Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

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It will soon.

In Kalifornia.

No Federal bailout, though.

Sorry 'bout that.

johny keeps ignoring the truth:

multinationals are nothing more than ways to funnel the money of many into the hands of a few.

10 people in the room. 1 has a billion dollars. 9 have nothing. on average we have 10 multi-millionaires. on paper everybody's rich.

in reality.....................................................................................
johny keeps ignoring the truth:

multinationals are nothing more than ways to funnel the money of many into the hands of a few.

10 people in the room. 1 has a billion dollars. 9 have nothing. on average we have 10 multi-millionaires. on paper everybody's rich.

in reality.....................................................................................

Now now.. The nine can eat the left over pastries when the meeting is over and the multi's leave.

If any of the politicians cared about America they would stop spending, and raise tariffs to even out the labor costs in the 3rd world. Left and Right. Bunch of douches the whole lot.

I thought the debt is needed to be increased to save us.
The cut in spending proposed isn't to lower debt it's to take away benefits from the people.
With the USA charging 2 Billion dollars a month on the Wars and what Nine years of debt for the wars? We will have to start paying for that but the Multinational Corporations have been making Bank!
johny keeps ignoring the truth:

multinationals are nothing more than ways to funnel the money of many into the hands of a few.

10 people in the room. 1 has a billion dollars. 9 have nothing. on average we have 10 multi-millionaires. on paper everybody's rich.

in reality.....................................................................................

I do well enough on their cast-offs.

Oh my Lord!

Now now.. The nine can eat the left over pastries when the meeting is over and the multi's leave.


Trickle-down economics works after all!

For the swiftest.

For the craftiest.

For the Free Martket-iest. :razz:

I thought the debt is needed to be increased to save us.
The cut in spending proposed isn't to lower debt it's to take away benefits from the people.
With the USA charging 2 Billion dollars a month on the Wars and what Nine years of debt for the wars? We will have to start paying for that but the Multinational Corporations have been making Bank!
How about this Ersnt?

Go after the spending first, then worry about the debt.

Surely we could agree on that.

How about this Ersnt?

Go after the spending first, then worry about the debt.

Surely we could agree on that.


i'm not ernst, but i disagree.

let's focus on the revenue first, then worry about the debt.

let's level the playing field by making sure the corporations who report profits in excess of 50,000 times my yearly wage pay at the same or higher percentage that i do.

hell, if i could afford the $2k or more i pay on my near-poverty level wages surely GE can afford more than $0.

now go cry 'class warfare', johnnyo.

i won't be surprised.
Only at the Government employee unions.


I am laughing all the way to the bank.


my sister in law just got home an hour ago. a 14 hour day.

her teaching wage doesn't go too far in downtown la. in fact, 46K a year is PITTANCE when put up against the cost of living there.

the public teacher unions here in portland just bargained themselves a ZERO cost of living increase, just the same as 3 out of the last 4 years. someone please STOP THESE THUGS!

their declining earnings (against the cost of inflation) will surely bankrupt us all!


be afraid. the teachers are STEALING your livelihood, johnny!
Somehow I don't think more revenue aka taxes is going to happen anytime soon UB. The economy is in shambles and our spending is out of control. Giving them more money will not fix the inherent problem of overspending. Stealing from Peter to pay Paul benefits nobody.
seriously johnny, your indignance at those who dare to teach our kids is alarming.

it is almost as shocking as your assertion that we are in a war with islam.

not the type of thing i'd expect from a guy who has brains enough to realize that equality extends to everyone, gays and women included.

oh, except for a reasonable statute of limitations in regards to pay discrimination against women. FUCK those dumb bitches for not figuring it out earlier.:dunce:
Somehow I don't think more revenue aka taxes is going to happen anytime soon UB. The economy is in shambles and our spending is out of control. Giving them more money will not fix the inherent problem of overspending. Stealing from Peter to pay Paul benefits nobody.

bad analogy, dude.

"stealing" from peter to pay paul is not what happens here.

tax revenue collected goes into things that benefit peter AND paul.

now, besides the miltary, name a few ways in which spending is "out of control".

you proclaim it to be so, as it is one of the current most overused phrases by mindless drones on the right, so tell me what needs to be cut. tell me what is unsustainable.

i'm waiting.
If teachers and other public union workers are taking a pay cut, are the elected officials also taking pay/benefits/pension cuts?

i'm not sure whether elected officials here in oregon are also take a pay freeze.

all i know is that the EVIL, GREEDY, public employee union THUGS just bargained themselves ZERO extra pay, not even cost of living.

my sister in law just got home an hour ago. a 14 hour day.

her teaching wage doesn't go too far in downtown la. in fact, 46K a year is PITTANCE when put up against the cost of living there.

the public teacher unions here in portland just bargained themselves a ZERO cost of living increase, just the same as 3 out of the last 4 years. someone please STOP THESE THUGS!

their declining earnings (against the cost of inflation) will surely bankrupt us all!


be afraid. the teachers are STEALING your livelihood, johnny!
If it's as bad as all that, they should be on the lookout for a new line of work.



