Can Anyone Help Me Understand The 5th DImension?


Well-Known Member
i under stand the 2nd dimension is shape and the 3rd is space and 4th is time but beyond that i have no clue what is the 5th dimension


Active Member
Its hard to wrap your mind around, l know...but then again, we're only made to perceive 3 so its understandable lol we can only see lower dimensions, not upper (from a scientific standpoint anyway)

The 5th dimension, would be where "god" would reside. Try this...

Get a piece of paper. Now draw a stick man, with two stick men beside him. Now draw a circle around the man in the middle. This circle, as far as the stick man is concerned, is his jail. On his 2 dimensional plane, theres north, south, east, and west...he has no concept of "up". But you, in the higher dimension, you see this in its entirety; so all you would have to do is pick the stick man "up" off the paper, move him over, and set him back into his reality. To you, this was childs play, but to the stick men, their friend had disappeared into the next dimension, and reappeared outside of his cell magically. To the lower 2D beings, you are "god". Make any more sense?


Well-Known Member
take that men in black marble and go for infinity, talk about mind blowing.

ive wondered about this since iwas a child.

if we are molocules, and molocules is what makes SUbstance (time/plane/existance/concience ect)... then why cant it be this way?

molocules or Universes make up the building blocks of what we know as life. so inside of us, their are quadzillions of molocules, each its onw EXISTANT universe in and of itself. those are what me us up, and we are what makes up those beings in the higher planes of existance that are just to large and grand for us to see. as we can only see our universe, which is only a molocule in the next largest plane of existance, or the 5th demension if you will.

at some point, their must be the SMALLEST molocule which would be a singular, sole entity (god if you will) and from that each of the successive Molocule/Universes grows, and build upon the next larger plane.

in this theory, we could be in the 100th demension when compared to the original singular molecule, but we may only be the 100th demension out of a billion demensions and growing multi commenalities that we gingerly call life, but above and below our own plane of existance. whatever demension it truely is we are on, the 1st of the 1,000,000,000,000th.


Well-Known Member
so would the 5th dimension be the universe as a whole but then what is in the 5th dimension could it also be space-time the combination of space and time as one im terribly confused


Well-Known Member
if there is a 5th higher dimension then there would be no reference to point within our 3 dimensional reality to describe it. it would be as impossible as explaining what left and right meant to someone who cannot see you.
to get any idea about it you have to look down thru the dimensions i suggest watching "Flatland" its an animated movie that explores the ideas and brings up some good points


Well-Known Member
ok so in order to go from 2D to 3D we must be able to go up and in order to from 3D to go to 4D we must be able to go back and forth threw time but what is need to go from 4D to 5D. Still havent checked that movie out but hopefully ill help


Well-Known Member
if you were living in 2d world you would have no comprehension what up was it wouldnt exist as a direction north, south, east, west would be the extent of your reality so looking up to a 3d world would be as unimaginable as it is for us to look up to a 5d world its only when you look down when the that differences become clear


Well-Known Member
so its impossible to kno the 5th demension
some time i feel we are not in the 3rd demension but in a higher dimension


Well-Known Member
wait i think i got it could the 5th dimension just be a parallel universe
it would have to be a parallel reality/ universe as the extra dimension cannot be shown within 3d space

...wormholes, and black holes...
wormholes, and black holes and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things!



Well-Known Member
"it would have to be a parallel reality/ universe as the extra dimension cannot be shown within 3d space" not quite following you