the trade (I'm in Plant Health Care), is that there will soon be a systemic drench miticide that would solve all your problems.No spraying:)
Right now nothing like that is available here in the US

Hope this helps:)


Well-Known Member
spider mites/thrips/gnats all the same azamax or azatrol will kill the shit out of it
Understood, but he may get something else, and im telling him to verify the label.
For example, i cant get those around here, at all. He may not either.
Make sure what it is, then verify what he has available will work. Sound advice for anyone.


Well-Known Member
Understood, but he may get something else, and im telling him to verify the label.
For example, i cant get those around here, at all. He may not either.
Make sure what it is, then verify what he has available will work. Sound advice for anyone.
Found this on the web. I'm very interested in trying it . I like the fact that it works on mites (arachnids) and insects that need a different active ingredient to kill the pest. This shit seems to do it all. Link below


Well-Known Member
Don't think it's been said but you should use a No Pest strip, I got mine at Home Depot for $6.71. What I did was a complete 24 hour shut down of my flower room. I put my No Pest strip in there while the ventilation and lights were off for 24 hours, it completely destroyed all adult bugs. Now I slip it in there for an hour or 2 in each tent every few days to kill anything that hatches (during lights off) but it seems to be working. I also spray my veg tent with Azatrol while the lights are off, just make sure to keep that away from flowering plants.

Good luck, you need to stay on top of it or they will come back fast, I believe it takes about 5 days for one female to produce 500, they will quickly take over your plants, especially the strains with less resistance to bugs