It's obvious we are no longer at war with Islam.

The election of the Manchurian Candidate (quotes removed intentionally) ensured that.
You do know some areas of California the minimum wage is $20 an hour?

I guess the sky will fall now.

How much does it cost to buy a meal there? How much is a gallon of milk? The minimum wage might be higher, but so is everything else to make up for it. Also, it punishes those who worked their lives to make 50-75k a year. By raising the minimum wage to $20 an hour you effectively erase years of improvement for those people. Not to mention a high minimum wage like that would just make it so no business would ever move there. Where is it $20 dollar an hour at? I couldn't find it looking online. I see a lot of them just under $10. Are you sure you aren't confusing minimum and median?
johny keeps ignoring the truth:

multinationals are nothing more than ways to funnel the money of many into the hands of a few.

10 people in the room. 1 has a billion dollars. 9 have nothing. on average we have 10 multi-millionaires. on paper everybody's rich.

in reality.....................................................................................

Are you saying we have 10% billionaires in the country? In reality those other 9 have nothing because they sit on the couch watching reality shows and never try to move to the next level. There are few people in the country who could not move to the next level if they really tried.

What holds people back in America? Lack of motivation and Lack of need. If you live and get by, you don't NEED to move to the next level. You lack the motivation to move to the next level because it takes too much work that isn't necessary to live. Most people won't stop and pick up a penny, a lot of people wouldn't chase a 1 dollar bill that was blowing in the wind, most people would take off after a 100. If there was a suitcase full of hundreds there would be few people who didn't bend down and pick it up. Why? In America we are at a unprecedented level of prosperity. When in history were poor people fat, lazy, and pretty much free to do whatever they wanted? Hell, even the hobos holding signs up that say 'hungry, please help' are fat in America half the time, and they never look like Somalians.
I thought the debt is needed to be increased to save us.
The cut in spending proposed isn't to lower debt it's to take away benefits from the people.
With the USA charging 2 Billion dollars a month on the Wars and what Nine years of debt for the wars? We will have to start paying for that but the Multinational Corporations have been making Bank!
Temporary debt could help to fix a temporary problem, if you pay it back. Going into debt year after year because of a permanent problem is a downward spiral. Raising Tariffs against countries who sell things much cheaper than American companies can would fix the issue. 1) More manufacturing in America because the costs would be the same. 2) More money stays in America. 3) Increase in tax revenues without increasing rates. 4) Less unemployment as manufacturers increase production locally since foreign goods are no longer cheaper.

The only negative aspect would be it would lower the standards of living somewhat. 42" flat screens wouldn't cost 400 bucks anymore, they would be 600. Things of that nature. Food prices would go up a little, but we grow more food than we eat here, so that would be very small. That, and China would be really pissed off.

You are tying two things together that have nothing to do with each other. Invading Iraq was the Republican and Democrats together. Neither side seems to care about spending all that money. A vast majority of corporations would not benefit from a war, they did not start the war, and are not responsible for the war.

My standing is we should not have went to war, we should not be at war, we should just walk away. Tell the rest of the world if they don't like something, fix it themselves.

I do well enough on their cast-offs.

Oh my Lord!


Trickle-down economics works after all!

For the swiftest.

For the craftiest.

For the Free Martket-iest. :razz:

How about this Ersnt?

Go after the spending first, then worry about the debt.

Surely we could agree on that.


I bet billionaires eat much better pastries than us.
mmm pastries. I like the Mexican sweet bread with frosting on them. I remember waking up in the morning while I was in Mexico and wandering down the street to the nearest shop (2 doors down) and buying donuts(sweet bread, still warm). Then on the way back people on the bikes selling stuff would hit me up. You can sit outside your door in Mexico and eat a buffet all day long for a few dollars. I think they were the best donuts I ever had to be honest, freshly baked each morning.
Just wondering are the unions going broke, can't they afford to bus in and pay the protestors. Now they are bring in children are theygoing to pay them too? Is this the best they can do? Thought they were the ones with child labor laws. Fuck the unions
Just wondering are the unions going broke, can't they afford to bus in and pay the protestors. Now they are bring in children are theygoing to pay them too? Is this the best they can do? Thought they were the ones with child labor laws. Fuck the unions

The Koch brothers pay their protesters. Union folks volunteer. I know I know, that's a difficult concept for you to wrap your head around. People actually doing things that aren't motivated by money or greed. Protesting isn't a job (which you well know but thanks for the THINK OF THE CHILDREN!! rehash) so no child labor laws were broken.